Yeah, it's pretty nifty how all the different UI elements can be scaled. Happy the mini-map could be enlarged enough to make it a bit easier on the eyes at 2560x1600 resolution.
Yeah, it's pretty nifty how all the different UI elements can be scaled. Happy the mini-map could be enlarged enough to make it a bit easier on the eyes at 2560x1600 resolution.
Hid as much as possible. Gil, item, tnl, etc.
Nice, Seph, I like the layout. and once you memorize the keybinds, you can hide the menu buttons, too. ^^
You can also use the default numpad+ key and set the menu to be hidden. that key makes it pop up when you need it.
This is what I have been using in p4.
still fucking around with it. But it isn't too bad right now, I have some more useful stuff / class macros and other things set to bar 4/5/6 so i can easily Shift + # to them probably gonna put my chocobo on there rather then clicking it on the right. I generally use my keyboard unless im moving around.
Just started playing, so I'll probably continue to tweak it as I go, like it so far though. Just removed the minimap(I just use the bigger map, mini is too small an area), so I might move some stuff into that bottom corner now. Party is upper left next to hotbar 9.
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The lack of shit lining up in this thread is killing me.
My UI is essentially this, only I have a 2nd chatbox (can't add that to this web-generated UI) that hovers above my XP bar on the right side that lines up perfectly with the chatbox on the left. Left chatbox is for General/System/Shout, or, in party play, Battle; Right Chatbox is FC/LS/Party/Tell.
Also I play in 1920x1200, this one only allows 1920x1080.
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Tip: While you can't overlap most things, you can overlap the action bars slightly (about 1 "square" on the alignment grid) in the vertical direction to kill empty space between them, without affecting functionality.
Am I the only one here using a gamepad on PC?
I like it so much more than the standard "stacks of bars" MMO layouts. I just put all my extra shit (potions, limit break, sprint/teleport/return, rarely used abilities, w/e else) on the second cross-hotbar and switch between the two with RB.
Takes up so much less screen space than having a bunch of bars all over the place, and lets you get rid of the system menu as well.
This reminds me... you can hide bars that have keybound skills on them, and the skills will still go off even if the bars are hidden.
Right now I have my Limit Break, Sprint, mount and a few other skills on hidden bars. Trying very hard not to cover my screen with bars so I'm cutting corners where I can.
Technically every skill that doesn't have a cooldown to be tracked (or a proc) could be placed on a hidden bar with zero gameplay repercussions. I might move my out-of-combo DOTs like Phlebotomize to one of these bars, not sure.
Need to update my UI next time glad to see you can remove compass so i can just replace it with mini-map hopefully in bottom right.
I was using this up to getting 3102'd:
(I have a bunch of CNJ stuff shoved on the right side of the bar because of level caps)
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But got some ideas from this thread afterwards and switched to this in the short time before servers went down:
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Just need to tighten bar space and clean up log filters and I'll be happy.
I generally click on anything verti-bar, pet bar (pending whether I can clean up keybind space), or 6-10ish on hotbar and do (ctrl/alt) 1-5 as key inputs.
Also kind of diving into control stuff here but:
WASD: movement
arrow keys: target/menu navigation
Numpad 8462: camera
And I flipflop often between mouse/numpad/arrows depending on what fits.