Looking for work as a crafter or seeking a specific crafter. Please be specific in your topic as to what server you are on.
Hello, So I have all crafts to 15+ and gsm/alch/wvr/lth to 50. I Have my Leather worker almost fully melded but the head piece and only a Control...
I'm thinking of starting a list of armor/weapons/ and other equips on what they converted into. If it is completely random, then I guess the list...
I'm looking to start up my crafts to start working towards a long term goal of a Monstrous Moggle Mogsword glamor. I'm totally new to crafts and...
Hey everyone, just capped all DoH to 60 and now moving onto desynth. I found this guide which looks decent...
So I've gotten my WVR up to level 38 now, going to be moving on to fleece shortly. I managed to get past diremite webs by farming outside of Foulgard...
I need a lvl 50 GSM on the Shiva server that would be willing to add materia to make my relic weapon, TiA
I saw before that materia can get capped on an item if the ilvl of the item it is being melded to is not high enough. Does anyone know of a list of...
While nearing fishing level 50, wondering if anyone knows the targets for both Gathering and Perception for the class at 50. I thought there was a...
As the title inquires, are they? Currently only have Goldsmithing leveled (will eventually get around to the others) and noticed under the...
Seeing as everyone else has turned this subforum into everything-about-crafting... I figured this might be appropriate. So I currently have 30ish...
Good afternoon, I wanted to know if the resistance to the elements affect the amount of crystals that will be picked up gathering
Has anyone else experienced this or knows what is causing it? Lots of FC peeps been crafting for each other and lots of the signatures are...
Just PM here or in game. If you mention "Vandole is a gay horse" synth is free. Including HQ's. if you need materia melded I can do that also. ...
Looking for a suggestion on how to efficiently farm diremite webs. My weaver is up to 24 at the moment and all of the good recipes seem to be...
I've wrapped up 8/11 DOH/DOL quest lines now. Has anyone else done the goldsmithing one to finish? If so it says the guildmasters mammet is...
Didn't play any Beta so this is all new to me. I was surprised to see that I needed a certain amount of control or craftsmanship to even attempt a...
So, does anyone have any information about the 1-star / 2-star "difficult" recipes? I tried to make some Vanya Silk (2-star) last night, but it...
I doubt this will go far since i'm on a legacy server but what the Heck Character Sakura Brandford Server Hyperion Crafting Jobs : Goldsmith,...
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