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  1. #1
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    FFRK - The Spark Before The Fire (IX) Event & Strategies

    "Master Vivi, why would those mages be the same as you? And why would it matter if they were...?" - Steiner
    "I won't let you make any more instruments of murder!." - Vivi

    Zidane and Steiner join forces and enlist the help of Vivi to rescue Garnet, who has been captured by a creature in the Evil Forest. Seeing Vivi’s powerful black magic in action inspires Steiner, who asks Vivi to enhance his sword with spells.

    Black Waltz 3 attacks the cargo ship that Zidane and the others are traveling on. The party defeats this foe, but learning of the black mages causes Vivi to worry he is like them. Steiner says Vivi is not defined by their actions, setting his fears to rest.

    Event Start Date: June 15
    Event Bonus Battle: June 18
    Event End Date: June 25

    All information is taken from a mixture of Reddit/Spreadsheets/Kongpakbao Site and my own obviously expert analysis.

    Most info for the event comes from this site: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKee...5r&sh=4ad3862b

    Though the information provided is used as a guideline and not always taken directly from the thread. When necessary, additional thoughts on Cid Missions and battle strategies are added.

    Notable Rewards:
    Gold Choker - Accessory. Moderate wind resist and moderate sap resist.

    New Characters Acquired:
    Bobby Corwen says "Kweh!".

    Dress Spheres Acquired:
    Bobby Corwen says "Kweh!"

    Old Characters Acquired:

    New Memory Crystals:
    Bobby Corwen says "Kweh!".

    Old Memory Crystals
    Steiner MC1/MC2
    Vivi MC1/MC2
    Zidane MC1/MC2
    Beatrix MC1/MC2

    New Record Materia:
    Bobby Corwen says "Kweh!".

    New Legend Materia
    Vivi LM1: Illuminated Remembrance - Small fire damage up
    Vivi LM2: Reason To Live - Once per battle, enter Trance when low on HP. (Self heal, Stat increase, high chance to dualcast Black Magic abilities)
    Steiner LM1: Sword of Royalty - Small sword damage up
    Steiner LM2: The Path One Should Take - Once per battle, enter Trance when low on HP. (Self heal, Stat increase, Atk/Def boost)

    New Record Sphere
    Spoiler: show

    Characters Needed for Battles
    Beat Cargo Ship (Classic) with a party of Zidance, Steiner, and Vivi.

    Cid Missions
    Complete Ultimate++ fight with a party of FF IX heroes.


    Banner 1:
    These banners revert from the XIII format (2x 6*) because were doing events backwards. We should return to the XIII format after the VI event.

    Steiner's OSB hits Fire/Ice/Lightning, but has a mechanic similar to Agrias OSB where it does extra damage when hitting a weakness. His old BSB and Imperil Fire SSB return as well.

    Vivi gets a shiny new tri-element burst with Fire/Ice/Thunder on entry. CMD1 is another tri-element blast, while CMD2 is a Mag/Def bargain. Entry also has a Mag/Res boost for the party, so stack those buffs!

    Zidane's get a spin on Squall's recent BSB, though obviously taking on Wind element instead of Ice. Entry gives Zidane En-wind, CMD1 steals a targets Atk in 10% increments up to 30%, when CMD2 gives the party that Atk buff. It does stack with all current forms of Atk up, as the "Swift Seal" counter is a unique buff ID.

    Rest of the banner is older stuff. Garnet's Hastega and Faithga return, but Freya's hella old SSB is also present.

    Banner 2:
    This banner is all old items, of questionable quality.

    Beatrix OSB and BSB return, as does Garnet's 2nd BSB, Quina's Full Breakdown, and her Gold Hairpin which has a rare water element damage up.

    To celebrate Eiko getting Record Dive, DeNa also graciously added her old Reraise SSB medica.

    Legend Materias:
    Banner 1 - Steiner: Spellblade abilities may trigger 10% Imperil Fire on target.
    Banner 1 - Zidane: 35% chance to reduce CT when using Thief abilities.
    Banner 2 - Vivi: Increases Black Magic ability damage but increases their cast times.
    Banner 2 - Beatrix: 30% chance to draw an enemy attack, and reduce its damage by 20%. It can proc on AoE hits.

    Relic Discussion


  2. #2
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    Bonus Battles
    Alexandria Castle +

    Zorn & Thorn
    HP: 107, 797 (each)
    Target Score:
    • Defeat Zorn & Thorn without being KO'ed.
    • Reduce Zorn's magic.
    • Reduce Thorn's magic.

    Weak: None
    Absorb: None
    Resist: None
    Null: None
    Status Vulnerabilities: Slow, Blind, Stun

    HP: 129,356
    Target Score:
    • Defeat Beatrix without being KO'd.
    • Reduce Beatrix's attack.
    • Reduce Beatrix's defense.

    Weak: None
    Absorb: None
    Resist: None
    Null: None
    Status Vulnerabilities: Slow, Stun

    Notes: Beatrix is all physical. However, if you take too long she will use Climbazard and reduce everyone to 1 hp.

    Big Green Snake ++
    HP: 183,530
    Target Score:
    • Defeat Ralvuimago without being KO'ed.
    • Exploit Ralvuimago's weakness to ice attacks.
    • Reduce Barthandelus's attack.

    Weak: Ice
    Absorbs: None
    Resists: None
    Null: Earth
    Vulnerabilities: Slow, Blind, Stun

    Notes: Hitting Ralvuimago with a physical attack causes him to enter defensive mode where he will counter other physical hits with AoE earth magic attacks.

    If you're newer tackling this, Ice element OSB's as RW's do the trick pretty quick.

    Beautiful Hunter +++
    HP: 195,181
    Target Score:
    • Defeat Lani without being KO'ed.
    • Afflict Lani with Blind.
    • Reduce Lani's magic.

    Weak: None
    Absorbs: None
    Resist: None
    Null: Water
    Vulnerabilities: Slow, Blind, Stun

    Notes: Uneventful fight. Her AoE attacks are magic based however.

    Ultimate + Apocalypse Battles
    Awful Presence (U)
    HP: 211,474
    Target Score:
    • Reduce 凶Atomos' magic..
    • Reduce 凶Atomos' defense.
    • Reduce 凶Atomos' resistence.

    Weak: None
    Absorbs: None
    Resist: None
    Null: None
    Vulnerabilities: Stun

    Notes: Everything is gravity or magic based. Things can get nasty because he also has Slowga, and the Gravity-199 attack is piercing magical damage. Shellga, accessorize, and mitigate.

    Iifa Tree(U++)
    凶Zombie Dragon
    HP: 350,560
    Target Score:
    • Reduce 凶Zombie Dragon's magic.
    • Exploit 凶Zombie Dragon's weakness to fire attacks.
    • Exploit 凶Zombie Dragon's weakness to holy attacks.

    Weak: Fire, Holy (50%)
    Absorbs: None
    Resist: Dark
    Null: None
    Vulnerabilities: Slow, Stun

    Moveset (>70% HP: Default):
    10/110 chance: Attack (PHY: deal 110% physical damage to one target)
    5/110 chance, unlocks turn 2: Breakthrough (PHY: deal 266% physical damage to one target)
    25/110 chance, unlocks turn 2: Thundara (BLK: deal 410% magical thunder damage to one target)
    15/110 chance, unlocks turn 2: Zombie Breath (NAT: deal 250% magical non-elemental damage to one target with a 33% chance to Sap them)
    20/110 chance, unlocks turn 2: Thundara (BLK: deal 246% magical thunder damage to all targets)
    10/110 chance, unlocks turn 3: Thundaga (BLK: deal 410% magical thunder damage to one target)
    10/110 chance, unlocks turn 3: Thundaga (BLK: deal 294% magical thunder damage to all targets)
    15/110 chance, unlocks turn 3: Breakthrough (PHY: deal 206% physical damage to all targets)

    Moveset (70%-40% HP: Weak):
    5% chance: Breakthrough (PHY: deal 266% physical damage to one target)
    10% chance: Thundara (BLK: deal 410% magical thunder damage to one target)
    10% chance: Zombie Breath (NAT: deal 250% magical non-elemental damage to one target with a 33% chance to Sap them)
    30% chance: 凶 Zombie Breath (NAT: deal 294% magical non-elemental damage to all targets with a 33% chance to Sap them)
    10% chance: Thundara (BLK: deal 246% magical thunder damage to all targets)
    10% chance: Thundaga (BLK: deal 410% magical thunder damage to one target)
    20% chance: Thundaga (BLK: deal 294% magical thunder damage to all targets)
    5% chance: Breakthrough (PHY: deal 206% physical damage to all targets)

    Moveset (<40% HP: Very Weak):
    5% chance: Breakthrough (PHY: deal 266% physical damage to one target)
    10% chance: Thundara (BLK: deal 410% magical thunder damage to one target)
    5% chance: Zombie Breath (NAT: deal 250% magical non-elemental damage to one target with a 33% chance to Sap them)
    45% chance: 凶 Zombie Breath (NAT: deal 342% magical non-elemental damage to all targets with a 33% chance to Sap them)
    5% chance: Thundara (BLK: deal 246% magical thunder damage to all targets)
    5% chance: Thundaga (BLK: deal 410% magical thunder damage to one target)
    20% chance: Thundaga (BLK: deal 342% magical thunder damage to all targets)
    5% all: Breakthrough (PHY: deal 253% physical damage to all targets)

    Notes and Strategies: Lightning accessories will serve well here, as his only other elemental attack is non-elemental.

    A majority of his other attacks, outside a decent AoE physical hit, is magical based - including his piercing attacks. Focus on magical mitigation.

    Otherwise, like a good bit of this event (and coming off the hellish Proudclad) this is a pretty tame fight.

    Cid Mission: Name your team, honestly. Many characters can exploit the fire and holy weakness, and you're not necessarily hobbled by having to bring X character for Affliction Break or otherwise lesser used Celerity types. So unless your Amarant is decked out, you can leave him at home.

    Obviously, due to the nature of the event, Beatrix, Vivi, and Steiner will shine.

    Ancient Ark (Apocalypse +)
    HP: 446,000
    Target Score:
    • Reduce 滅Ark's attack.
    • Reduce 滅Ark's defense.
    • Exploit 滅Ark's weakness to wind attacks.

    Weak: Wind (120%) UPDATE: 20% wind weakness confirmed.
    Absorbs: None
    Resist: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Holy, Dark, Poison
    Null: Earth
    Vulnerabilities: Stun

    Moveset (>80% HP: Default):
    Special: Attack (PHY: deal 110% physical damage to one target)
    10% chance: Attack (PHY: deal 266% physical damage to one target)
    30% chance, unlocks turn 3: Boomerang (PHY: deal 206% ranged physical damage to all targets)
    20% chance, unlocks turn 3: Propeller Wind (NAT: deal 275% ranged physical damage to all targets with a 21% chance to Confuse them)
    25% chance, unlocks turn 3: Tornado (PHY: deal 275% ranged physical wind damage to all targets)
    15% chance, unlocks turn 3: Dark Fate (NAT: deal 294% magical darkness damage to all targets)

    Moveset (80%-45% HP: Weak):
    5% chance: Attack (PHY: deal 266% physical damage to one target)
    25% chance: Boomerang (PHY: deal 206% ranged physical damage to all targets)
    15% chance: Propeller Wind (NAT: deal 275% ranged physical damage to all targets with a 21% chance to Confuse them)
    20% chance: Tornado (PHY: deal 275% ranged physical wind damage to all targets)
    15% chance: Dark Fate (NAT: deal 294% magical darkness damage to all targets)
    10% chance: 凶 Tornado (PHY: deal 450% ranged physical wind damage to all targets)
    10% chance: 凶 Photon (NAT: deal 450% piercing magical non-elemental damage to one target)

    Moveset (<45% HP: Very Weak):
    5% chance: Attack (PHY: deal 266% physical damage to one target)
    20% chance: Boomerang (PHY: deal 206% ranged physical damage to all targets)
    10% chance: Propeller Wind (NAT: deal 275% ranged physical damage to all targets with a 21% chance to Confuse them)
    20% chance: Tornado (PHY: deal 275% ranged physical wind damage to all targets)
    5% chance: Dark Fate (NAT: deal 294% magical darkness damage to all targets)
    20% chance: 凶 Tornado (PHY: deal 450% ranged physical wind damage to all targets)
    20% chance: 凶 Photon (NAT: deal 450% piercing magical non-elemental damage to one target))

    Notes and Strategies: By nature of not being Proudclad, this is a lot less of a headache.

    The AoE attack bringing your party HP to 1 is gone. Confuse is still there, as are some new AoE physical and ranged hits to knock you out of confuse. His piercing attack is magic based though, so you'll have to prep both forms of mitigation.

    Wind weakness in a realm like this is also self explanatory. Similar to the Zombie Dragon with Fire and Holy, IX and FFRK in general has plenty of Wind attacks to take advantage of.

    Jump Start Notes:
    450k HP
    3 SB bars.
    Wind Weakness.

  3. #3
    E. Body
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    A new character that gets nothing from either of the 2 banners this event? Is there anything special about him. Other than him being an lolchocobo?

  4. #4
    BG's most likeable Québécois
    Pens win! Pens Win!!! PENS WIN!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Classikmage View Post
    A new character that gets nothing from either of the 2 banners this event? Is there anything special about him. Other than him being an lolchocobo?
    Are you godamn serious?

    Nothing more to add

  5. #5
    E. Body
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratatapa View Post
    Are you godamn serious?

    Nothing more to add
    Well, I clicked on relic discussion and looked through it, I didn't anything but standard characters in there.... unless it's hidden somewhere. <.<;

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Classikmage View Post
    Well, I clicked on relic discussion and looked through it, I didn't anything but standard characters in there.... unless it's hidden somewhere. <.<;
    Feel like I'm getting trolled

    Bobby corwen is a Chicobo named by vivi in IX

    and not a new character in rk lol

  7. #7
    E. Body
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratatapa View Post
    Feel like I'm getting trolled

    Bobby corwen is a Chicobo named by vivi in IX

    and not a new character in rk lol
    Than why tf is it listed under new characters?

    EDIT: And I know WHO Bobby Corwen is, since he is listed on new characters and other areas of the walkthrough, I assumed it was because the person who made the thread was really excited to be getting him as a character in RK... so basically I'M the one that just got trolled, lol.

  8. #8
    D. Ring
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    Quote Originally Posted by Classikmage View Post
    Than why tf is it listed under new characters?
    Because its a FF9 Meme and everyone's favorite FF9 Chocobo

  9. #9
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    He's a chocobo, not a monster.

    His name is Bobby Corwen.

    Real talk though, no Bobby Corwen is not being added (Corwenkeeper next true meta). I just like to add some event-specific flair to some descriptors instead of just typing "Nothing New".

    Sorry the event strats are pretty plain this time. This really isn't a difficult event.

  10. #10
    Hackey Thread Lurker since 2010
    I could have bought an 11 pull and have 1000 gems left over, but all I got was this silly title.

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    Soul Cage for multiplayer. Fuck that noise. Though shouldn't be as bad as TRAMPLE TRAMPLE TRAMPLE.

  11. #11
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    Pens win! Pens Win!!! PENS WIN!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by synistar View Post
    Soul Cage for multiplayer. Fuck that noise. Though shouldn't be as bad as TRAMPLE TRAMPLE TRAMPLE.
    The fact that he will burn himself sucks unless you can be precise on the ice to cool him

  12. #12
    BG's most likeable Québécois
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    Quote Originally Posted by Classikmage View Post
    Than why tf is it listed under new characters?

    EDIT: And I know WHO Bobby Corwen is, since he is listed on new characters and other areas of the walkthrough, I assumed it was because the person who made the thread was really excited to be getting him as a character in RK... so basically I'M the one that just got trolled, lol.

    In more seriously, the next 'new characters' are

    Noctis (FFV) June 26
    Reks (FFXII) June 29
    Cid (FFXIV) July 6
    and 3 FFtype-0 Character on July 20 (Ace, Deuce and Nine)

  13. #13
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    Wind weakness Jump Start.... no Cloud USB

  15. #15
    E. Body
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alkar View Post
    Wind weakness Jump Start.... no Cloud USB
    That might suck, I think the only wind element I have is Bartz SSB and Alpinaud BSB....

    EDIT: Never mind, just went back through my list. I also have:

    Cloud's Climhazzard(probably not worth mentioning)
    Cid VII's SSB2
    Fang's SSB2
    and Ayame's SSB.

    Hopefully I should be able to squeeze it out with some combination of those.


    and... I think Cid VII and Ayame would be the optimal choices, but they are both still 80 capped... ><;

  16. #16
    A. Body
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    oh sweet, wind-weak for JS should be easy for me. i've got uhhh

    cloud BSB2+OSB
    cid's 10-hit wind thingy
    zidane BSB/OSB
    alphinaud's BSB
    bartz enwind+OSB

  17. #17
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    A Cloud OSB RW could easily make that 450k HP more like 300 with 2 charges. Keep that in mind too.

  18. #18
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    Oh I'm not worried at all, just saying that Cloud's USB would've been great here
    I have a lot of wind stuff including Cloud's OSB, Zack's BSB and Alphinaud's BSB. Probably other things I'm forgetting as well. OSBs usually carry you through these fights if they have elemental weaknesses.

  19. #19
    Blue Magic is Best Magic
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    Enter "Trance" mode? Do their sprites change

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draylo View Post
    Enter "Trance" mode? Do their sprites change
    Only Zidane and Terra I think.

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