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Orichalcum ring
I dunno anything bout editing Wikis, but thought i would just toss this at ya guys if someone felt it was importante enough to correct.
Im under the impression that you get skillups in craftin for 10 levels above the craft cap of the item? well i just did Orichalcum Ring, which is listed as level 93. and got two separate skillups to hit 104. could be the double skillup campaign i guess but I dont think it is. nothing after that gave me a skillup. So im guessing it should really cap at 94?
You were 103 (10 levels above 93) and got skillups.
ok I thought they stopped at 103 since they stop at 93 before the 10 levels were added.
Naw, you can get skillups until you are 11 levels over the old recipe cap.
SE just worded it kind of poorly and people still get confused.
oh and also i swear previous items i crafted also stopped at literally 10 over. thats why this one kinda tripped me out for a bit. well if its 11 thats cool and good to know lol.
Bit off topic maybe, but I wonder if "Skillup chance" changes according to the level of recipe you're using?
Say you're level 98 in some profession. Would you get higher "skillup chances" using a level 100 recipe compared to using a level 92 recipe? Or would it be just the same exact number?
I always thought there was a higher skillup rate if the cap was above your true skill. :/ I'm pretty sure that skillup rate drops once you are over cap as well, and it peters out as you get further away from it... So, with your example, the lvl 100 recipe should give a noticeably higher skillup rate compared to the lv92.
That's what I always assumed myself, and even before the "can get skillup 10 levels above recipe's cap" adjustment, I thought that higher level recipes had higher chances of breaking, but higher chances of skillup too (risk:reward).
I have no clue if this has always been a wrong assumption though, hence why I was asking.
Skillups (if successful) seem to give more skill the further you are below cap. I forget the exact rules but you unlock +0.3 skillups by being some number of levels below cap while below level 50 or 60.
Skillup rate definitely drops off the further you get above cap with the new system. I think it took me almost 200 Geodes to do the last level of Geode spamming.
yes it defintiely slows down as you approach the level cap of the item, naturally before 70 now its almost 100% skillup rate it feels like since they changed that. i just hit 110 off a 102 recipie. as i got closer the skillups were alot slower (durin this skillup campaign by the way) didnt help i got 109.9 and someone started buyin up all the damn ores/beads i was usin just ahead of me. tried one nepenthe grip with no skillup and then had the mats for arasy scythe. first one HQ'd with no skillup (fuck my life thats the wrong luck, i just want the skillup), second NQ but skillup to make me 110. now i have no idea how much to try and sell it on ah since nobody has. and except maybe 2-3 arasy weapons none of them ever sell.
- » Orichalcum ring