So it is a positive effect even though the stats say -3 haste? Interesting.
So it is a positive effect even though the stats say -3 haste? Interesting.
Bumping for questions
So in Shadowbringers 5.x patches, what can be done solo in Eureka? Or what changes has been made to faciliate solo grinding.
I got all of my glowy weapons (the one where you kill Pazuzu, I forget the name) but none of the AF, I stopped at that point. If I was to look to get just the AF at least to the 350 state I think that's when it's dyeable, is it doable? I guess the Eureka weapons are out of question unless I group and grind.
Also maybe to farm some loot like the level 1 glamour zantesukens
I can't comment on how easy it is post-nerf, but I still have a few things to note.
The dyeable AF was released with the first Eureka zone, so it only requires work in Anemos. It was doable pre-nerf (albeit slow) so I'm sure it's just even more doable now. If you have old crystals lying around, even better.
My only useful advice for you is what I learned when soloing NMs in Pyros several months ago:
(note that this was applicable to pre-ShB Eureka, idk if anything has changed)
- Keep plenty of those Eureka Potions or whatever they're called on-hand.
- The difficulty of an NM is relative to the number of people in the zone when the NM spawns.
- If you're soloing or low-manning an NM, it's a lot easier if you abuse the sync system. Just fight with reckless abandon until you get low on HP (make sure to exhaust your job resources before you desync, since syncing zeroes most buffs/resources out). Desync, and chug a Eureka Potion (or heal yourself some other way). Resync when you're back at full, and repeat. Obviously, this is more effective the lower-level the NM. Some of the higher-level NMs may not be soloable (or maybe they are post-nerf, idk).
FYI, unless post-ShB changed things, the Lv1 glamour Zantetsukens only come from bunny chests in Hydatos, and have a piss-poor drop rate (I never got one, despite having 5 completed Eureka relics).
Being completely fresh to the areas after the Echo addition, I'd just generally say that leveling is the only thing you should really do on your own, but a good group is still going to be better for everything. Starting out in each zone is always the worst, since you're usually too low for the FATE trains and the teleports are also level locked. If you're not hardcore grinding, I'd say to try and line up your challenge log clears around starting a new zone to expedite the process, but you're still going to have to slog a bit. Doing any of the NMs over a zones level cap also tends to be reliant on other people participating (be it popping or actually fighting), so off peak hours could really suck.
That said, if AF doesn't require any later zone items, it'd be 100% doable on your own since crystals can be farmed from normal mobs and converted if needbe.
Didn't they remove level restrictions for teleports too?
THey've lowered them considerably but they're not free like the mounts. I've been fucking up shit in there so I'll write up what you can do/can't do.
Eureka in 2020!
You get 150% echo and mobs give more exp per kill in every zone. Anything you attack on the same level as you should be easily killable.
- Buy Eureka options. They don't scale so they're not as good of a Regen but they still heal a fucking lot.
- Always get the Elemental Buff. The regen alone is worth it since it scales with echo and you do more damage and get more exp.
- Most NMs are easy to spawn and require 30ish kills of the designated mob. People do trains (Go around the zone and choo choo kill everything) and this is where you get your crystals from.
Leveling up
- Bigger Monsters => Bigger Kills
- Exp bonuses at 5, 15, and 25. Bigger bonuses (And scale up) at 10, 20, and 30.
- (Pagos+) Mutated/Adapted mobs give more exp.
- You get max exp from a mob thats +7 levels higher than you. Don't party with players +8 levels higher than you or you get nothing.
- NMs give a shit ton of exp. Jump on those.
Got Gil?
- Buy 2x Cryptic Seals for a class relevant Kirin Osode. Or 3x Damascene Cloth for a Vermilion Cloak. They give elemental bonus (Which is king) and makes everything slightly easier. If you know someone who still runs BA they probably hand them out for free at this point.
- Speed Belt - Drops from King Arthro in Pagos. Not necessary its only 3% haste and no glamour.
- Cassie Earring - Drops from Cassie in Pagos. Not necessary its only 3% haste and stupidly rare from a rare NM.
- Optical Hat - Don't unless you really want throwback glamour
- Logograms - Pyros+ you'll need them to make abilities. You don't need the abilities to do Pyros or Hydatos but they're nice for more damage/safety. You need to find all 56 actions to unlock the +2 Elemental gear for elemental bonuses to make Eureka a joke.
- 6th + 7th Magicite - If you have a lot of gil and you have all of the above sure. I paid for them. If you're a DPS its free 50% mitigation. If you're a tank/healer its a free 50% damage bonus.
I'll write up more later.
Resources: - Manual tracker you can share + Logogram solver for when you hit Pyros
Weather - I use this to stalk Anemos (Wind), Pagos (Blizzards), and Pyros (Heat Wave/Blizzards) to see if a big name NM is coming up.
Cactbot - An ACT suite usually known for being Deadly Boss Mods but for XIV but it has a Eureka add on that's genuinely useful although the pop noise is loud as fuck.
Eureka Collection Tracker
Anyway here's what you do. In Anemos you probably got the 3 Pazuzu feathers, 150 anemos crystals, and however many protean and made your relic. Make sure you've finished the quests there and unlock Pagos at Pier #1 as soon as you can.
In Pagos you'll need 500 Pagos Crystals (Kill a bunch of NMs) but also 31 Frosted Protean Crystals. You get these by grinding light but only after you finish the level25/26 quest to unlock the Eureka pot. You collect light, dump it into a forge (Don't do it at 9 otherwise any extra meter is lost) and repeat until you have 31 of these things. If you can get into a group farming to pop Caprious Cassie that's probably the best way otherwise hitting level35 and soloing relevant mobs is a decent way. More people in your party => less light when it procs. It procs randomly but chance is enhanced on bonuses. Also kill Louhi 3 times (He spawns at night) for his ice balls
In Pyros you'll need 550 Pyros Crystals (Kill a bunch of NMs). Do bunny FATE for the chest rewards since you can get logograms that you normally don't get. If you really want to level fast look up how to make Reflect L and abuse that. You'll need 5 of Penthesilea's Flame (She spawns during Heat Waves, drops 3 per kill). There's light farming but its 100% optional and just gives your Pyros relic substats which you shouldn't care about. You'll need to discover logo actions to progress the relic but I think you only need 30 to get the Pyros relic. 50 for the Eureka Armor.
In Hydrato's you'll need 350 Hydato's Crystals, 5 Watcher Scales (Drops from Pandemonium Watcher, 3 per kill). The special part of this is Baldesian Arsenal which there are specific discords for various data centers. I highly recommend doing this. Its barely harder than a 24 man raid but there's no raises (You have a 70% chance reraise and people usually bring Sacrifice) and failing a mechanic usually means death. Its a 48+8 man raid highly recommend you experience at least once for the Ozma mount.
Also clear out your fucking Poetics. This gives an insane amount can probably finish like 3 or 4 HW relics.
Appreciate the info guys! I'll await the rest of the write up from you Fiye but no rush! Nice to see what my options are.
I presume the +Haste% gear droprates are still god awful? Never got that Belt after 50 some kills.
I think so. I've gotten 1 belt drop after a lot of kill and stupid lucky on the earring (4th kill). I've only seen 1 of the 6 extra magicite pieces drop
Another bump!
Looking to farm the eureka relics, I found this little snippet:
I'm not sure but I according to the achievements, I think 4th stage is considered complete, and 5th stage only gets me elemental bonus, right? The 4th and 5th stage weapons are exactly the same, look wise, and is dyeable I think? EDIT: because I don't think I'll have it in me to farm the 1500 fragments for the fifth stage due to some coordination required, but the first steps looks doable mindlessly by spamming fates.Trade Items
1. Trade your "Pyros Weapon" to Gerolt in Central Point along with 50 Hydatos Crystals for the first stage of the Eureka Hydatos weapon ("Hydatos Weapon") (iLevel 390).
2. Trade your "Hydatos Weapon" to Gerolt in Central Point along with 100 Hydatos Crystals for the second stage of the Eureka Hydatos weapon ("Hydatos Weapon +1") (iLevel 395).
3. Trade your "Hydatos Weapon +1" to Gerolt in Central Point along with 100 Hydatos Crystals for the third stage of the Eureka Hydatos weapon ("Named Weapon") (iLevel 400).
4. Trade your "Named Weapon" to Gerolt in Central Point along with 100 Hydatos Crystals and 5 Crystalline Scales for the fourth stage of the Eureka Hydatos weapon ("Eureka Named Weapon") (iLevel 405).
5. Trade your "Eureka Named Weapon" to Gerolt in Central Point along with 100 Eureka Fragments for the fifth and final stage of the Eureka Hydatos weapon ("Physeos Named Weapon") (iLevel 405 + elemental bonus).
Looking to crank out all the weapon after I am done with my Zetas and Animas.
Correct, the final stage has no achievement and only adds elemental bonus.
It's worth having at least one for the solo farming capabilities, but unless you play basically every job in the arsenal there's no point.
Great, thanks Madeline!
I did consider having one for farming purposes but I feel it's a luxury at that point, lets see how I feel.
Think there was a 0-point achievement for clearing Baldesian Arsenal for finishing that quest-line, so if you're after achievements, may as well grab that and run it again to get enough of the mats to upgrade to the +Elemental stats. On my RDM it made a noticeable difference in DPS/damage-received combined with the rest of my +Elemental gear.
Spoiler: show
Yeah I was reviewing my options and I am considering doing Warrior for the all-roundness, so lets see. I did read that once all stacked it can be significant so I think overall having at least one job there will be beneficial.