I grabbed these on a Lightning Deal from Amazon because I was in need of a new set and I had a great run with a previous pair of original Siberias. Unfortunately the design isn't the same as the last time and this new design starts to get uncomfortable for me after about 3 hours.

Most people on Amazon don't seem to have this problem, so I believe it's unique to my head, wearing glasses, and the duration I tend to keep them on.

I just want to get my money back. Looking for $55 shipped. These go for $70 new when not on sale. I used them maybe a grand total of 7 hours (gave it two tries before I switched they out)


Note this is not the USB version. It comes with one 3.5mm plug that supports both input & output when plugged into dual purpose jack (like into your phone, same as earbuds with in-line mics). Comes with an adapter splitter so you can plug separately on PC.

Edit: Sold.