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  1. #101
    Relic Horn
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    The blame is definitely on the devs for making the system non-intuitive but it's really not FFXI. It's a GW2 area zergfest. The meta gameplay mirrors the FFXIV Hunt train, not FFXI grinding - you follow the train or afk somewhere, follow the calls, get rewards for little effort and thought, and make fun of people who cry because they missed tagging the NM.

    Like I said above, it's still not good content (personally I've always hated Hunts) but at this point a lot of people are just giving incorrect feedback and/or playing wrong.

    Friend went from 1 to 9 yesterday in 6hr just tagging the FATEs we called on voice chat. I'm level15 and I haven't done FFXI-style exping on a single mob since the first day, I just kill/tag the placeholder mobs which die in literally two seconds when you have so many people helping. A full area that's actually attempting to spawn the NMs and somewhat split up can already pop 12-13 NMs within two hours, and by the time the full zone is "unlocked" due to people hitting 20 it's going to be ridiculously fast to get everything you might care about.

    The rewards are retarded and the content has endless issues, but being "like FFXI" isn't one of them.

  2. #102
    Sea Torques
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    I think Yoshi-P mentioned a few times of never before seen content. Was that in reference to Eureka or something else?

  3. #103
    Can you spare some gil?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gokulo View Post
    The exp gets severely gimped even if the level difference is like 2+. You usually don't want to have more than 1 level difference in pt, so yeah, I also didn't play much, only lv 4 and it's already problematic.
    The only person affected by less exp is the person that is higher level, the exp gained per monster kill is also affected by the number of people in your party. If you're Lv.11 and you kill a Lv.11 monster lets say you get 80 exp, if you add a 2nd Lv.11 to your group you both will get 40 exp, if that 2nd person gets to Lv.12 and you're still Lv.11, you will still gain 40 exp while they will gain like 25 exp.

    I've power leveled a lot of people to 5 for their 3rd crystal already and none seem to complain about shitty exp from the Lv.5 leeches and then the Lv.9 dogs.

  4. #104
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    Well, but as you said you power leveled them. So you did it for their exp, but normally people wouldn't do that.

  5. #105
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    At least the relic grind is a joke compared to the Atma/Animus step and initial Anima.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gokulo View Post
    The exp gets severely gimped even if the level difference is like 2+. You usually don't want to have more than 1 level difference in pt, so yeah, I also didn't play much, only lv 4 and it's already problematic.
    This concerns me as I havent even logged onto XIv all week because of work and I was going to try this out [albeit painfully] with a friend tonight and we will be starting at lv 1

  7. #107
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    From what I've seen unless there's a huge level discrepency the EXP from a NM gets capped to whatever NM is equal to your level. E.G. doing a level16 NM at level14 and getting a gold will get you the same exp as a level14 NM.

    For early levels see if a friend will be willing to drag you up a few levels by murdering some mobs 5 levels higher than you. Level difference doesn't affect your exp however the number of people in the same party as you does. Once you hit level5 you should be able to get a decent amount of exp from each NM.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hioki View Post
    I think Yoshi-P mentioned a few times of never before seen content. Was that in reference to Eureka or something else?
    The only thing I can think of was in reference to "MECHANICS NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN AN MMO!!!!!!!" that turned out to be the active time event in A11...

    ...and maybe a similar phrase about "THE FIRST 24-MAN PRIMAL!!!!" ...which we know how that turned out.

  9. #109

    Only been to the reddit two or three times but man are they not happy. Not that I blame them.

    If you find yourself bored in Eureka.
    Spoiler: show

  10. #110
    Sandworm Swallows
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    It's missing "entire farm group gets trained on by one asshole at every NM"

  11. #111
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    I fucking love water snek, I live to kill the lowbie trash that sit around doing nothing when they could off be fighting cactaurs or some shit.

    If you can't survive the snek you don't deserve the nm, fite me

  12. #112
    A. Body
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    100% agree, i am all for MPK'ing the leecher/lowbie /cheer crowd. someone managed to get about 50 of them in one shot with a sanuwa AoE tonight and it was glorious

  13. #113
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    A lot of the low/mid-level NMs are dying so fast now that if you aren't already there when the pull begins, you're not going to make it in time for credit. All it does is encourage lower-levels to ride along the train and leech/RDM-rez all day.

    The alternative is slowly grinding mobs in your range with 7 others who feel the same, and that barely happens in shouts since it's slower than riding the NM train. Maybe make the XP from NMs garbage if you have to sync down to it, and lower the cooldown between pops so a group could just feasibly farm an appropriate mob camp their level, along with a bonus NM once every 150ish mob? The whole system right now is pretty fucked.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaisha View Post
    A lot of the low/mid-level NMs are dying so fast now that if you aren't already there when the pull begins, you're not going to make it in time for credit. All it does is encourage lower-levels to ride along the train and leech/RDM-rez all day.

    The alternative is slowly grinding mobs in your range with 7 others who feel the same, and that barely happens in shouts since it's slower than riding the NM train. Maybe make the XP from NMs garbage if you have to sync down to it, and lower the cooldown between pops so a group could just feasibly farm an appropriate mob camp their level, along with a bonus NM once every 150ish mob? The whole system right now is pretty fucked.
    The thing is the lower level NMs have a higher health pool than the higher level NMs. Like I'll fight a fafnir with 10m HP but then fight Numbers with 24m HP. As we see the median of players hit higher levels other NMs are gonna melt just as fast. In all honestly the only NMs that won't melt will be the lv19 and 20 NMs.

    Once you have a mount getting to NMs gets easier but its like any hunt train. You got to be running there as soon as It spawns and know exactly how to get there ASAP.

    At 15+ the exp you're getting from Uncanny Valley should outpace whatever you get from chasing Numbers, Callisto, Emperor of Anemos, Lord of Anemos, and Sabotender Callico. I would still chase after every other though since either there's a teleport to take you there in time or they're high level enough that they won't burn down fast enough.

  15. #115
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    French people made a feedback/complaints thread about Eureka: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/t...ncophone/page3

    Fazraye answered, translation below:

    Quote Originally Posted by Fazraye
    Nous tenons à vous remercier pour tous les commentaires que vous avez formulés au sujet de la zone de jeu ajoutée récemment, Eurêka Anemos.
    "We would like to thank you for all the comments formulated about the recent area added Eureka Anemos"

    Nous avons pris en considération vos critiques et avons l'intention d'implémenter une mise à jour vers la fin du mois de mars en vue de mieux répondre à vos attentes. Les changements que nous prévoyons concernent les récompenses qu'il est possible d'obtenir dans les "coffres verrouillés d'Anemos" sont les suivants :

    "We have taken into consideration all of your critics and we have the intention to implement an update by the end of March in order to meet your expectations, these changes mainly concern the rewards obtainable from the lockboxes and will be as follow":

    Les coffres verrouillés d'Anemos pourront contenir l'objet "Potion d'Eurêka".
    "You will now be able to obtain Eureka Potion from lockboxes"

    En parallèle de cet ajout, les chances d'obtenir des objets de type feu d'artifice seront réduites.
    "In adition to this, the amount of fireworks/crackers will be reduced"

    Diverses pièces d'équipement, ainsi que les rouleaux d'orchestrion "Wicked Winds Whisper" et "No Quarter" pourront être échangés ou mis en vente sur le marché.
    "Diverse pieces of gears as well as Orchestrion Rolls ("Wicked Winds Whisper" and "No Quarter") will be exchangeable or sellable on MB."

    Les coffres verrouillés obtenus avant cette mise à jour feront eux aussi l'objet de ces changements. Leur contenu sera donc différent selon que vous les déverrouillez avant ou après l'implémentation de la mise à jour.
    "The lockboxes obtained prior to this update will also be subject to these changes, their content will be different prior or after the implentation of the update"

    Am I understanding this properly, or they plan to replace Crackers with Potion? Are these potions any good? Lv8 and never used one... Good for the stuff to be sellable:exchangeable, I have about 12 Rolls sitting in my inventory now and multiples copies of set of Lv1 gears...

    Nothing mentioning the amount of crystal needed to complete gearsets or relics tho..... nor anything about the shit quality of rewards, which was mentioned in the thread as well.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by FHT View Post
    French people made a feedback/complaints thread about Eureka: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/t...ncophone/page3

    Fazraye answered, translation below:

    Am I understanding this properly, or they plan to replace Crackers with Potion? Are these potions any good? Lv8 and never used one... Good for the stuff to be sellable:exchangeable, I have about 12 Rolls sitting in my inventory now and multiples copies of set of Lv1 gears...

    Nothing mentioning the amount of crystal needed to complete gearsets or relics tho..... nor anything about the shit quality of rewards, which was mentioned in the thread as well.
    thing is, there is literally zero need to change crystals. You get to lv 20 and you are basiclaly guaranteed you'd have more than enough for a full set of gear and a relic weapon, maybe twice or thrice over. As far as relic requirements go this is lax.

    It will be a struggle for stragglers once everyone has completed Eureka, but the majority of the gripes were premature at best

  17. #117
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    The potions are amazing regens unless you're fighting something that two - 3 shots you or has insane DoT ticks of some kind. It generally ticks 2k+ regen, so it outpaces a lot of auto attacks early on and mid way through.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiefami View Post
    but the majority of the gripes were premature at best
    Lets not go that far, putting the enhanced AFs to iLv350 was a waste since iLv360 was already available, speaking from a tank point of view the iLv360-70 body is so much better than the rubish we are given, the gripes came from that for a start, then yeah the lack of meaningful quests and other things could have been added.

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiye View Post
    The thing is the lower level NMs have a higher health pool than the higher level NMs. Like I'll fight a fafnir with 10m HP but then fight Numbers with 24m HP. As we see the median of players hit higher levels other NMs are gonna melt just as fast. In all honestly the only NMs that won't melt will be the lv19 and 20 NMs.
    Do they have fixed HP values? I just assumed they applied FATE rules to these where the next spawn of the mob has HP based on # of participants of the last one, which is why some of the lower-level ones can take awhile to kill since they're more accessible.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiefami;
    7030183 but the majority of the gripes were premature at best
    Come on, man.

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