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  1. #21
    We wear wine red on Wednesdays

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    When you read all of Omega's lines in Claptrap's voice in your head this is the funniest raid ever btw.

  2. #22
    Can you spare some gil?
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one that did that, people were wondering why I was laughing in discord and I couldn't explain.

  3. #23
    The Real Cookiemonster
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    I seriously hated #3, it brought back bad memories of titan pre-lag tweaking back in the day, EU on US datacenter was a pain. I would get in the frog field in time (on my screen) and not get hit each time, 1 2 and 4 were good fun though, I esp. enjoyed 4.

  4. #24
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    There is no 'getting in the frog field'. You set yourself up in front of her while she is casting Ribbit. Once the floor is marked, you are too late.

    Anyway, while I enjoyed the fights and some of the mechanics, the whole thing is stupid easy. This is hardly any tougher than story primal fights. I know Yoshida said he was going to tune down Savage with Stormblood like with Creator, but damn, normal got hit too, not even 1 wipe. Royal Menagerie was better than this.

  5. #25
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    I've been spamming these all day and I sure saw a bunch of wipes in duty finder lol. Still managed to salvage them with Verraise spam, guess there's no enrage?

  6. #26
    The Real Cookiemonster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Appie View Post
    There is no 'getting in the frog field'. You set yourself up in front of her while she is casting Ribbit. Once the floor is marked, you are too late.
    Her casting of Ribbit was what I meant with frog field, I guess I phrased myself imprecisely.

  7. #27
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    The issue I've been finding in these fights is they go on a little too long and the 3rd and 4th bosses damage stacks really build up because mechanics don't just outright kill ya.

  8. #28
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    I think these fights drag on because people are constantly panicking and dropping their DPS to dodge mechanics. You'd think they'd learn after a few rotations but nope.

  9. #29
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    I mean, I'd rather they do the mechanics than outright die and slow things down even more with that shitty as hell 25-50% STR/INT/DEX down weakness/double weakness, but I try not to set my bar too high for duty finder / pugs.

    99% of time, they just won't perform as well as your FC mates/static/whatever. If it's something that truly bothers you, just drag the actually good players you know to do it with you?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Appie View Post
    This is hardly any tougher than story primal fights.
    I agree and raise it with: Whats the difference to a story primal fight.!?
    I really enjoyed fights with a lot of mobs, but V1-V4 .. there is not even one single add in all four fights. Or did I miss it? No extra mob mechanics, nothing.

    Fight 1 and 2 you can easily solo tank and solo heal.
    Its normal mode, but still... V1/V4 look around (outside the area), nothing really interesting/cool looking stuff. Snake looks nice, but the mechanic was (unless I remember it wrong) too easy. V2 looks like a basement where you should lock a specific Donald.

    I am really dissapointed but will wait to compare till we get Savage mode.

    A raid is for me something where I walk around in a huge area and have shitload of fun fighting things and collecting points or gear or whatever. I know Eureka and other possible stuff is comming, but toooooo late.

    I am not calling V1-V4 raid as SE does in their E-Mail spam (8-man raid my ass). Even A9/A10 normal was more of a raid.

  11. #31
    Sandworm Swallows
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    V3 has an add mechanic, a dragon that does a conal attack.

    Quote Originally Posted by bercus View Post
    A raid is for me something where I walk around in a huge area and have shitload of fun fighting things and collecting points or gear or whatever.
    The 24-mans kind of fit this description, but Alexander was less moving around than Coil, and we're on a sloping trend of less and less stuff in these raids. We'll see if they add a lot of extra junk to Savage but I doubt it. Aren't they also doing an ultra hard version of Omega or something?

  12. #32
    A. Body
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alkar View Post
    I think these fights drag on because people are constantly panicking and dropping their DPS to dodge mechanics. You'd think they'd learn after a few rotations but nope.
    Yeah, they drag on and people want to LB at 1-3% because "I need to dodge mechanics" or "my DPS", especially from SAMs. Had people yelling at the MELEE DPS to LB for a solid 4 minutes. "I have mechanics to dodge"...when absolutely no mechanics were happening requiring dodging because Fire III is targeted on you regardless. Not the buffed Fire III..regular Fire III.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rionel View Post
    I mean, I'd rather they do the mechanics than outright die and slow things down even more with that shitty as hell 25-50% STR/INT/DEX down weakness/double weakness, but I try not to set my bar too high for duty finder / pugs.

    99% of time, they just won't perform as well as your FC mates/static/whatever. If it's something that truly bothers you, just drag the actually good players you know to do it with you?
    This is why I hate working on my Aether alt. The differences between standard in JP datacenter and NA datacenter is blinding lol. In JP DC, you're expected to know wtf you're doing or RESEARCH before you hit that queue button. Will you be perfect first time? No, but on NA DC, it's the reverse: "Expect to wipe, expect shit people, we do this shit blind, only queue with friends/FC if you want to clear etc."

    Quote Originally Posted by Silenka View Post
    V3 has an add mechanic, a dragon that does a conal attack.

    The 24-mans kind of fit this description, but Alexander was less moving around than Coil, and we're on a sloping trend of less and less stuff in these raids. We'll see if they add a lot of extra junk to Savage but I doubt it. Aren't they also doing an ultra hard version of Omega or something?
    Considering Savage version is created first and "Hard/Normal/Story" version has mechanics stripped out, there's no doubt going to be a bit more but they DID say Omega will be creator difficulty level regardless. There is indeed something for people who clear Savage V4, but it's probably akin to Second Coil Savage where it's ultimately worthless because it would "create a gap if we offer real rewards."

  13. #33
    We wear wine red on Wednesdays

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    I'm okay with the normal mode content being kinda faceroll for this cycle. With so many changes to jobs and everyone still working on optimization, Id rather the mechanics be interesting but not difficult. They did a very mega man x intro stage style of raid where all the mechanics are introduced one at a time before you deal with multiple at once. I am curious to see how difficult they tune the savage mode difficulty.

  14. #34
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    Well we know Savage O4/V4 has an additional phase like Brute Justice did so at least there's that.

  15. #35
    Queen of the Pity Party
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    hit 295 this morning. AM EXCITE.

    looking forward to 3.0 the most, I think. although it also looks like the worst for DF/PF groups lol

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silenka View Post
    V3 has an add mechanic, a dragon that does a conal attack.

    The 24-mans kind of fit this description, but Alexander was less moving around than Coil, and we're on a sloping trend of less and less stuff in these raids. We'll see if they add a lot of extra junk to Savage but I doubt it. Aren't they also doing an ultra hard version of Omega or something?

    Ah yeah forgot the dragon that dies in 5 seconds and is as dangerous as a fuck from behind (IN PRISON)....

  17. #37
    Resident Moogle
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    All the lvl70 content thus far just feels like a complete reset in difficulty. Easy Primal EXs, and the easiest story-mode raid. Will have to see if Savage Omega (which is still a misnomer at this point) is easier than Savage Creator as well, as well as the 24man in 4.1.

    Probably to cater to new players jump potioning in.

  18. #38
    Old Odin
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    dunno at leadt the mainstory boss was harder then any mainstory battle before!!! Still have to get ilvl 300 to join omega but o well

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  19. #39
    Relic Horn
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    Completely disagree. You can can flail your way through the menagerie. Nidhogg gave people trouble when I'd pop in for a roulette until the end of the expansion

  20. #40

    They played it safe with V4. Fine. Cool. Whatever. But I don't have any interest in Dissidia XIV. If we don't see a Chrono Trigger or Parasite Eve boss fight, the whole raid will be a failure.