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BG FAQs (66)

How do I unlock every dungeon?

A Realm Reborn 2.x

Light Party (4 Players)

Sastasha - Western La Noscea (15)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Tam Tara Deepcroft - Central Shroud (16)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Copperbell Mines - Western Thanalan (17)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Halatali - Eastern Thanalan (20)
Unlock Condition: Talk to Nedrick Ironheart in Vesper Bay

The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak - South Shroud (24)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Haukke Manor - Central Shroud (28)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Brayflox Longstop - Eastern La Noscea (32)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

The Sunken Temple of Qarn - Southern Thanalan (35)
Unlock Condition: Talk to Nedrick Ironheart in Vesper Bay

Cutter's Cry - Northern Thanalan (38)
Unlock Condition: Talk to Silbold in Ul'dah Market Wards

The Stone Vigil - Coerthas Central Lowlands (41)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Dzemael Darkhold - Coerthas Central Highlands (44)
Unlock Condition: Grand Company Quest

The Aurum Vale - Coerthas Central Lowlands (47)
Unlock Condition: Talk to Nedrick Ironheart in Vesper Bay OR Promotion Quest for GC rank 3

The Wanderer's Palace - Upper La Noscea (50)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Allene in Vesper Bay

Amdapor Keep - South Shroud (50)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Nedrick Ironheart in Vesper Bay

Haukke Manor (Hard) - Central Shroud (50 - ilvl 48+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Lauriane in Revenant's Toll.

Copperbell Mines (Hard) - Western Thanalan (50 - ilvl 48+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Hugubert in Revenant's Toll.

Pharos Sirius - Western La Noscea (50 - ilvl 48+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Diamanda in Aleport.

Brayflox Longstop (Hard) - Eastern La Noscea (ilvl 55+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Bloezoeng in Revenant's Toll.

Halatali (Hard) - Eastern Thanalan (ilvl 55+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Hugubert in Revenant's Toll.

Lost City of Amdapor - The South Shroud (ilvl 55+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to E-Sumi-Yan in Old Gridania, in the Conjurer's Guild.

Hullbreaker Isle (ilvl 70+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Bloezoeng in Mor Dhona.

The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) - Central Shroud (ilvl 70+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Paiyo Reiyo in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald.

The Stone Vigil (Hard) - Coerthas Central Lowlands (ilvl 70+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Faillicie in Mor Dhona.

Sastasha (Hard) - Western La Noscea (ilvl 80+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Bloezoeng in Mor Dhona.

The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) - Southern Thanalan (ilvl 80+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, clear The Sunken Temple of Qarn, then talk to Hugubert in Mor Dhona.

Snowcloak - Coerthas Central Highlands (ilvl 80+)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Wanderer's Palace (Hard) - Upper La Noscea (ilvl 90+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Bloezoeng in Mor Dhona.

Amdapor Keep (Hard) - South Shroud (ilvl 90+)
Unlock Condition: Clear The Praetorium, then talk to Lauriane in Mor Dhona.

The Keeper of the Lake - Mor Dhona (ilvl 90+)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Heavy Party (8 Players)

Cape Westwind - Western Thanalan (49-50)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

Castrum Meridianum - Northern Thanalan (50)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

The Praetorium - Northern Thanalan (50)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

The Bowl of Embers (Hard) - Ifrit (50, average ilvl 49+)
Unlock Condition: Complete The Praetorium, then speak to Thancred.

The Howling Eye (Hard) - Garuda (ilvl 52+)
Unlock Condition: Defeat Ifrit in The Bowl of Embers (Hard)

The Navel (Hard) - Titan (ilvl 57+)
Unlock Condition: Defeat Garuda in The Howling Eye (Hard)

Thornmarch - Good King Moggle Mog XII (ilvl 54+)
Unlock Condition: Main Story

The Minstel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane - Ultima Weapon (ilvl 61+)
Unlock Condition: Complete The Praetorium, then speak to Alys in Revenant's Toll.

The Howling Eye (Extreme) - Garuda (ilvl 65+)
Unlock Condition: Defeat Titan in The Navel (Hard), then speak to Urianger in the Waking Sands

The Navel (Extreme) - Titan (ilvl 67+)
Unlock Condition: Defeat Garuda in The Howling Eye (Extreme)

The Bowl of Embers (Extreme) - Ifrit (ilvl 70+)
Unlock Condition: Defeat Titan in The Navel (Extreme)

Raids (8 or 24 players)

Bahamut's Coil - Eastern La Noscea (50)
Unlock Condition: Defeat Titan in The Navel (Hard)

Labyrinth of the Ancients - Mor Dhona (50, average ilvl 50+)
Unlock Condition: Complete The Praetorium, then speak to the outlandish man at Revenant's Toll.

Heavensward 3.x

The Dusk Vigil (51)

Sohm Al (53)

The Aery (55)

The Vault (57)

The Great Gubal Library (59)

The Aetherochemical Research Facility (ilvl 142+)

Neverreap (ilvl 145+)

The Fractal Continuum (ilvl 145+)

Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (ilvl 170+)

Pharos Sirius (Hard) (ilvl 170+)

The Antitower (ilvl 180+)

The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) (ilvl 180+)

Sohr Khai (ilvl 200+)

Hullbreaker Isle (Hard) (ilvl 200+)

Xelphatol (ilvl 210+)

The Great Gubal Library (Hard) (ilvl 210+)

Baelsar's Wall (ilvl 230+)

Sohm Al (Hard) (ilvl 230+)

Stormblood 4.x

The Sirensong Sea (61)

Shisui of the Violet Tides (63)

Bardam's Mettle (65)

Doma Castle (67)

Castrum Abania (69)

Ala Mhigo (ilvl 280+)

Kugane Castle (ilvl 280+)

The Temple of the Fist (ilvl 280+)

The Drowned City of Skalla (ilvl 300+)

Hells' Lid (ilvl 310+)

The Fractal Continuum (Hard) (ilvl 310+)

The Swallow's Compass (ilvl 330+)

Source thread: Unlocking dungeons