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  1. #1
    Hyperion Cross
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    [PC] Exporting settings and importing to let friend play on my PC

    Straight forward question

    Friend coming to mine, he only has PC license, so I'll play on my PS4 no prob.
    I'm getting him to export his settings to import into mine.

    Should i backup my own before I import his (I probably backup anyway)? Or does importing his make it live next to mine side by side?

    Was wondering how it works. I half wondered if importing his file means all my settings are gone.

  2. #2
    Banned for Duping

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    Every character that has logged in on your computer has a seperate folder with things like hotbars, macros, gearsets, etc. What you'll wanna do is have your friend copy/backup all the relevant files from the folder on his computer, log in on your computer (to create a folder on your system), close the game and then simply find that new folder and replace all the files with his own settings from his computer. By default the folder should be in your Documents > My Games > FFXIV - A Realm Reborn. They're named like FFXIV_CHRXXXXXXXXXXX. You should be able to easily differentiate between which folder is which by the file size and the date the folder is created. My main characters folder is 50 MB and all of the other character folders I have are around 1-10 MB. The folder should have these files:

    You should be able to just copy over everything aside from the "log" folder and be gucci. I just grab everything when I'm copying over stuff to an alt or seperate account. If you prefer you can just cherrypick what you want though. Just mind you don't overwrite your own characters folder (back it up beforehand if you're paranoid).

  3. #3
    Hyperion Cross
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    Oh like that, makes much more sense then, never had more than 1 char! I just assumed everything is a bit ... flat/flatfile.

    Makes good sense then and sounds much more simple/efficient than I envisioned. Thank yous!

  4. #4

    So with as much grinding as I've done, it's looking like the fastest way to grind the tomestones for this event has to be The Arum Vale. At a yeild of 5 tomes per clear, I went into the event thinking that clears had to be shorter than 30 minutes to yeild tomes faster than the 10 tomes Castrum does.

    A while into figuring out the fastest way to clear arum Vale, a random party off PF was able to clear AV in 11min 30sec at the fastest, and 12min 30sec at the slowest, giving this dungeon the best tomestone:time ratio

    Unless other dungeons can be cleared even faster than AV, it looks like AV will be the dungeon to run if you want to grind Soldiery. I'm gonna be doing the napkin math later, but the strategy for skipping the first pull in AV (which saves an easy 2-3 minutes) goes as follows:

    The tank sprints ahead while hugging the left wall, making sure to leave the party behind while pulling all enemies across the way, the rest of the party sneaks past the tank into the boss room, starting the locksmith fight early while the tank dies outside of the boss room, the enemies that killed the tank un-aggro, returning to their posts and leaving the party to fight the first boss, the tank gets rezzed to help out with the first boss, all in time to continue the rest of AV in surprisingly great time

    If anyone knows anything that'll make this way faster, I'd be glad to know, but for now, this remains the fastest way to get your tomestones

  5. #5

    Sweaty Dick Punching Enthusiast

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    The bots are getting more nuanced but can’t help themselves from necro bumping a three year old thread

  6. #6

    Yeah, was like, "Not this time, asshole..."