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Music Friday: Sins of the Father

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Hello! Let’s all tread together the treacherous path of the final day of the work week joined by some great music!

Words that kill

Hello, folks! Have you been keeping up with your duties? Fultoning soldiers and sniping bikini-clad girls? I sure hope you have! Today I bring, in what could have been predicted a mile away by any regular reader, a Metal Gear Solid V theme.

Now, I confess: I have not progressed enough in the game to actually know when does this song play... but being in the promo materials it is a given that it'll show up. Perhaps in an unexpected but awesome moment? First featured in 2013's E3 trailer for MGSV it became an important theme since it was apparently original for the game, unlike other pre-existing themes that have appeared in other trailers.

The video I share appeared just recently in Mrs. Burke's Youtube Channel. Her performance is amazing and she shows emotion worthy of the eponymous phantom pain. It is a great song, and a great video to boot!

Game on!

- Sagacyte

Gartr... I'm already a demon.
