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  1. #1
    Relic Shield
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    Old League of Legends Thread

    Tonko Edit: List of BG LoL players
    Tonko - WolferDerp
    SilverBreeze - PrincessPeach
    Nama - Nama
    Bebopaloo - Captain Derp
    Arvin - Arvlol
    Vandole - Bandole
    Minardii - Minardii
    Meian - Torenia
    Qeomash - Qeomash
    Tyrath - Tyrath275
    Jinn - Jinnulla
    Dantrag - Dantragk
    Jintu - Jintuvi
    Solsirt - solsirt
    Serif - Health Nut
    Djghost454 - UnnamedBeast
    deshende - deshende
    Penthesilea - OskarsBartulis
    BlackMoomba - BlackMoomba
    Pabst - Nerdy cap

    Fallyn - FallenXI

    Been playing this game since HoN stopped working for me. I actually find it a lot better than HoN (not to flame). Level system is pretty cool same with rotating usable "free" heroes weekly adds a bit of variety instead of the same fucker using the same cheap fucking hero 24/7 (You can buy heroes for points so you can use them any time... You get points from playing or you can buy points but its not required at all and it doesn't unbalance the game at all). So does anyone else play this actively?

  2. #2
    Melee Summoner
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    I downloaded it on a whim last week, and I'm really enjoying it. I played DotA a couple dozen or so times over the years and liked it, but definitely never got to the point of being anything more than a scrub.

    From the eyes of a DotA noob, I think League is a great game. The store is so much easier to navigate, and the recommendations really get me to experiment beyond the basics. Likewise, the heroes (at least the ones available so far) don't seem as complex or numerous. I'm sure it'll get to that point, but unlike DotA, it's not all available up front, and therefore isn't quite as daunting. That's a good thing for a noob. I also love the consistent rewards, be it through talent points or currency to buy runes/additional heroes. I think persistent rewards add quite a bit to the longevity of a game.

    Just like DotA, I think this'll be something that captures my attention infrequently. For whatever reason, these sorts of games are the few I get anxious about my performance in. MMO, FPS? Don't care. But these I feel like I'm really letting the team down by not knowing my stuff very well, which is a sort of vicious circle, as I end up stopping.

    If you wanna play with a player that's still learning, my tag's ZombieGoast.

  3. #3
    Salvage Bans
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    I've been playing this since closed beta and I have a lvl30 account, but it sucks now because everyone is an arranged team of 5 and I rarely get fair matches. When I got to lvl30 I was at about 80% win, now I'm floating around 65-70%. They plan to separate solo queue and team queues but it's taking them a long fucking time to do it. It's also pretty boring playing the same map over and over again, since the other map is only available for practice games. Overall, it's fun and much easier to get into than DOTA/HON, but it's a lot better if you play with friends since matchmaking is so random. They're also releasing new heroes about every 2 weeks so there's a lot of updates.

    My account name is Hitoshura if any level 25+s want to add me, I rarely play nowadays so you'll have to PM me.

  4. #4

    I also play, a lot actually. HON never appealed to me and from the looks of it, seemed like there is a bit of a balancing issue. I might be wrong though. Username is arvlol if you guys want to add me and I'm only summoner level 21ish but I think I'm pretty damn good at it.

    I love trying out new champions each time they reset but my normal(best at) ones are Karthus, Zilean, Blitzcrank and sometimes I play Twitch but I feel like a piece of crap playing as him.

  5. #5
    Salvage Bans
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    I i been play league alot lately, lv29 now usually play Annie, Kayle or Tristana but been trying fiddlesticks lately since crowstorm is so rape. I'm usually on every morning for a game, my account name is Nama is anyone wants to play. Be cool to get some premade teams going since solo queuing at 30 is pretty lame.
    As for more maps Treeline is in Matchmaking on the test server so it should be ready for normal games in the next few updates probably. Apparently there is a large scale 5v5 map being made too but seeing how long treeline was in beta i wouldn't expect it anytime soon.

  6. #6
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    Actually decided to redownload this and give it another shot, liked it for a little while, but HoN is better to me. I just can't seem to find a reason to buy HoN since it is so unstable at the moment with the new patch. Lol

    IGN: PerryCox

  7. #7

    twisted treeline 3s are fun as shit

  8. #8
    Salvage Bans
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    Treeline is pretty intense map, team fights and jungle roaming 15seconds into the match. Defiantly need alot more teamwork to push and win. If you don't have a tank your pretty big disadvantage but on the upside its pretty fun for playing Kayle.

  9. #9
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    Played a Twisted Treeline with Master Yi, which is completely overpowered as shit, and beat the other team 3v1 as him just spamming my ult. Lol

    This game is sooooooo unabalanced it's not even funny.

    Also, Udyr. Fucking. ROCKS.

  10. #10

    it's balanced, you just got fed by terrible players lol. Yi isn't amazing but he's one of those characters that require feeding in order to be broken.



  11. #11
    Relic Shield
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arvin View Post
    it's balanced, you just got fed by terrible players lol. Yi isn't amazing but he's one of those characters that require feeding in order to be broken.


    Pisses me off I really wanted URF.

  12. #12
    Salvage Bans
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    Bought Urf skin today can't pass it up for only 50rp, sad thing is I've never played Warwick before but ill probably pick him up now and give him a shot just to run around in that. Cool to see some more interesting skins being made and it seems Gentleman Cho'gath is in next update so I'm defiantly buying that. Even tho game is free i picked up the collectors edition at a Target recently for $18 and since it comes with $10 riot point card i convinced myself it was only $8 and that Riot deserves at least that much for an awesome game. In case you don't know the retail Collector's edition comes with 20 champions, 4 tier3 runes(only 1 is useful), Silver Kayle skin(DL'ed version gets Goth Annie), $10 riot points and a poster map.

  13. #13

    i might pick up a card at some point, i do want some skins for my mains but ill probably wait for unique ones and not recolors.

    ive started playing ezrael and i will say i am deadly accurate with skillshots so im going to probably main him now.

  14. #14
    E. Body
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    Rotanikleb is my tag. I made a thread about this a couple months ago and it died out pretty quickly =/

    Twisted Treeline is a bunch of bullshit. When you hit level 30 with a moderately high ELO, the only team you face is Jax/Warwick/Udyr. Its fuckin stupid how overpowered that team is on Twisted Treeline...I'm starting to hate it.

    5v5 is a lot more balanced and is a lot more skill dependent.

  15. #15

    bump because kennen is fun as fuck and awesome

  16. #16
    CoP Dynamis
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    Been playing Yi and Ashe alot

    IGN: JJBagoose

    Add me if you're tryin to play

  17. #17
    E. Body
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    A lot of people suck with Kennen. I saved up to buy him and didn't have very much fun playing him. Wish I would have saved those points for Garen because he is gonna be 6300 points too. The video of him was pretty badass.

  18. #18
    Salvage Bans
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    Kennen is pretty ridiculous if he starts to snowball a little with sword of the occult or mejais souleater but for the most part alot of people arn't that good with him. I been in a few games where kennen single handed destroyed my entire team because he got fed early. Seeing alot of AD and AP builds on kennen and both can work but still don't know which is better yet since i havent played him myself.
    Garren looks pretty awesome since he can be a tank or a melee dps and hes built to not have alot of the problems melees have in LoL. Only other melee viable at higher elo is Jax, I recently bought him and hes pretty fun but making a runebook for him is so damn expensive.

  19. #19
    I Am, Who I Am.
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    RL friends made me start playing, having a fair amount of fun so far.
    Level 7 w/ Annie ftw.

  20. #20

    I started playing 2 or 3 weeks ago. First dota-style (AoS style really, I guess) game I've ever played and I've fallen in love with it. Mostly play as Ashe. I need to branch out a bit more. Currently level 13 and trying to keep my W/L ratio above .500. My summoner name is Zethes if anyone wants to add me.

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