<Leno>Have you seen this, have you heard about this?</Leno>
tldr; Entropy (formerly Angered) has obtained over 30 FC houses via loopholes in the system and supposedly "needs them all for airships and submarines and crafting." Internet has opinions on this, Entropy responds on Twitter by escalating the drama and calling anyone who has an issue with them "nerds" (because being one of the top raiding guilds in an online Final Fantasy game is all jock stuff right?)
So mostly it's a) they are being jerks about housing and b) they are being jerks about being jerks.
I don't really care. I think it's scummy but it's far from the worst I've seen in an MMO. Their responses are hilarious though. How you gonna call other people "angry nerds" when YOU ARE IN A FANTASY NERD GAME RAIDING GUILD THAT WAS LITERALLY CALLED ANGERED AT ONE POINT. The sheer attitude from these dicks is both hilarious and appalling. On a more serious note though this is exactly the kind of shit I expect in other games but not FFXIV; I've always thought our community was relatively (KEYWORD RELATIVELY) well-mannered and polite in comparison to some other major MMOs (hello League).
Ah well. If nothing else, this killed a good 30 minutes of my day and I got a laugh out of it. FFXIV is so chill in comparison to FFXI that this is oddly refreshing. Enjoy the drama, if you choose to read it!
edit: you probably want links huh... >.>
I'd post the twitter link too but I'm at work so I can't get there. it's on the second link.
ragu edit:
@Entropy FC