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  1. #301
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    Blutkrallen's additional effect procs really, really often. It's usually up by the second round of attacks, often in the first. The parser says the following, however, which I don't know how to interpret it exactly:

    Melee Effect           # Procs     # Hits     Raw Proc %    # Restricted Hits   Restricted Proc %
    Defense Down               176       1099        16.01 %                  242             72.73
    16% proc rate seems too low for the impression I had while doing the test (eyeballing, I know), yet that 72% is definitely way too high for a real proc rate.

    Is the Raw proc % the real proc rate, and the restricted proc % the percentage of time it's actually active, maybe?

    In any case, this H2H are really good. No Vereth 90, but a really solid upgrade from my old Fire Oxyuranis.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taim Meich View Post
    Blutkrallen's additional effect procs really, really often. It's usually up by the second round of attacks, often in the first. The parser says the following, however, which I don't know how to interpret it exactly:

    Melee Effect           # Procs     # Hits     Raw Proc %    # Restricted Hits   Restricted Proc %
    Defense Down               176       1099        16.01 %                  242             72.73
    16% proc rate seems too low for the impression I had while doing the test (eyeballing, I know), yet that 72% is definitely way too high for a real proc rate.

    Is the Raw proc % the real proc rate, and the restricted proc % the percentage of time it's actually active, maybe?

    In any case, this H2H are really good. No Vereth 90, but a really solid upgrade from my old Fire Oxyuranis.

    Raw proc rate is simply the number of procs vs the number of hits (176 vs 1099, here). However a large number of effects will not proc when the effect is already active, so that's what the restricted proc rate is for. It assumes a default value of 30 seconds duration for the debuff, and only counts the number of hits that occurred between the presumed ending of the debuff and the next proc effect. It's a very rough estimate.

    The most accurate means of testing the proc rate would be for you to turn around after each proc, wait for the 'wears off' message, and then re-engage.

  3. #303
    CoP Dynamis
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    It's probably 16% since Blutkrallen apparently overwrites itself - if the proc rate is 16% and you're hitting twice per round you expect to see it proc after three rounds

  4. #304
    Salvage Bans
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    Suijingiri Kanemitsu SC bonus is 5%.

  5. #305
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    To no one's great surprise, the Dudgeon and Heartseeker earring combo is 7% DW.

    THF/WHM with 401 combined base delay and earrings -> 4.6 TP/hit (4,9)
    THF/WHM with 401 combined base delay and earrings + Emp boomerang -> 4.5 TP/hit (7,9)
    THF/WHM with 464 combined base delay and earrings -> 4.5 TP/hit (7)

  6. #306
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    Edit: just noticed the test above mine.. lol

    I wasn't sure which section to go to so I'll put it here, I didn't see a test for the dual wield earring set. I'm not sure what the best dual wield test model is so I used battlemod, filtered everything else out except my outgoing attacks on DNC. I took off all Double Attack Triple Attack and Haste gear. The only dual wield equipment I used is the earring pair.

    My weapons are Terpsi and Thokcha (205/190).

    First screenshot is test 1, unweak. No haste, no haste gear, no dual wield besides earrings + native trait. /whm.

    Not sure if it makes any difference, but I ran the same test while weak for 100% slow.

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taim Meich View Post
    Blutkrallen's additional effect procs really, really often. It's usually up by the second round of attacks, often in the first. The parser says the following, however, which I don't know how to interpret it exactly:

    Melee Effect           # Procs     # Hits     Raw Proc %    # Restricted Hits   Restricted Proc %
    Defense Down               176       1099        16.01 %                  242             72.73
    16% proc rate seems too low for the impression I had while doing the test (eyeballing, I know), yet that 72% is definitely way too high for a real proc rate.

    Is the Raw proc % the real proc rate, and the restricted proc % the percentage of time it's actually active, maybe?

    In any case, this H2H are really good. No Vereth 90, but a really solid upgrade from my old Fire Oxyuranis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obsidian View Post
    On what mob? I've heard the proc rate decreases on mobs higher level than you.
    Tested it a few days ago, but was waiting to sell them before posting... Proc rate on anything on Adoulin (and presumably, on anything higher level than you) is exactly zero. 0 procs on 635 hits I think is proof enough.

    What a let down of a weapon.

  8. #308
    Sea Torques
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    Not that it really matters at this point with Rigor, but it could be that the nq are glitched. The HQ procced on random mobs such as chapuli, reive roots, and even the Chapuli field NM.

  9. #309
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    Ultra-random fact incoming!

    Automatons don't lose TP while resting.

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taim Meich View Post
    Ultra-random fact incoming!

    Automatons don't lose TP while resting.
    Do any pets? Pretty sure bst doesn't

  11. #311
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    I think pets' /heal works differently. For players, it's 10HP for the first tick and 10+X for each additional tick after whereby X=1 for the first tick then 2 for the next tick and so forth(the formula is different with Sanction/Sigil/etc). Pets seem to heal at larger increments, as it would be mindbogglingly slow to heal a BST pet with 5k HP at 10hp/tick. I think it's % based.

  12. #312
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    The "Enhances Enfeebling Magic" on the new Naakuul boots is at least 5%, but less than 10%.

    Poison II with them on was still 10, Sab. Poison II was 21.

  13. #313
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    Repulse Mantle Testing

    Did a bit of testing on Repulse Mantle.

    Spoiler: show

    Knockback testing.					
    Mob		Attack		Cape?		Start	End	distance
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		no		1.8	12.4 	10.6
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		no		12.4	22.9 	10.5
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		yes		1.8	7.8	6.0
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		yes		7.8	13.8 	6.0
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		yes		13.8	19.8 	6.0
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		yes		2.1	 7.9	5.8
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		yes		7.9	13.0 	5.1
    Hrosshvalur	Ranged		yes		13.0	18.3 	5.3
    Ironclad	Melee		No		1.8	3.6	1.8
    Ironclad	Melee		No		3.6	5.3	1.7
    Ironclad	Melee		No		5.3	7.1	1.8
    Ironclad	Melee		No		2.0	4.0	2.0
    Ironclad	Melee		No		4.0	5.7	1.7
    Ironclad	Melee		No		5.7	7.5	1.8
    Ironclad	Melee		No		2.0	3.8	1.8
    Ironclad	Melee		No		3.8	5.5	1.7
    Ironclad	Melee		Yes		2.0	2.0	0.0
    Ironclad	ArmCanon	No		5.5	11.5 	6.0
    Ironclad	ArmCanon	No		2.0	8.0	6.0
    Ironclad	ArmCanon	Yes		2.0	4.4	2.4
    Ironclad	ArmCanon	Yes		2.0	4.4	2.4
    Ironclad	ArmCanon	Yes		2.0	4.4	2.4
    Peapuk		Windsheer	No		2.0	12.6 	10.6
    Peapuk		Windsheer	No		1.9	12.3 	10.4
    Peapuk		Windsheer	No		2.0	12.6 	10.6
    Peapuk		Windsheer	Yes		2.3	8.3	6.0
    Peapuk		Windsheer	Yes		2.0	8.0	6.0
    Peapuk		Windsheer	Yes		2.0	8.0	6.0
    Peapuk		Crosswind	Yes		2.0	3.4	1.4
    Peapuk		Crosswind	Yes		2.0	3.4	1.4
    Matamata	Melee		No		2.0	3.8	1.8
    Matamata	Melee		No		3.8	5.5	1.7
    Matamata	Melee		No		2.0	3.8	1.8
    Matamata	Melee		No		3.8	5.5	1.7
    Matamata	Melee		Yes		2.0	2.0	0

    Repulse Mantle completely prevented knockback from Matamata and Ironclad melee hits. But only reduced greater knockback moves.

    I'm not really sure how the reduction works. It seems to reduce most knockbacks by -41%~-45%. It's not that it actually varies. It reduces the same attack's knock back by the same value every time. But the amount reduces seems a bit different on different attacks.

    At first I thought it was a static -4.5 yalms to knockback, and anything below that would just get annulled. But after testing crosswind, I found it had 2.4 yalm knockback base and 1.4 with mantle. So there went that though.

    But if it's a percent reduction, then why do some knockback atks get fully nullified?

    Anyway, preliminary finding/TLDR;

    Repusle mantle can completely prevent minor melee knockback, and substantially reduce major knockback.

    Personally, I'm pretty happy about this mantle. I hate knockback, and maybe they'll add more pieces later that will allow full knockback immunity.

    Afterthought:Maybe some of those distances should go on BG wiki under the proper mob/WS? I don't think I've ever actually seen knockback quantified for anything in wiki.

  14. #314
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    Trying to determine the accuracy value from the +188 skill on Ixtab. The attack gained is exactly the same (1 skill = 1 attack) but the accuracy gained from that GA is being "nerfed" to 1 skill = ~0.8 accuracy. The whole test is assuming that blinding potion gives -256 accuracy (can't find any confirmation on this except on other wiki).

    Entire test was done without ionis bonus except stated other wise. The first set of data serves as control test to determine the evasion of chapuli. The 2nd set of data was used to calculate the accuracy gained from Ixtab. After some calculation with excel spreadsheet, I use this formula to fit the data:
    Accuracy = 200 + floor((224*0.9)+(188*0.8)) + floor(DEX*0.75) + gear accuracy.

    Any values in between 0.800 to 0.805 fits into the formula but I round it up to 0.8 for simplicity. Do correct me if I made any mistakes in calculating the evasion and accuracy.

    From the 3rd set of data, ionis seems to give 10 accuracy bonus with rank4 courier.

    Target mob	: Fernfelling Chapuli (Ceizak battleground)			
    Target evasion: 476			
    Job: Hume WAR99/WHM49			
    GA skill: 424			
    Based Dex: 97			
    Gear set	Accuracy	DEX	Total accuracy	/check result
    0	         0	        0	473	        Neutral evasion
    1	        12	        0	485	        Neutral evasion
    2	        13	        0	486	        Low evasion
    	Ixtab (with blinding potion)			
    Gear set	Accuracy	DEX	Calculated accuracy	/check result
    0	           0	         0	368	                 High evasion
    3	        105	        15	485	                 Neutral evasion
    4	        106	        15	486	                 Low evasion
    Gear set				
    0	No gear			
    1	Steelflash earring, Oneiros Pebble			
    2	Mauler's mantle			
    3	Twilight Mail, Yaoyotl Helm, Mauler's Mantle, Ogier's Breeches, Phorcys Schuhs, Oneiros Pebble, Rancor's Collar			
    4	Twilight Mail, Yaoyotl Helm, Mauler's Mantle, Ogier's Breeches, Phorcys Schuhs, Oneiros Pebble, Portus Annulet			
    	Widowmaker (with ionis bonus)			
    	Accuracy	DEX	Calculated accuracy	/check result
    	0	        0	483	               Neutral evasion
    	2	        0	485	               Neutral evasion
    	3	        0	486	               Low evasion

  15. #315
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    Alternator was ninja-updated with increased HP and MP for the automaton (or maybe it's a byproduct of it getting an item level?). Here are the increases, which show no clear pattern at all:


    HP: 1621 -> 1730 (109 HP, 6.72%)
    MP: 344 -> 529 (185 MP, 53.78%)


    HP: 1239 -> 1337 (98 HP, 7.91%)


    HP: 1963 -> 2094 (131 HP, 6.67%)


    HP: 1040 -> 1128 (88 HP, 8.46%)
    MP: 1189 -> 1411 (222 MP, 18.67%)

    Changing heads doesn't change the bonus, so it isn't related to automaton skill. Also, Auto-Repair Kit and Mana Tank bonuses are applied after the increases of Alternator, if they are a fixed amount instead of a percentage increase, as the new HP/MP changes proportionally to said increase.

  16. #316
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    Item Level, Spell interruption, and parrying

    After the steadfast shield tests, I decided to check is Item level itself had any effect on Block rates. It shouldn't, as block rate doesn't check player lvl, but you never know with SE's coding.... So, I use Buramenk'ah to get Item level 119, and then tested Aegis block rate.

    Long story short, Item Level does NOT directly affect block rate. But hey, now I know for sure.

    Spoiler: show

    Shield test - Aegis(95) - Mourning crawler lvl ~105(IT) - 432 Skill - Itemlevel 119(Buramenk'ah in mainhand)
    Total hits:1528
    Block%	42.27%
    AVG Blocked DMG:14.21
    AVG non-Blocked DMG:76.11
    Block DMG%-	-81.3%
    All well within normal range for Aegis with 432 skill.
    Parse data:
    Shield test - Aegis(95) - Mourning crawler lvl ~105(IT) - 432 Skill - Ilevel 119
    Melee Damage Taken
    Player             Melee Dmg   Melee %   Hit/Miss   M.Low/Hi    M.Avg  #Crit  C.Low/Hi   C.Avg     Crit%
    Martel                 76316   94.77 %   1528/123     10/101    48.94     46    24/166   82.17    3.01 %
             10:    7
    +        11:  255
             12:   56
             13:   53
             14:   45
             15:   20
             16:   49
             17:   46
             18:   45
             19:   41
             20:    4
             61:    5
             62:   13
     ^       63:  113
             64:  118
             65:   56
             66:   63
             67:   13
             68:   19
             69:   15
             70:    7
             71:   21
             72:   17
             73:   13
             74:   18
             75:   17
             76:    7
             77:   17
             78:   23
             79:   22
             80:   13
             81:    9
             82:   18
             83:   15
             84:   13
             85:   25
             86:   11
             87:   22
             88:   18
             89:   17
             90:   20
             91:    8
             92:   11
             93:   16
             94:   18
             95:   18
             96:    6
             97:    9
             98:    8
             99:    5
            100:    3
            101:    1
      Melee Crits
             24:    2
             25:    1
             26:    3
             27:    1
             28:    1
             29:    1
             30:    1
             31:    3
             33:    1
             34:    3
             35:    1
             36:    3
    +^       37:    4
            123:    1
            124:    1
            125:    2
            126:    1
            129:    1
            133:    1
            138:    1
            139:    1
            141:    1
            144:    1
            145:    1
            146:    2
            152:    1
            154:    1
            158:    1
            159:    1
            160:    1
            163:    1
            166:    1

    Item Level and Spell interruption
    The interesting thing though, was that during that Aegis test, I only got interrupted twice. Out of 188 cures cast. With three mobs hitting me.

    In all my tests before, an unblocked hit nearly always meant an interrupt. This time, I felt like I was wearing Ochain, with how freely I could cast. <,<

    Please pardon the lack of factual data this time. I didn't set out to test spell interruption this time. I just notice how potent the Item level effect was.

    623 Parrying?
    Having seen that in my combat skills, I wanted to see if having that much skill will actually have an effect vs these mobs. Or if it'd be just as crappy as parry usually is.

    Same Mobs ~105? Mourning Crawlers
    623 Parry skill
    Passive Defenses
    Player             Evasion  Evasion %   Parry  Parry %   Counter  Counter %   Intimidate  Intimidate %
    Martel                  61     6.31 %     235  25.97 %         0     0.00 %            0        0.00 %
    I think that's the highest parry rate I've ever seen, outside of Rune Fencer. <,< And on decent lvl mobs. RUN is gonna love this.

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foldypaws View Post
    The "Enhances Enfeebling Magic" on the new Naakuul boots is at least 5%, but less than 10%.

    Poison II with them on was still 10, Sab. Poison II was 21.
    To follow up on my own testing with this, looks like it's ~6%.

    Sab Slow II was ~ 67%, Sab Slow II with boots was ~71%.

  18. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by Byrthnoth View Post
    Enhanced Ionis gives 12/1024 gear haste.

    No gear Haste = 60 second recast on Reraise
    Capped gear Haste = 45 second recast on Reraise
    Capped gear Haste + Ionis = 45 second recast on Reraise
    Ionis and no gear Haste = 59 second recast on Reraise
    -- Ionis gives about 1% gear Haste

    Klimaform has a recast of 2:41 with Victory March +0, so <= 12/1024
    Klimaform has a recast of 2:57 with no Haste gear, so >=12/1024

    Thus, Ionis gives 12/1024 equipment Haste with the second floor now.
    I wasn't thinking about it at the time, but the bolded value indicates that Ionis' Fast Cast is 1%, because it doesn't appear to affect recast.

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by dasva View Post
    Any idea if it works on dia?
    Did some testing on Ephemeral Limule. Hurkan boots did not enhance the defense down from dia1 and dia2.

    SCH/WHM, without light arts

    Test 1: Without Uk'uxkaj Boots
    Protect V, VIT 81+95, total defense = 620. dia 1, defense = 588; dia 2, defense = 557

    Test 2: With Uk'uxkaj Boots
    Protect V, VIT 81+103, total defense = 620. dia 1, defense = 588; dia 2, defense = 557

  20. #320
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    Post update parry test

    Did another parry test after my shield tests, to see if anything had changed post update.

    PLD/DNC 623 skill(Buramenk'ah)
    Passive Defenses
    Player             Evasion  Evasion %   Parry  Parry %   Counter  Counter %   Intimidate  Intimidate %
    Martel                  86     5.18 %     420  26.70 %         0     0.00 %            0        0.00 %
    Melee Damage Taken
    Player             Melee Dmg   Melee %   Hit/Miss   M.Low/Hi    M.Avg  #Crit  C.Low/Hi   C.Avg     Crit%
    Martel                 32475   89.27 %    1142/86      21/94    27.45     36     46/69   58.61    3.15 %
    Doesn't seem like it's changed at all. Either SE didn't fix it, or the parry related issue was something else.

    Maybe parry skill on off hand weapons? 242+188.... I could see how they'd consider that broken, when I've got a 26% parry rate with just the +242. Calls for some dualweild tests I think.

    And I'll probably do some tests on Rune fencer soon as well.

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