Trying to determine the accuracy value from the +188 skill on Ixtab. The attack gained is exactly the same (1 skill = 1 attack) but the accuracy gained from that GA is being "nerfed" to 1 skill = ~0.8 accuracy. The whole test is assuming that blinding potion gives -256 accuracy (can't find any confirmation on this except on other wiki).
Entire test was done without ionis bonus except stated other wise. The first set of data serves as control test to determine the evasion of chapuli. The 2nd set of data was used to calculate the accuracy gained from Ixtab. After some calculation with excel spreadsheet, I use this formula to fit the data:
Accuracy = 200 + floor((224*0.9)+(188*0.8)) + floor(DEX*0.75) + gear accuracy.
Any values in between 0.800 to 0.805 fits into the formula but I round it up to 0.8 for simplicity. Do correct me if I made any mistakes in calculating the evasion and accuracy.
From the 3rd set of data, ionis seems to give 10 accuracy bonus with rank4 courier.
Target mob : Fernfelling Chapuli (Ceizak battleground)
Target evasion: 476
Job: Hume WAR99/WHM49
GA skill: 424
Based Dex: 97
Gear set Accuracy DEX Total accuracy /check result
0 0 0 473 Neutral evasion
1 12 0 485 Neutral evasion
2 13 0 486 Low evasion
Ixtab (with blinding potion)
Gear set Accuracy DEX Calculated accuracy /check result
0 0 0 368 High evasion
3 105 15 485 Neutral evasion
4 106 15 486 Low evasion
Gear set
0 No gear
1 Steelflash earring, Oneiros Pebble
2 Mauler's mantle
3 Twilight Mail, Yaoyotl Helm, Mauler's Mantle, Ogier's Breeches, Phorcys Schuhs, Oneiros Pebble, Rancor's Collar
4 Twilight Mail, Yaoyotl Helm, Mauler's Mantle, Ogier's Breeches, Phorcys Schuhs, Oneiros Pebble, Portus Annulet
Widowmaker (with ionis bonus)
Accuracy DEX Calculated accuracy /check result
0 0 483 Neutral evasion
2 0 485 Neutral evasion
3 0 486 Low evasion