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  1. #1
    Salvage Bans
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    Help HQ'ing items for Artisan Glasses


    So I have all crafts to 15+ and gsm/alch/wvr/lth to 50. I Have my Leather worker almost fully melded but the head piece and only a Control IV on the off hand plus some tier 1's I have not thrown on yet. My question is, as I have ran out of leves getting Weaver to 50, will there be any rotation I can do with good chance to HQ those Gryphon skin straps? I need to HQ a ton for the glasses but most rotations I read use Braygots blessing and Ingenuity 2.

    tldr; is it possible and what is a good rotation to hq 2 star without bsm/crp to 50?

  2. #2
    D. Ring
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    I don't expect that you'll find a rotation for your specific situation without making it up yourself. I used my own variation of this one to grab 3 artisan tools this past weekend, but you'd have to heavily modify it to fit your needs. Ingenuity 1 might be good enough to replace Ingenuity 2, but you'll have to make it up as you go if you replace Byregot's with uhhhh... Rumination, I think--that skill that gives CP back.

    If you're only going for the glasses, I would do it all with SH2 & Hasty Hand spamming (instead of the 100% success method in the link above) and pray to the luck gods. At least the ingredients aren't expensive, and if you use HQ ingredients, even a mediocre synth rotation should get you to 50% HQ rate or so. The glasses only take 10, if I recall.

  3. #3
    Salvage Bans
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    Yeah I was thinking that, I will mess around with it and see what I can come up with. Was just hoping by happen chance that there was an alternative to praying to the rngesus.

    EDIT: So if anyone has experience, since I'd rather save the money from trail and error, what is the best way to recover after a cycle of SH2->Hasty spam? Do I use Master Meld II then SH II then reapply Comfort zone? Or just use manipulate? Just not quite sure what will be the best bet here.

  4. #4

    As a rule, Master's Mend II (0.375 durability per CP) is more efficient than Manipulation (0.34 durability per CP), if you can use all the Durability Master's Mend II provides, which should always be the case for 80 Durability synthesis.

    Comfort Zone's almost always a good idea to keep up, unless you're going to run dry on CP or Durability during its duration, or finish the craft.

    The big question is Byregot's Blessing vs Rumination, if you have both. Blessing is numerically better, but a lot of the bonus is easily wasted in Hasty Touch-focused synths like this, while Rumination's flexibility can be nice. If you don't have Blessing or Ingenuity II, Rumination should give you enough Cp to get a second makers mend Ii off, or worst-case a Waste NoT, either of which is enough for Ingenuity I to carry you far

  5. #5
    Salvage Bans
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    I managed to do it and get the i70 weapon. It was a long and arduous task. I had around 5 NQ's and the 60 I needed HQ'd, pretty good for a limited rotation. I basically stuck to no game plan and just used skills as they seem fit, sometimes I would keep up comfort zone or make the judgment not to. Sometimes I would standard touch on a good when I needed to, used waste not if in a pinch. The thing is, it was VERY hard to make a HQ from NQ mats for me, I don't think I could make a 2 star hq reliably with NQ mats unless I was getting some good procs. Using rumination basically meant no more quality increase but i would get greedy and take some chances, some payed off some didn't as assumed. But thanks for the advice it helped.

  6. #6

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    Help HQing items for Artisan Glasses

    No idea yet, Im just gonna settle where I know a couple of people. I play an MMO yeah but I suck at being social when I dont know anybody lol.

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