January 2018 update was only 85 files, I doubt the new thread was needed just yet.
There's not a lot to discuss other than that knockoff miniature King Arthro NM that one-shotted me with Big Scissors like an RKO from outta nowhere which, to be honest, really should be in the old "Random Fail" thread.
But I rely on server stress for vital sustenance!
Two more devposts:
* 1/9 Changing song icons - If I am understanding this correctly, the player wants offensive songs vs defensive songs to be different icons. They said they will consider changing the icons, but i believe they said they cannot be divided on the status icon list?
* 1/10 Synthesis Focuser II - Player seems to think there is an issue with the HQ/NQ fusion skillchain when using the focuser on esctucheons. Told to submit a bug report.
Pleasantly surprised they added Save the Queen with a real model this time lol. The original had the most bland model.
Mog Bonanza winning numbers were announced.
Won myself a Kupo Shield.
Only a couple months too late
New posts
- 1/12 Recap Post - Reminder that up to 32 #ANV keys are now available each week. Mog House decorating contest is going on until 1/16. JPs are on Twitter this time, even though not many liked that during the Well event due to privacy concerns.
- 1/15 Live Vana'diel (Ambuscade Video) - This month they apparently had voice chat added to their Ambuscade Video they publish every month. Just some feedback that the community enjoyed it.
- 1/15 Let's Go! Vana'diel Day! - Feedback regarding this month's Let's Go day. They said that after 15 years of exercise, the boy was able to perform mega deliveries yesterday, and even master the convenience of Home Point warps. Reminder that they expended the Vana'versary objectives considerably, and more to come.
- Extra Note, SE made a job posting for a Community Support/Coordinator position for FFXI and FFXIV.
UGH. That is actually bad news in a way. There was a similar posting in.. March (?) of last year that was taken down after ~2mon. I was really hoping it had been filled and they were just stuck in training or the like... This means we're still stuck at zero.
I'm back btw! :D I just went thru having no phone/net for over a month because of downed lines. Glad to see someone picked up the devpost reporting for me.
Go ahead and take it back over if you'd like, I didn't want to fall too far behind. I already have enough things to deal with regarding the wiki and my other projects lol.
Tried a few yesterday, no luck. Only had enough luck with the hands so far
Yeah I saw those. You need an Eschuteons! After that you can flood the market with Mousai stuff and make Sechs happy granting him a 4/5 complete set (because fuck the feet)
Weekly DevPost Summary is up. Skipping over the stuff already covered:
JP1) Rejection of increasing stack size for crystals due to AH issues.
JP2) There is no way, and they have no intention, of changing ROEs so that you can get kill credit while dead. The gaining of exp is the actual trigger/flag for completion.
JP3) They have no plans to increase the availability of Derfland Pear (currently the only NPC source is the regional vendor,) as it is already available from Mog House Gardening and from Mog Garden. They were even kind enough to give recipes. lol (Fruit Seeds for both, Lightning Crystal for MH, Derfland Humus for MG.)
JP4) There was some issues about their Fair Use documentation. Old links and info have now been updated.