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  1. #1
    Very Sexy Nerd
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    [Gauging Interest] FFXI reimagining from scratch

    Hey all,

    Let me start off by saying that I'm not really interested in creating and managing my own server, but I have had this idea that I've been toying around with over the past few years.

    Essentially, I'm interested in putting together a FFXI experience from scratch. I want to completely rebuild and properly balance things from the beginning to create a brand new, yet still familiar experience.

    Some ideas I've had swirling around in my head:
    * Alter/scrap/create jobs, abilities, weapon skills, and spells (and eventually merits and job points)
    * Re-do mob distributions (to an extent) and NM's through-out zones
    * Re-do and re-balance the gear system (evolith-like system that doesn't suck, anyone!?)
    * Re-do mining and logging, crafting (Gathering was one of the few things I liked from 14, would like to implement some of those ideas)
    * Create new NPC's & quests (Not sure about missions yet... I've made enough progress decoding event dats that I feel comfortable creating new events, but cutscenes may be a bit of a stretch... I'm interested, but I feel this is one aspect of the original game that I wouldn't want to mess with anyway)

    I would probably start small - a couple jobs with a low (30?) cap and a handful of zones, and then release more content in some kind of update release cycle.

    Anyway - this would be a huge undertaking, but pointless if no one else would enjoy the experience. Like I said I'm not really interested in managing a server, so chances are I will probably never actually do this, but I was curious if there is any interest?

  2. #2
    XI was, and will always be, better.
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    I'll preface here by saying that I've been a part of the DSP project for quite some time now. I was lower staff on XI-Free server many years ago, and more recently an Admin for Fenix server. I've been on both the GM/management side and the development side. That being said...

    Your idea is pretty lofty lol. To completely re-do the core and customize as you see fit would be a massive, massive undertaking in terms of the amount of coding you would need. The SQLs, and .luas aren't necessarily hard per-se, but the way FFXI is done with its spaghetti code makes things a headache.

    Its a cool idea, but the work involved in making a project like this happen would be daunting. However, a custom XI from the ground up would be tits, and I'd definitely be in

  3. #3
    Very Sexy Nerd
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriarch View Post
    I'll preface here by saying that I've been a part of the DSP project for quite some time now. I was lower staff on XI-Free server many years ago, and more recently an Admin for Fenix server. I've been on both the GM/management side and the development side. That being said...

    Your idea is pretty lofty lol. To completely re-do the core and customize as you see fit would be a massive, massive undertaking in terms of the amount of coding you would need. The SQLs, and .luas aren't necessarily hard per-se, but the way FFXI is done with its spaghetti code makes things a headache.

    Its a cool idea, but the work involved in making a project like this happen would be daunting. However, a custom XI from the ground up would be tits, and I'd definitely be in
    Most of the things I'm thinking of would be on customizing the .dats - events, npc lists, text strings. Also items/gear and descriptions (plus corresponding sql). The other side would mostly be lua. Maybe eventually get into modifying the client and core code, but that's not where I would be looking to start.

  4. #4
    Atheist Douchebag.
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    I'd play but I think it would be a very very long road to being online.

  5. #5
    Special at 11:30 or w/e
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    Just the sound of this is super cool. I went back to XI about a year ago to mess around in the new zone and to be candid I just couldn't get into it and in a few months of playing, dead serious, I did not chat with one person. Not one. To be able to have a casual experience with cool people from BG and what not would be quite attractive. Since I don't know anything about all the tech stuff ya'll are talking I'll just send some good karma your way!

  6. #6

    While I'm with you on the spirit of the idea, like Pat, it's pretty much a mechanical nightmare to pull off. Poked my head in on too many private servers with suggestions being met with claims of impossible or that they personally wouldn't know how to do it. How true that is would be anyone's guess, but I probably wouldn't label this a casual hobbyist's endeavor. You'd need to know how to code, code well, and obviously have a the ability to actually interpret the vision. Some people also aren't willing to admit their ideas probably aren't too great, or niche interest at best. I wish the private scene would get off its CoP/75-cap boner, alongside stopping to pretend that no/minimal tweaks can support sub-100 peak population worlds, but shit is what it is.

  7. #7
    XI was, and will always be, better.
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    On top of the difficulty level (difficulty =/= time) of the task at hand, comes the ridiculously delicate balance of the server.

    The majority of content being developed is almost entirely dependent upon your server population. You can have the coolest custom content ever, but if you are only rocking 20-30 players on peak nights, then chances are, your sweet custom content might not ever get the attention you want it to get if there aren't any players online to take it on.

    And then there comes the QOL changes for the early days before the population rises. Do you remove level cap from everything? When half your playerbase can't get past 2-3 dragon because only 5 people are on (and 4 are afk), thats no bueno. How about rank 5 skeles?

    And then theres the economical beast! Do you stock the AH up to level 50 at a discounted rate? Do you add custom NPCs for leveling gear at 10g a piece? Do you reduce costs around the board earlier on while the player population is low, and then raise it later on, causing drama and chaos? The balancing act is fairly difficult.

    In my opinion, lua swaps are the quick and dirty way of coding an XI server. For long term, the right way is in the SQLs. That, in and of itself, is a massive timesink.

    I could go on and on lol

  8. #8
    Special at 11:30 or w/e
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    For me, I never cared for private servers trying to replicate CoP era. Why the fuck would I want difficulty to 1000 and zero economy with no way to make money and while the AH has inventory the prices are ridiculous. I'd just pay the stupid $12/m or w/e and play retail where (mostly) the shit works and now I can go fuck around with trusts. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I think the best private servers have been the ones that allow single or small group play for almost all content and being able to reasonably buy all gear/weapons. I want to have fun. I don't want to spend five months farming crafting materials to skill up three levels.

  9. #9
    You wouldn't know that though because you've demonstrably never picked up a book nor educated yourself on the matter. Let me guess, overweight housewife?
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    CoP era was awesome because people played a lot, and you could always find others to do shit with you.

    Having 30 people in a CoP era server is going to be much worse than just playing the game live on a populated server.

    As someone mentioned, AH activity alone is super important.

  10. #10

    Not understanding the needs of smaller populations and the stubborn adherence to the FFXI of yesterdecade is why I stepped away from a few servers alone. Like, I understand the nostalgia, but there were a lot of unseen workings at play when you'd see peak populations breaching 4k spread across all the level ranges compared to the eventual top-heavy load out of privates. Some even advocating competition over HNMs just got an eye roll out of me. Some things just being broken or unstable was just icing. Those that don't have warp/teleport commands despite people falling through floors or literally getting stuck by forced game moves are just another one of those QOL aspects some overlook.

  11. #11
    Very Sexy Nerd
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    Ty all for the input.

    I know it's a lot of work, but this is something I want to try. I'm gonna go ahead and start working on a small(ish) proof of concept/alpha to put some of these ideas on actual paper/code to show I know what I'm doing.

    (And if this were to ever become an actual playable server, it would definitely lean towards quality of life and enjoyment. Fuck 75 cap (the notion of that cap is completely irrelevant when the game is balanced from scratch with the intent of reaching 99, anyway) and fuck the valkurm nostalgia goggles. Shit might be fun for a couple hours of "oooh I member!" But it's not my definition of sustained fun.)

    So check back in like a year.. or two, probably. Maybe. XD

  12. #12
    Very Sexy Nerd
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    6 months later, progress update! I just recently completed my MBA, got a new job & moved (6 figures club, baby!) so time has been incredibly limited, but progress has been happening!

    My current approach to this project is:

    1. Create tools for customization of .dat files, and anything else that would help achieve this goal
    2. Open source everything, and contribute anything relevant to DSP (most of this stuff wont be as it's customization-related, but there are opportunities to contribute while decoding things!)
    3. Maybe take a stab at this myself once the tools are done, but if I don't, at least the tools are in place for someone else who may have a similar (or completely different) vision!

    Tool #1: Dat FFXI Tool - Dat Extractor and Repacker
    Spoiler: show

    The idea of this tool is to decode all customizable text dat's, similar to PolUtils, but output directly to a database. Customizations can be made at the database level, and then the tool will read the database and pack new customized .dat files.

    There's been a good amount of progress on this tool. Binary data structure is built for all items and their components (job, slot, strings, graphics, etc.) - the bindata gem makes it easy to read and then write the objects back in the same structure. Binary data structure still needs to be created for other components (quests, missions, key items, abilities, status, titles, uhh npc lists, maybe dialog tables? and prob other stuff too!)

    The database component is a WIP. I have it writing everything out to a database and it's working, though I haven't committed all those changes yet. Still need to write the last component of reading the database and writing out the file. (Hopefully in one of the coming weekends - and then it'll just be polish to turn it into a usable tool without having to do inline edits.

    It's possible to do in-line changes with the tool, which allows for some "easy" changes.

    Example (yes, could probably just do the byte rotation on the item being modified rather than the entire array, it's meant as an example rather than an actual solution)
    Spoiler: show
    #Example usage...
    # ARMOR
    file = File.new("armor.DAT","rb")
    a = []
    # go through all bytes and rotate right 5 bytes
    file.each_byte do |x|
        a << x.ror(5)
    num_items = a.length/0xc00
    # read item into ffxi_armor
    num_items.times do |item_no|
    #item_no = 47
        item = FFXI_Weapon.read(a[0xc00*(item_no)...0xc00*(item_no+1)].pack("C*"))
    # update description
    item.strings.description.assign "This is a custom description\nBoo-ya!\n\n:)"
    # put item back into array
    a[0xc00*(item_no)...0xc00*(item_no+1)] = item.to_binary_s.unpack("C*")
    #rotate all items left 5
    a.each_with_index do |x,i|
        a[i] = x.rol(5)
    # write back to a file
    out = File.open("109.DAT","w+b")
    file = File.new("weapon.DAT","rb")
    w = []
    # go through all bytes and rotate right 5 bytes
    file.each_byte do |x|
        w << x.ror(5)
    # read item into ffxi_weapon
    item_no = 4301  #Excalibur, ID 20685 - starting ID 16384 = 4031
    item = FFXI_Weapon.read(w[0xc00*(item_no)...0xc00*(item_no+1)].pack("C*"))
    #set blu job bit
    item.jobs.blu = 1
    item.graphics.ffxi_icon.assign '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'
    item.strings.description.assign "Julian rulez"
    item.strings.set_name 'Excaliboo'
    item.strings.set_singular 'Excaliboo'
    item.strings.set_plural 'Excaliboo'
    # put item back into array
    w[0xc00*(item_no)...0xc00*(item_no+1)] = item.to_binary_s.unpack("C*")
    #rotate all items left 5
    w.each_with_index do |x,i|
        w[i] = x.rol(5)
    # write back to a file
    out = File.open("108.DAT","w+b")

    Spoiler: show

    Edited strings, job, and icon

    Messing with JP characters

    Github: https://github.com/JulianoW/DatFFXITool

    Tool #2: Not really a tool (mix of scripts and a csv output) - Race/Slot/Model ID Mapping to Dat Path
    Spoiler: show

    This includes scripts for:
    - A V/F Table parser to create an excel file w/ filenum and dat path
    - A tool that creates appearance packets for all slots, for a given race/face (head1 for example has head model id 1, everything else 0), makes it easy to just !inject <slot><modelid> to test stuff ingame >_>

    Using the above two, I was able to come up with a formula for determining the file number for each race/slot/model id combination, and when paired with the v/f table parser, gives you the corresponding .DAT file that has the model for that race/slot/model id combination. (I have this in an excel file I can share if anyone wants)

    Here's the formula for determining the filenum: (Accurate as of March update <_< should be good for a while until they need to extend it again)
        0-255: 3680 + (256 * SLOT) + (3176 * RACE) + ID
        256-319: 62555 + (64 * SLOT) + (448 * RACE) + ID
        320-575: 69135 + (256 * SLOT) + (1536 * RACE) + ID
        576-607: 98019 + (32 * SLOT) + (160 * RACE) + ID
        608-671: 101969 + (64 * SLOT) + (320 * RACE) + ID
    RACE table
    0  Hume M
    1  Hume F
    2  Elvaan M
    3  Elvaan F
    4  Tarutaru
    5  Mithra
    6  Galka
    SLOT table
    0  Head
    1  Body
    2  Hands
    3  Legs
    4  Feet
    Weapons use a completely different formula, haven't done those yet.

    I haven't uploaded this work to github yet, since it's just a mix of scripts and bruteforce work to create a formula. Will at some point.

    With the tool from #1, and the file from #2, making custom items & equips end-to-end is feasible and pretty easy

    On deck for the next 6 months - year:
    - Finish #1 & polish
    - Maybe convert #1 into a GUI application? (if you can't do SQL and database manipulation you don't really have much business with these tools, but eh )
    - Add more components to #1 besides items (quests, key items, abilities, etc.)

    Longer term goals:
    - Continue work on decoding event dat's
    - Create a tool to decode events
    - Create a tool to edit & create events

    in before bitching about ruby, fuck you

    (Side-note, there's someone working on an addon for windower, XIPivot, which allows for loading DAT's from a folder rather than contaminating and messing with your actual client files. Dunno if it's been officially released, but its existence makes efforts like this a lot easier!)

  13. #13
    Smells like Onions
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julian View Post
    Longer term goals:
    - Continue work on decoding event dat's
    I'm very interested in this. Is there someplace I can read about the current progress?