Discussion of all Square-Enix titles except Final Fantasy 11 and 14.
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Now with sound
Time to spin the speculation wheel again, though at least this time it may have some worth in actually paying attention. Seems SE is ready to...
https://www.romancingsaga2.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2455640/Romancing_SaGa_2_Revenge_of_the_Seven/ Demo Now Available on all...
See you all in 10 years
https://www.starocean2r.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2238900/STAR_OCEAN_THE_SECOND_STORY_R/
It actually looks great, hope it gets localized! NA FRIEND LIST
https://www.facebook.com/outridersgame | https://www.instagram.com/outridersgame/ https://discord.gg/outriders
Developed by Forever Entertainment SA (Panzer Dragoon Remake) https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/front-mission-1st-remake-switch/...
Japanese fashion line UNIQLO has announced a Final Fantasy collaboration, with each main entry in the series getting a special designed t-shirt. No...
https://dragonquest.square-enix-games.com/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1895810/Infinity_Strash_DRAGON_QUEST_The_Adventure_of_Dai/
Did not expect to see that during State of Play and must say it doesn't look very appealing at the moment... Remembering the last SO game has me very...
Developed by Luminous Productions (XV - Stadia Port) https://project-athia.square-enix-games.com/en-us/
PS5 demo coming today and available until June 24th
About Tactics Ogre, crown jewel of the tactical role-playing genre, is reborn! Based on the 2010 release, the game features improved graphics...
https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/live-a-live-switch/ https://www.jp.square-enix.com/lal/
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