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My point is there was a load of related events happening within the same window of the event itself. Ninja isn't an employee, but could have very easily been offered some incentive to stream XI. Fanfest wasn't SE's, but they went through an awful lot of effort as the company that owns it considering the current state of the game. On top of that, the return campaign's timing was a pretty big coincidence.
Because SE didn't own the event, they had every reason to pipe up and say "Whoa now, we don't have any plans to announce anything. Just enjoy the event." without harming their interest in it, but didn't. They low-key rode ~2 weeks of free press, which is not a bad thing at all. But without them having a vested interest in the event, they could have cleared the air, still rode the free press and circumstance, and noone would have gotten fussy. For that, I do put it on them.