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  1. #21
    Can you spare some gil?
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    Trex is a random reward from loot boxes that drop from mobs and fates. The chance to get I imagine is around that of the nightmare whistle from potd

  2. #22
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    This sounds like another example of how they are so understaffed they can't take any idea to completion and instead give us a stripped down event and then toss something like a relic in it to keep people biting at the apple.

  3. #23
    E. Body
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    I'm surprised how many people don't understand how the party flag works. So many people shout for party instead of just turning their party flag on so poeple know they need a group.

  4. #24
    Resident Moogle
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    Quote Originally Posted by Classikmage View Post
    I'm surprised how many people don't understand how the party flag works. So many people shout for party instead of just turning their party flag on so poeple know they need a group.
    Is there a way to even see those in need easily though? Last I checked, it's just the adventurer list under the Social tab and its an unorganized mess of names, no way to sort by level, or those by need, etc.

  5. #25
    Sandworm Swallows
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    What really ends up irking me about this is everyone who is disappointed in this content is blaming XI players for wanting XI in their XIV. It gives XI a bad name to people who have only played XIV. They will think it was just a boring KMMO-esque grind game when yes, while that was a huge part of it, there were honestly fun parts they could have copied. Besieged, Dynamis, Assault, ZNM... the possibilities are huge if they want to straight-copy shit from XI.

    Which is what they are doing right now. I don't know if it's to give their content creators a break or if they honestly want to appease XI fans, but it's going like this? We can have Tenzen and Reisenjima's theme but we can't have something actually enjoyable copied over for Eureka? I dunno I just don't want to see XI dragged through the mud because this game sucks.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenrien View Post
    Why can't you just make this like salvage or nyzul or even fucking delve.
    POTD is Nyzul in every way that matters.
    Unsurprisingly, it's also one of the best-implemented activities in this game.

  7. #27
    Queen of the Pity Party
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaisha View Post
    Is there a way to even see those in need easily though? Last I checked, it's just the adventurer list under the Social tab and its an unorganized mess of names, no way to sort by level, or those by need, etc.
    not that I know of. party flag is useless; I've had it up for ages and no one grabbed me. shout is the only way right now.

    I honestly like this content. whether I'd do it enough for the relic (probably not) I do like it. it's different, it's challenging, it forces socialization in a way I sorely miss, it gives me that feeling of truly exploring a dangerous world. not to mention the elemental thing is intriguing and adds a new layer of strategy to combat. plus the zone is just gorgeous.

    that said... it's just so freaking poorly implemented. /shout is literally the best way to get a party for this. all that dev time and they couldn't find a better lfg mechanic? XI did it better over a decade ago, for fuck's sake!

  8. #28
    New Odin
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    Damn, and here I was looking for a reason to resub. If this content is already getting shit on day 1, I can only imagine it's gonna get Diadem'd. :/

    What really ends up irking me about this is everyone who is disappointed in this content is blaming XI players for wanting XI in their XIV. It gives XI a bad name to people who have only played XIV. They will think it was just a boring KMMO-esque grind game when yes, while that was a huge part of it, there were honestly fun parts they could have copied. Besieged, Dynamis, Assault, ZNM... the possibilities are huge if they want to straight-copy shit from XI.

    Which is what they are doing right now. I don't know if it's to give their content creators a break or if they honestly want to appease XI fans, but it's going like this? We can have Tenzen and Reisenjima's theme but we can't have something actually enjoyable copied over for Eureka? I dunno I just don't want to see XI dragged through the mud because this game sucks.
    Are said people going to blame XI for Lord of Verminion and Guildhests cause XIV is chock full of content that launched immediately and went straight to the garbage bin. No XI required.

  9. #29
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    Death Penalty seems to be 25% of your current level.
    Nothing like losing 9k to an NM because people don't know how to focus down adds or do Chimera mechanics.

  10. #30
    Relic Shield
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    Quote Originally Posted by agrotc View Post
    Death Penalty seems to be 25% of your current level.
    Nothing like losing 9k to an NM because people don't know how to focus down adds or do Chimera mechanics.

  11. #31
    The Defense is ready, Your Honor
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    Yeah baby! More XI content from when I was 20-years-old, in college and barely had a job to speak of. I'm so happy that the cries for nostalgia led to this while stripping time and resources away from new dungeons and other content.

  12. #32
    Queen of the Pity Party
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    wasn't it like, 10% in FFXI?

    I hadn't heard that. that's... that's fucking insane.

  13. #33

    In FFXI the exp loss was capped at 2400? I think.

  14. #34
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    It's either 25% or a flat ~9k.
    TNL at 6 is ~36k though, but I didn't pay attention to the exact amount as I didn't imagine it was going to be that huge.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri-G View Post
    not that I know of. party flag is useless; I've had it up for ages and no one grabbed me. shout is the only way right now.
    It's almost like we have this whole social list with party finder and all that which we could have been allowed to use within the zone, although that'd require a means of inviting players to the same instance of the zone you're in, or to pick from a list when you engage the NPC to zone in I suppose.

    Quote Originally Posted by agrotc View Post
    Death Penalty seems to be 25% of your current level.
    Nothing like losing 9k to an NM because people don't know how to focus down adds or do Chimera mechanics.
    Is that if you don't get rez'd at all, or with a rez? I've come to notice a lot of tanks in Eureka don't know how to tank in terms of the fact you really really really should be doing your all to hold hate on anything not being held by a tank, because shit hits non-tanks hard since no one is gearing towards elemental defense as of yet.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucavi View Post
    Yeah baby! More XI content from when I was 20-years-old, in college and barely had a job to speak of. I'm so happy that the cries for nostalgia led to this while stripping time and resources away from new dungeons and other content.
    sums up my thoughts pretty well

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaisha View Post
    Is that if you don't get rez'd at all, or with a rez?
    It's only if you Homepoint or don't get raised in 10 minutes at level 6+. Deleveling kicks in at 11+ according to the patch notes.
    You should be fine in normal party situations so long as your party/everyone in the area doesn't wipe, but it makes traveling about solo to get to a party and so on a bigger deal since a couple of stray hits is enough to KO most non tanks if not outright kill them if the stuff is more than 4 or so levels higher.

  18. #38
    E. Body
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    Quote Originally Posted by agrotc View Post
    It's only if you Homepoint or don't get raised in 10 minutes at level 6+. Deleveling kicks in at 11+ according to the patch notes.
    You should be fine in normal party situations so long as your party/everyone in the area doesn't wipe, but it makes traveling about solo to get to a party and so on a bigger deal since a couple of stray hits is enough to KO most non tanks if not outright kill them if the stuff is more than 4 or so levels higher.
    Wouldn't be that bad IF WE COULD USE OUR MOUNTS!!!!

  19. #39

    Been waiting for my friend to try this. She's off tomorrow we'll probably do then.

    Meh might as well unlock it and try it a little before bed. Going through all start up stuff, yeah yeah "Can be done as a party or solo. Please note Eureka is counted as a duty. Not sure if you can use your chocobo companion in there, didn't think to try that until now. So go fight a few enemies and get some exp. Why not? Not looking to party as just have a short time before I should get to bed. Only 1,000 exp until Lv.2? Okay first few levels should be easy. Okay these things hit Mnk a little hard but managed to kill one solo.

    44 exp.

    . . . .

    What the actual fuck? You guys weren't kidding about FFXI levels of grind. Seriously, what the actual flying fuck?! Who could think this is a good idea? Now granted I only killed like three enemies, but no way you can do it fast enough solo to maintain chains. I also didn't seem to get any exp on someone else's claimed mob even when I did more than half it's health in dmg(burned all my abilities.) I'm sure the exp improves with chains and as time/level goes on, but I got 1 chain because another random helped me kill one and the bonus to exp was 10%, even if the bonus was 50% per chain that would still be a tiny amount of exp that will take forever. The loss for death after Lv.6 is either 25%, or 9k without a raise?! I don't even want to think of how much a time sink that is because someone wasn't paying attention. How could ANYONE ever think any of this is a good idea? Also don't even think of trying solo unless you have a LOT of time to burn.

    Okay sorry about that had my rant but yes. What everyone is saying in this thread is true. It's all the worst parts of FFXI collected in one neat, albeit pretty place. I'll give it a chance with friends but I was REALLY looking forward to this and all that excitement dropped like fucking brick.

  20. #40
    A. Body
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    This is what happens when people say "content like XI" and they immediately look at someone leveling in dunes, rather than actual content in XI. Or their only experience with FFXI was leveling for 20 minutes before quitting the game.