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Music Friday: Home

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Friday is the best day of the week, and some game music can help make it 34% more awesome - according to some random study, somewhere, maybe.

Severed is a game from Drinkbox Studios, the same guys responsible for Guacamelee! and was released exclusively for the Playstation Vita a few weeks ago. "For Vita?" I hear you say, and yes, that's the system it's out for. And it is awesome.

You play as Sasha, a young girl that awakens in a colorful yet dreadful version of your home. Your family has been murdered and you need to recover their corpses from whatever has taken them. Imagine the world of the dead from Guacamelee! and remove every bit of cheer and emotion... that's pretty much Severed's world. Music is creepy as well, except (kinda) in your home where it's a mixture of sadness, acceptance and a hint of mystery - what just happened to Sasha and her family? How can she get out of this nightmare? Can she get out?

If you have a Vita you definitely should play Severed, just don't be surprised when you hear someone (or something) breathe heavily behind you.
