Dungeons are fun as all hell. Love what they did with the slime fight in the mines. Now if I can only get people realize I am not an NPC.
Dungeons are fun as all hell. Love what they did with the slime fight in the mines. Now if I can only get people realize I am not an NPC.
Logged in this morning, wait in queue:1. Fuck ya!
The sandworm and chimera fights in Cutter's Cry were really fun. I feel like they tweaked existing boss fights from the last beta pretty drastically. Hellbender was putting mages in bubbles left and right, Aiatar was spitting poison all over the place, stupid Halatali ogre was frequently going invincible, etc.
Am excite for more of this shit... I am just getting impatient with doing everything in order and on ACN for the exp.
The new official launch trailer is gewd.
I noticed this too, and realized I'm guilty of acting like this. I am definitely going to try talking more! But yeah in XI you always got a {Congratulations!} at the least when you levelled or got a merit point, even if only one person said it. Definitely going to remember to start chatting more in groups though!
Actually, when running dungeons with Duty Finder pick-ups, I really appreciate the fact that I don't really need to fuck around with pleasantries for the crappy people I will never see again and who have almost no common courtesy to begin with. I just watch myself get out-lotted at the end, as usual, and use the exit.
I'm looking at you, random terribad GLA tank who was getting major-butthurt because I used Topaz Carbuncle to make up for the fact that he didn't know how to hold hate on multiple mobs or stay alive while doing so.
I'm of the same mind (with an exact example like that too, except the GLA just didn't care instead of being butthurt), but if the party is good-to-ok and they talk I'm happy to oblige in talking.
Even if most job/class/story quest bosses are pretty faceroll-y, it bears mentioning again that the quality of battle music is really goddamn good and gets me all pumped up. General examples: that one track used at the end of the Limit Break trailer, Mor Dhona and Coerthas versions of regular battle theme, levequest theme... etc.
In DF formed dungeons, I typically always say hello, and when we approach a mini-/boss I ask if this is anyone's first time doing it so I can fill them in on how to do it, and when we win I'll always type in "gj guys," bc you know, I'm a human and stuff.
I do the same. Did Ifrit last night with DF and the PT started almost immediately so there was no explanation. I had hoped they had done it before since they seemed to jump right in. When we died the first time I started explaining some of the mechanics and gave them a "Good job" when they killed the nail before Hellfire. We then proceeded to wipe again because of the CNJ, but congratulated them again after we won.
They said nothing other than the tank said "missed that one" cause they got hit with a Eruption or something.
Word, I'm all for talking if people are normal/friendly... but I have to begin with the assumption that they're half-retarded until proven otherwise. Also, with early-access, I hadn't run into very many people who had not been to/through the lower-end dungeons and needed instruction. Not to mention, the margin for error during these non-hard-mode boss fights is pretty lenient and you can just say "stop killing the bombs" or "get the fuck out of the pool of poison" to the dumb Lancer of the group and end up with a win.
As I finally step out of the 20s/30s, I'll see how frustrated I get. Until then, I've had pretty solid experiences with duty finder. I'm actually impressed with it as a whole (besides the lack of /tells and friendlisting).
When I do the DF I take charge of that shit if I know instruction needs to be given. Every time I do Ifrit I explain the nail mechanic to avoid hell fire and to move out of the aoe. Lowest common denominator ya'll. Just assume everyone is stupid ahead of time.
I am going to tell you why I think this game is amazing for a "launch" (relaunch if you want).
Starting a "new" game with a few 50s already, and not flipping out that there's not a lot of endgame to do as I am so busy doing a million and one things outside of dungeons. All these class quests/storyline quests/etc. have kept me so busy.
Most new mmos die because people hit 50 and have nothing to do.
I remember people flipping out about the raid not being in, I just hope I get all my jobs ready before then lol.
No kidding. When I sit down to get my XIV on, I feel borderline-overwhelmed because I have so much shit to do.
I played like I was a sleep-deprived teenager again over the last 4 days and ultimately completed a LOT of content, only to look at my Lv.50s, the main scenario quests, and all the available dungeons just to feel like I have a very long ways to go before I feel caught up enough to even consider bitching about a lack of endgame. I think the time between now and 2.1 will be just about right for me.
Now if I could log on and stay logged on, I would be as happy as a godsdamned clam...
This so fucking much! I'm like "Okay lemme start working on THM... Wait no I should do these missions so I can do X later. Actually no lemme work on setting up/gearing up my 50s. Actually no I should probably relearn how to play these jobs... Okay maybe I'll play my THM."
Way too much shit to do. Add to that trying to make YouTube videos... It's insane.
Ditto with all of the above. Wanting to blaze through main quests and level Arcanist, but there's distractions everywhere that I can't help paying attention to. It's wonderful as long as I don't disconnect.
I guess everyone has been having bad gladiators when it comes to queued dungeons. Was getting compliments on my clean tanking (marking everything quickly, keeping all hate on me, and stunning when I can) today, but I have the opposite problem. I get DDs who have no idea how to use limit break. Some that don't even follow my kill order so fights feel longer. But, for once actually had a decent party for Halatali.
Dungeons all in all are super fun though, mainly as a tank. I just love how I constantly have to be on my toes. They did a good job this time around for 2.0. But I do see what you guys are saying about feeling almost overwhelmed because of everything to do. I'm out leveling the dungeons I have to do for storyline stuff before I even get to them lol. Then once you unlock GC, got stuff to do there, and can't forget about class quests. It's going to be awhile before I even get bored with this game. It's holding my attention far better then 1.0.