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  1. #1
    Queen of the Pity Party
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    FFXIV drama: mansions, moogles and #metoo

    <Leno>Have you seen this, have you heard about this?</Leno>

    tldr; Entropy (formerly Angered) has obtained over 30 FC houses via loopholes in the system and supposedly "needs them all for airships and submarines and crafting." Internet has opinions on this, Entropy responds on Twitter by escalating the drama and calling anyone who has an issue with them "nerds" (because being one of the top raiding guilds in an online Final Fantasy game is all jock stuff right?)

    So mostly it's a) they are being jerks about housing and b) they are being jerks about being jerks.

    I don't really care. I think it's scummy but it's far from the worst I've seen in an MMO. Their responses are hilarious though. How you gonna call other people "angry nerds" when YOU ARE IN A FANTASY NERD GAME RAIDING GUILD THAT WAS LITERALLY CALLED ANGERED AT ONE POINT. The sheer attitude from these dicks is both hilarious and appalling. On a more serious note though this is exactly the kind of shit I expect in other games but not FFXIV; I've always thought our community was relatively (KEYWORD RELATIVELY) well-mannered and polite in comparison to some other major MMOs (hello League).

    Ah well. If nothing else, this killed a good 30 minutes of my day and I got a laugh out of it. FFXIV is so chill in comparison to FFXI that this is oddly refreshing. Enjoy the drama, if you choose to read it!

    edit: you probably want links huh... >.>



    I'd post the twitter link too but I'm at work so I can't get there. it's on the second link.

    ragu edit:

    @Entropy FC

  2. #2
    Sea Torques
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    It's almost like this housing system is garbage... To be fair, I was hoping for the opposite end where a bunch of people lose 40 plots of land with no reimbursement. But this will have to do.

  3. #3
    Queen of the Pity Party
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    I think we were all hoping for that, just a little. the salt would have been glorious lol

  4. #4
    A. Body
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  5. #5

    Housing system was trash back in the day. Sad to see it's still trash now.

  6. #6
    Can you spare some gil?
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    They've not taken any efforts to make it not trash other than throw more plots and wards at the issue and hope that it fixes itself. Massive bombshell but that wont fix this issue.

  7. #7
    Sandworm Swallows
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    So glad this game at least managed to have some drama finally.
    I miss XI drama so much.

    As someone who has a large in Shirogane for my FC and shares another personal weebville large with my bf, I do feel bad for people who still don't have houses. But there are two sides to this coin. On the one hand it would be nice if everyone could have a plot and have them all be equal so no one gets left out or disadvantaged.

    On the other hand, in the housing system we have to deal with, not every plot is made equal - those with more gardens and such are objectively better - so snagging a good plot is even more of a feel good moment than just getting any plot. So there are going to be people who are happier and people who are bitter. I get to feel like the goddamn 1% on my server, having 2 great houses to decorate (a hobby), while other people have none. It's a very realistic approach to housing, maybe too real for some people (Zepla crying on her video about it ffs). But thankfully it's a video game and so no one is going to suffer for real thanks to this, which is something I think some people tend to forget...

    That's why I can't really condemn this fc for anything but their twitter shittiness. Long ago before housing was really in contention on my server a friend and I were playing the real estate market buying defunct fcs etc. trying to get as many gardens as possible to make crafting mats/gil. I would have bought out whole wards too if I had the gil for it and the time to decorate them all. Maybe that makes me shitty idk I just like decorating houses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  8. #8

    Well, I'll still just say they should've went the route of solo instancing where you can just pick whatever locale you want it in and invite your friends/give them passes after you're done decorating or just want to cyber. The lot size mechanic could've been worked around by having some sort of fee to increase your house's size, with the biggest being for the rich.

    But too late for the shit, I guess. Internet Real-Estate Tycoon it is.

  9. #9
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    I returned to FFXIV back in December and the new housing wards was a big motivation. I had a medium house back in ARR but lost it due to inactivity during HW.

    I've already started to lose interest in the game again once it became apparent I won't be getting anything other than scraps weeks after 4.2 launches. I've yet to login since the patch. Tempted to just finish leveling to 70, finish up the story and then unsubscribe until 5.0.

    I'm on the same server as this FC so yeah I definitely won't be getting any decent plots when they become purchasable, if any. I blame the shitty housing system rather than the FC though. I don't even know when they become purchasable for everyone, SE has handled this so bad.

  10. #10
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    We had a S that we bought in Mist back when housing was for the 1%, shortly after they added the basement to otherwise worthless cottages. Missed out on upgrading to L at Shirogane release, but was able to snag an M. On Tuesday, not only did I log on in time to get an L, I logged on in time to grab the absolute perfect size, perfect location, perfect ward/plot number synergy. It is literally the house I would pick on an empty server.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    Queen of the Pity Party
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiye View Post


    as Silenka said, finally some good drama.

  13. #13
    Can you spare some gil?
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    Does the plot thicken? Did you transfer over to it?

  14. #14
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    Those tweets from the FC leader tho, what a tool. His whole attitude certainly makes it look like he considers his whole worth as a person is tied to what his FC has done in the game, and seems to think he's a celebrity or royalty for it.

  15. #15
    Salvage Bans
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    Goes to show what a single-player MMO FFXIV is though. I am on Ragnarok and had no clue about these guys, could probably only name like four other FCs besides the one I'm in. Gone are the days of FFXI when you had to know every main HNM LS on your server in your timezone just so you could co-ordinate Dynamis entries.

  16. #16
    Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
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    For some reason some of these tweets got deleted as I was reading them.

  17. #17
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    They probably plan on selling the FC with the house

  18. #18
    D. Ring
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    The part that boggles my mind the most is... who needs that many workshops? I don't find my workshop to be particularly lucrative (certainly not once you factor in the investment cost of land, housing permit, workshop build cost, and materials to build airships/subs). Do they just want permanent level-3 FC buffs? Wtf?

    I can't imagine the nightmare that is transferring alts around to make sure each FC is stocked with enough ceruleum (maybe you can trade that now; I forget), and the sheer boredom and sunk cost of crafting enough things to stock airships/subs to stock 30 different workshops. Maybe it's for gardening? Could you imagine watering all those plants? Fuck me, I would die.

    Geez, and I just realized that each of these FCs had to reach rank 6 or whatever to be able to buy a house (unless there's exploit workarounds). Some people must've been prepping this shit well in advance. Props for that dedication, I'd imagine most people couldn't possibly be assed to put in anywhere near that much work for this casual-fest of a game.

  19. #19

    I mean they don't care if people exploit(gil, pvp, or raid apparently) so I imagine getting around the one house per account thing probably won't be answered with any punitive action. Square is going to dump us for FFXX so who cares about long term?

    I think it's a pretty shitty thing to do but that's just what people do nowadays. Same thing is happening on JP servers, I wonder if they're already putting them on yahoo auctions.

    edit: I mean they've created a UO style housing crisis without the steam release valve of murdering one another. It's really asinine, they created this problem long ago when they were too lazy to actually implement player housing but instead they collapse players into the FC system. Then they bring in some nonsense techno-babble like they always do. Can't get two dyes on my gear or a new face for my Roe because of the deflector dish and tachyon particles.

  20. #20
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    I'm honestly curious about if squeenix is going to take action since they're violating the spirit of the news rules lol.

    Probably not lol

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