Wtf is Bleach?
More like wtf was that.
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I was at least relieved when I saw at the end that it was a fanmade thing. At least I hope that's what the end message means lol
Yes, it's fan made. Honestly, the guy is probably flirting with a cease and desist by basically ripping the manga storyline (without us knowing when/if it may ever get animated officially). Doing something original with the characters probably still risks similar if Jump or Kubo give enough of a shit. So, while I'm personally for an up-and-coming animator honing their craft and trying to make a buck from it, tapping into the (disappointed) Bleach fan base wouldn't be the path I'd take and was more or less the root of my frowny face above with the old thread getting bumped for non-official info.
New title should be "Bleach 2.0: What The Ywach is This Shit?"
These kinds of fan projects are never good.
Fortunately Bleach itself was garbage so this won't spoil anyone's nostalgia.
My eyes and ears are both on fire now.
lol!! These animations are complete garbage, more detail went into the old man than the rest of the entire teaser.
Yeah dude is always complaining about how time consuming it is to basically be doing this by himself and reworking it so probably wont ever really get anywhere with any quality anytime fast... but not like we will ever get anything official
Why do they keep making these?
On the other hand, even though the story will assuredly be straight garbage, the action choreography looks fantastic. I checked if it was the same guy who did the Kenshin action sequences but nope, it's Shimomura Yuuji, who is credited on Moon Child (one of my favorite campy Japanese movies! \o/)
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the cost of buying into the Bleach IP tanked during the final arc and a future of shitty live action movies is the inevitable result.
Will never really stop getting salty about how much wasted potential there was here.
The Saiki movie was pretty fun >_>. Albeit, Nendou was fucking terrible despite the actor looking 100% like the character
There is actually some kind of continuation book in the works with some Kubo illustrations. It is actually about Ichigo too. I saw it on MAL some few weeks ago.
Might've been some Light/Web Novel thing I saw a while back, myself. Really hard to go to a primarily text format for this when it's been anime/manga for us for years.