Rest in peace fap hand.
2018-04-23 16:00
Sticky Threads
Submission 1
ilu Wooz
this is to be a list of segregations from spam. if there's a preference on how their shitposting should be replaced i.e. dicknipples, fisting gif,...
Just going to start out with whatever I have in my folder here
I. Topics Spam forum is for general silliness and retardation. Anything that doesn't belong in the other sections, belongs here. II. Work Safe...
Normal Threads
Get mad and Get Out. Sent from my SM-N981U using Tapatalk
XI sucks
Why did every city ever created in final fantasy decide to build up in an area surrounded by murderous wildlife that would feast on anyone trying to...
Post me some good songs, ill link some shit you'll hate
Cause I just resubbed and my FC is empty and dope is that is having a FC mansion all to myself I’d like to be able to bullshit and do events with...
The time is upon us. Good luck to all. Please don’t be a dick and intentionally knock people out. The fallen shall gather in Whamhalla and await...
Admit your sins and crimes, large or small here, repent and seek forgiveness from your BG bros and sisters. I will start. A few years ago, I...
Yankees are back in the World Series!!! All you bumass wackass bozos can continue to worship the greatest fucking city in the world!
Date 1: PhD in chemistry. Beers at a local place after work. In the process of getting divorced finalized. Cool to talk to, would hang out with...
soulless anodyne mediocrity devoid of substantive merit churned out with the rote assembly-line parameters of a subaru subsidized by the...
Sup pals. How ya'll been?
alright fellas it’s time to do this yet again since this has been done before but we got a whole new entry in the series last year so let’s go ...
to accompany Baldur's Gate 3's GOTY dominance and whatever the fuck we decided on for movie of the year, time to vote in the ancestral Spam awards,...
Good luck to all, the fallen will gather in Whamhalla until it’s over.
I need feedback from people who don't care about feelings and, in fact, delight in seeing others fail, so you guys are my front line here. ...
You’re all just scared of Daniel Jones. You’re scared the league would be completely destroyed by him and his 2 foot dong. He would win every super...
From the one that brought you the thread for the 90's, comes the next decade, the 00's. List your top 5 Albums from the 00's, the catch is, the...
Winner declared by Mert Sent from my SM-N981U using Tapatalk
most days I'm fine but today I was like I want that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and obviously at somepoint you should...
Stay strong brothers and sisters. The fallen will gather in Whamhalla. May the odds be ever in your favor.
I hate the megathreads
Gonna say Luca Blight, Suikoden II Emet-Selch, Final Fantasy XIV Hades, Hades Vergil, Devil May Cry series Ghaleon, Lunar Silver Star Story...
God Tier: Breath of Fire 3 High Tier: Final Fantasy XV, Dark Cloud 2 Enjoyable Tier: Twilight Princess, Stardew Valley, Tales of Arise Mid Tier:...
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