I still want to know why not including male viera or female ronso is homophobic outside of LGBT ppl being buttblasted that they can't play as a twink rabbit. Are male rabbits in their mind all gay?
I still want to know why not including male viera or female ronso is homophobic outside of LGBT ppl being buttblasted that they can't play as a twink rabbit. Are male rabbits in their mind all gay?
Can we please not throw all LGBT people under the bus because some are spewing shit around? Thanks.
Yeah that's totally what I'm doing.
It seems such an extraordinarily easy to grasp concept that no one outside of polar ends would label every single individual of a group at once with a broad stroke, but I guess no matter what someone will get triggered about anything!
Most of outrage is from SJW with nothing better to do
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edittio: nevermind, getting off topic.
Except those people don't quit, not permanently. They have too much invested in glamors, housing and/or RP.
At most they will protest quit for a month or two, until next patch and then oo shiny. That behavior still falls in line with SE business model for subscriptions, so really not going to affect SE quarterly.
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Nah this is something that won't go away. Its not like the 4.1 housing drama that only extended to people who were chasing after a house and could be alleviated by adding more housing. This is something they probably won't "fix" until 7.0