Use BG LS to promote your own stuff.
Cantih's Stream
2022-03-22 01:37
Stream your games for BG players to watch and enjoy. Cast games for fun, or just practice with a captive audience.
Sticky Threads
Any member of the BG community can use this forum to promote their own stuff. By that I mean mostly: sites, blogs, youtube channels, music, pictures,...
Normal Threads
My friend (the DM) really wanted to turn our D&D sessions into a show. Don't ask me why, but I agreed to it if it meant that we can play regularly in...
Hello BGers, In the past few years I have been working on a game prototype for a "fantasy battle" card game named Cross Arcana, and I just...
Hey peeps, long time lurker here to BG (since old FFXI days). Anyways, not sure if this is ok to post here as I have a low post count (and completely...
Hey idiots, you're all going to die. So make the most of the time you have! A friend of mine (with my financial backing) has been recording...
Edited OP a bit, but my book is out now on Amazon in both paperback and ebook as well as Kindle Unlimited if you have a subscription. ...
Started doodling one day and I'm having a great time finishing it up on the computer. I'll probably make a cactuar at some point. But I'm...
Some people have already watched me die my way through Demon's Souls, but I'm gonna be playing Tales of Arise and other stuff. Eventually I'll...
So the new podcast is up & running, we are two episodes in. Hopefully will try to record one every couple of weeks at least. I decided to base the...
Hi all, looking for some help with the start-up I'm working with. If you've got a few minutes to go through the video and survey below, it'll...
Pretty much what the title says. Since being a restaurant manager in the midst of a pandemic won't keep you employed unfortunately, I have...
I made a looping remix of FF9's Boss Battle theme.
I made a remix of Faded Memories.
Another stylized map, this time something bigger, bolder, better: Full images, zooms, process and story can be found on my Behance (click...
I've reworked my previous Tu'Lia map and made it way better: Full details, large-scale images etc. can be found on my Behance. (click here)
A couple of coworkers of mine have been building their own synthesizer equipment and making songs using said equipment. I haven't heard anything I...
I spent the past few weeks working on an Aht Urhgan navigation map: Full details, large-scale images etc. can be found on my Behance. (click...
Hey guys, looooooong time BG goer. I am dropping by, because some friends and I have started a new Video Game Podcast/Website and was hoping anyone...
After the Beaucedine Map, I was looking for a new challenge, and I found it in Mount Zhayolm: Full images, zooms, process and story can be...
I made a stylized map of Beaucedine Glacier. Full images, zooms, process and story can be found on my Behance (click here).
Hi all, not my band, but a good friend I have known for a long time. This is definitely the best incarnation of any band he has had. I went...
Before i get started, i wanna mention that i conferred with ragns via PM on where to put this. It's a little tricky cause its work but i'm not really... A Multi-Game MMOG Community Greetings! I'm Grey, MMO player and Community Manager/Founder for the Impact Gaming...
Hello BG, this is my YouTube Channel. I take requests for clarification on news stories or current events and come back with the facts, and, if... Friend of mine has put together this game using evolutionary...
Sup everyone, I made a remix of Qu's Marsh theme from FF9. Had planned to do other things this weekend, but when creativity strikes, I'm gonna be...
super long shot here but I know a bunch of you are from the city or near enough... Free show in Park Slope, Brooklyn Saturday night! (3/26,...
Here's the channel, she mostly (p)reviews fresh & incoming MMORPGs - Say, Civilization...
We are making a new FFXIV website for trading things like crafting items on the forums without using in-game money. The site will be used for trading...
Check it out on Steam Greenlight! Hello! I have been working on a hobby project...
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