If steam deck counts as mobile then yes
If steam deck counts as mobile then yes
Can remote stream to a handheld device with moonlight/sunshine, although there appears to be an update I'll be trying with apollo/artemis. Bonus points for being able to play other PC games on handhelds/laptops without rapidly draining the battery/having the fans run loudly. Latency is decent enough for non-twitchy games and can even stream to your xbox series s/x if you want to recreate the FFXI console experience of the past.
Hot damn, Escha-Ru'Aun was the right answer for merits.
What should I be saving my Domain Invasion points for? My only 99 is RDM at the moment.
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You can probably use them on iLevel 119 gear that you don't feel like farming, but the accessories were the priority for people who had been playing consistently when they were released.
I can't get steam link to work with windower, but does sunshine/moonlight work with it?
I'm not sure on the specifics of your question, but you can have moonlight load up your desktop and manually open windower if that's ok. If playing with steam deck/controller setup (like I did for xbox series s), there may be initial issues trying to get the controller inputs recognized without that microstutter present whenever a controller is connected to the main pc.
Damn that's cool. Thanks! I'll look into trying it
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Interesting! I kept trying different ways to get steam link to work but the way windower launcher kills itself and opens a new process was throwing it for a loop.
Stuff from Wildskeeper Rieves is all useless at this point, right?
It's FFXI so there are a few items that are still useful by some jobs in some situations. The weapons can all be augmented with Occasionally attacks twice, which makes them fun but probably not best in slot.
The armor/accessories that still look interesting to me are:
* Animiikii bullet
* Friomisi Earring (does someone still use this?)
* Quanpur necklace
Just accessories, then? So I can safely toss all these airlixirs I've been getting?
Oh yeah, for sure.
During campaigns, some useful materials drop from them, but otherwise most of the gear is crap and airlixies are worthless
Is there a guide or discussion anywhere on the best way to augment JSE capes?
This? https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:JSE_Capes
The new Null Cape that came out invalidates some capes people have made, but otherwise the job guides probably list the important ones for your jobs.
Yeah, I just don't see anything on optimal upgrade paths.
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Are you asking "what capes should I make?" Or "if I have 3k ambuscade points, which stats do I focus on to make one cape?"
The first question is handled by job guides while the second is answered by "cap out ambuscade you noob lolol" really though you can basically finish all the capes for a job in a few hours of ambuscade.
make your TP cape and then your WSD cape, and then your idle cape. If you're a caster get your fast cast cape first, then your magic accuracy int/mnd capes, then your idle cape, once you have those completed then work on your niche weird capes/elemental WSD cape.
You pick one thing from each item's category and max it out.
If you are using something like gear swap you typically would make a separate cape for something like Fast Cast because it is barely equipped and a separate one for nuking because MAB is also in that slot. A nuking cape would be INT, MAB, INT, Mdmg/Macc, PDT or whatever.
I gotcha, I gotcha.