I am amazed that thread has gone on for so long and got so many pages and not get nuked.
I am amazed that thread has gone on for so long and got so many pages and not get nuked.
Bunch of people in a thread talking about handicapped people and SE is all like
Well, to be fair, everyone's saying "we don't have a problem with your handicap, we have a problem with your attitude".
edit: ...and it's been nuked.
2nd edit: ...and not just that thread. Apparently a bunch of threads are gone, to the point one person made a thread asking if the forum somehow got rolled back.
So it's happened: a thread so bad not only did it get nuked, but a bunch of (semi) innocent bystanders in the vicinity died along with it as well.
That shit show was great, I gotta visit the OFs more often.
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While he's not wrong, I guess this is the mentality. I don't play SAM or RDM, but I assume they have AoEs by time they hit Doma (all I ever get for leveling roulette) and for sure at 70..but I've yet to see either do AoEs yet want full pulls lol.
RDM can AOE in Sastasha lol, no excuse for the RDM to not AOE at all
SAM certainly has plenty of AoE by then. If other DPS isn't AoEing you might bottom out on TP fast, but even then they should still be using the AoE Iaijutsu.
But I've run into a lot of this while leveling in SB. Had a run with two BLMs in Doma Castle where neither one cast Flare or Fire 2 at all.
to be fair, RDM AoE "rotation" is boring as fuck :/ i.e. it's not actually a rotation, it's just one spell 95% of the time
SAM has full AOE at level45.
Partial at lv26
Sam also bleeds through their TP at a lightning pace when AOEing, although, for the TP cost, the damage is staggering. Not even a goad will keep a Sam up for very long when they're full-on AOEing, but the damage absolutely justifies the cost.
Plus they get a tp-free aoe every 5 GCDs.
Also a Kenki based AoE.
That mch player totally got owned. Anyhow the reasons not to use aoes in that thread arent justifiable. It's called math. I feel as though the damage nerfs just give those people excuses not to use AOEs. And holy aint all that great. The real AOE power of whm comes from Aero III + aero II on all targets.
On DRK I still use Dark Passanger despite other DRKs saying it's not worth it. It's still a viable CD thanks to the blind affect.
SAM has pretty nice AOE and you'd be a fool not to use it. I use invigorate as soon as I hit 400tp to keep the AOE going.
Holy's greatness comes from the mitigation with AOE stun.
Not to mention if the WHM goes Holy -> Aero III -> Thin Air + Presence of Mind -> Holy Spam.
Throw in assize for free aoe heal + aoe damage.
Also if you use the new divine seal + regen on tank he should be set. More so if they pop convalesce. I love doing dungeons on WHM.
That's assuming the tank is smart and pops CDs. I'm my last few runs I've had tanks doing mass pulls and not bothering with any defensive cooldowns. Regen isn't gonna do much there even with Lagresse. I can still Holy spam thanks to Benediction and Tetragrammaton so yay! Just tossing some cures in for lilies.
Don't forget asylum. I mean I know it's like the unwanted child in the WHM toolset because lagresse doesn't affect it, but every little bit helps lol.
The 8s of Stun Holy buys you every pull cannot be understated on crud tanks. AST can only do a 5s stun every two minutes which you'd probably rather use to extend buffs instead, and SCH is boned if a tank pulls too much unless they Bio2 midpull and then swiftcast their Miasma as it settles to hit Bane onto before piling Adlos and Lustrates on the tank.
Just.. lol.Originally Posted by mooglearmy
I saw that thread yesterday. Made me laugh a little but then I seriously thought about whether there was anywhere on the internet that wasn't at all toxic and came up with nothing. People need to learn to be a little more thick-skinned or they're going to be seriously let down by basically everything in life.
Well, didn't the admins try to turn even BG into a hugbox at one point?
When I think of all the times I've been roasted here, it makes me die a little inside to think that some people can't even handle Reddit's level of nastiness.