Anyone know if you can suicide during the 1min long transition in O4S to skip it?
Anyone know if you can suicide during the 1min long transition in O4S to skip it?
You cannot it will send you back to the beginning of exdeath
What are healers melding these days? I'm genuinely thinking going full direct hit because I spend more time DPSing than healing once I know the fight.
Neither of my healers use DH. There's just not enough of it to be useful.
Grain of salt, but DH is basically only marginally better than Det for your DPS and does nothing for your heals.
I'm doing Crit to:
1. stronger SCH shields/heals
2. stronger AST shields/heals
3. more reduction on my Ass/Asslyum when I land a crit cure for more MP/Damage over time
Is that so? I haven't been keeping up with the maths of the new expansion, but I was told DH is the definitive meld for tank damage because their base rate is so low due to not natively occurring on their gear.
I'm going to do crit because it pretty blatantly has the most overall utility for all 3 classes, but purely looking at DPS, is DH not the strongest?
I'm not sure I understand the low DH position, either. It's power allegedly came from the unusually high scaling. Unless the curve is garbage starting from zero, it shouldn't matter
That said, having no effect on heals is probably a good enough reason not to use it
How much healer dps are people generally getting/expecting out of Neo?
I'm still working on my healing rotation as Noct AST, and lately I've been using Largess+Lightspeed+Lucid+CO to solo heal through every other Alamgest+DoT so my WHM partner can full DPS through them (and it costs me next to no MP at all doing it), but it does fuck with my personal DPS quite a bit. I feel I'm overshielding in general in that fight but it helps smooth shit out with the Allagan fields having pre & post shields for those, as well as for every Grand Cross.
I'd say 2k combined healer dps on first clear is doable without taking too much risks.
We're running AST/SCH.
Yo, so this is my first time playing when a raid tier is released rather than playing catch up. So what’s the best way to prioritize your Alphascape drops with the current lockouts? So far in the two weeks since release I have head, belt, ring, 1/2 hands, and 2/4 legs. I’m thinking it’s best to spend tomestones for the body piece for now since everyone is trying to lot on the shafts. For reference I’m talking about normal mode but feel free to give insight on savage drops too for the sake of discussion.
probably alot easier to get a crafter friend the materials for the crafted 380 set.
Crafted set. Replace bad pieces with alphascape nm pieces or if neither are good stick with i370.
If on Sarg pm me. I can make your gear.