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  1. #1
    Melee Summoner
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    Just have to get it off my chest to the community...

    Sorry for the mini rant, but I just had an infuriating experience in Qarn the other day. Finishing up my last job to 50 (SCH). I have a good amount of healing experience from WHM obviously, so the dungeon is pretty much a breeze for me to heal through.

    I get this "Paladin" who is terrible, no defense buffs, takes hits worse than the Bard (in fact I liked when the Bard took hate because then I could actually take time to get buffs up again on people instead of having to babysit the terrible tank).

    Get to the first boss, and low and behold the Paladin drops to the very first doom. I quick cast a raise and we get back in to the swing of things and then the Black Mage and the Paladin drop to the second doom. No quick cast this time, I am hoping the Bard can kite the boss while I get tank up, no such luck, bees spawn and come at me, I keep trying to stop and get a raise off, but it's not happening, so we wipe.

    On the way back to the fight the mage asks me why I did not "rise." I asked them if they wanted the truth to which they responded with yes. I pointed out that the Paladin takes hit like paper and requires constant baby sitting, that they both failed to avoid doom, the Paladin twice, and I burned my quick cast on raising the Paladin the first time he died. Then the Paladin gets butt hurt and claims his gear is fine and he completed this dungeon the other day. I never mentioned his gear, which was terrible for the record, but it was mostly his lack of defensive buff use and failure to remove doom from himself that made it happen. I have gotten through dungeons with paper tanks before with no deaths, it just comes common place in DF.

    Then the guy goes off about how it was because I wasn't healing him that he died, and blah, blah, blah. This is a guy with just a 50 Black Mage, but should know basic dungeon mechanics at this point. Argument continues until I finally get vote kicked for harassing (thank all that is holy and good as I got to queue back up with a real tank).

    This got me to thinking...the lack of a real reputation system in this game is disappointing. Maybe it is because I come from FFXI in which your skill and attitude followed you everywhere. It just gets so frustrating to know that these "bads" get to just run off being horrendous and not accepting their own short comings with no repercussions anymore. I feel like this is why DF is a nightmare, there is no incentive to learn your roll and get better, just hope the rest of the group can carry you.

    Ok end of rant, feel better putting that all into words to people who play and experience this game with me.

  2. #2
    But I don't want my title changed
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  3. #3
    D. Ring
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    We do have random complaint thread for exactly this... please use it in the future!

  4. #4
    Melee Summoner
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    Sorry, I thought that was complaints about the game itself, if you want to delete this, I will just post the comment there.

  5. #5
    D. Ring
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    or the random fail thread! It's a bit of a tossup what's more appropriate here, lol

    Qarn, man. The dungeon that identifies the scrubs like a shining beacon.

  6. #6

    Yes, Qarn is like...the hardest dungeon in the game for some reason. Guess it's because no one does it.

    Can't beat this tank I once had though. (also in Qarn) All he did was cast Flash once and DPS one mob. Obviously he lost hate and the mobs started attacking the real DPS. Healer heals DPS, mobs attack healer, he is still DPSing the same mob. Healer dies, we wipe in short order (on trash mobs BTW) Rinse and repeat about three times.

    So I'm like (Flash)(Do you have it?)(Please use it.) and he is like (Gotta go, have things to do!) and disbands.

    Best of all, he was Japanese. (it was an all JP party)