Warnings about players transfering, RMTed or stolen characters, general people to watch out for
Sticky Threads
This is the server to list any stolen account, player who stole gear and switched servers or whatever else someone can do that you feel the need to...
Normal Threads
This warning does not concern something major as it was a vote kick abuse, but I think people deserve to know in case they decide to do that for...
Ramza lionheart was a FC leader of WoV(named Vivi Lance)on Diabolos when at 2am he chose to take 10m and large chunk of materials from FC safe and...
So this guy just took about 60m in crafting mats out of SOVRN FC bank and dipped. http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/9623196/
So this is what you spam posted for?
Just a friendly warning to you guys. This person was on Sargatanas in All Out Assault and raided our free company chest then took off. They are now a...
2. Coil Was invited DRG. He asked if he can come MNK. Asked if he can have ONLY jewlery. We said ok. But Armor parts (feet legs body etc) locked...
I am making this thread to warn any Free Companies/Statics who might be seeing this player apply in the near future. I will list all the necessary...
Hyperion's Ninja Looter List. I don't know what's with my server and ninja looters. Anyways, since this sub-forum is devoted to warning fellow...
http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/2259181/ http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/1899438/ Some of you may remember...
For those that play on Leviathan, please avoid Matt Jablonski at all costs. This dude's history runs all the way back to Ragnarok on FFXI. He...
12/31/14 Their name was changed form Lil Asster to Celfie Onrie Cee Two originally on Hyperion talked up a great story of 2.4 / progression etc....
Server: Odin Player Name: Curse Bynature Lodestone profile: http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/4342482/ Video of offense:...
This piece of shit was given a Sands two weeks after he joined our static, as he was the only dps without a i110 weapon. His attitude immediately...
This is a cross-post of one made on the official SE forums: Just a word of warning to any potential FCs out there that might recruit this guy.. ...
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