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  1. #1
    EL - Airship Pirate
    Airship Captain of the House of Weave

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    Color Your World: Share Your Reshade Presets

    So I just started using Reshade 3. I love the graphics and art direction in FFXIV, however I want to augment them in order to counter the low quality textures on many objects. I still want to retain the natural look of the game however.

    I though maybe someone here had a great preset that really brought out the beauty in Eorzea that they could share for Reshade 3. Or just share the presets you have been using, or have gotten from other users.

  2. #2
    Smells like Onions
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    Dec 2019
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    So I've been looking this up but all the answers are like from 5 years ago so I'm unsure if the answers are still relevant to the game now. The server I've been trying to get into is Balmung but I swear every single time I check its constantly full and I can't make a character. I've been checking regularly, multiple times a day since last week. Its pretty frustrating honestly, I just want to get into the RP scene.

    My current world is Gilgamesh and its fine for now, but I heard Balmung is the RP server and I wanted to check it out. Any advice on how to get in or where to look for RP on Gilgamesh in the meantime would be great! Or even any other world suggestions would be awesome!

  3. #3

    Just get on the Crystal data center and you can visit Balmung on demand just visiting a major city big aetheryte. Some things are restricted while visiting like mail and retainers, but since you're mainly looking for RP, all you'll have to do is head to the usual hubs or maybe even put up a party finder ad.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by GraysonLevi View Post
    So I've been looking this up but all the answers are like from 5 years ago so I'm unsure if the answers are still relevant to the game now. The server I've been trying to get into is Balmung but I swear every single time I check its constantly full and I can't make a character. I've been checking regularly, multiple times a day since last week. Its pretty frustrating honestly, I just want to get into the RP scene.

    My current world is Gilgamesh and its fine for now, but I heard Balmung is the RP server and I wanted to check it out. Any advice on how to get in or where to look for RP on Gilgamesh in the meantime would be great! Or even any other world suggestions would be awesome!