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  1. #1
    Hyperion Cross
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    Shadowbringers Preparation

    Starting this thread to share/learn about preparation for Shadowbringers.

    So, to start:

    Assuming Dancer and Gunbreaker starts at Lvl60:
    Full Shire ilvl270 set, the NIN and Tank sets I presume (unless you have your Alex Savage sets)

    Full Left Set ilvl260 - 1735 Poes (3470 Poes for both jobs)
    4/5 Right Side ilvl260 - 720 poes (1440 Poes for both jobs)
    ilvl260 Weapon - 100 Poes + 400 Poes for Rowena's Token (Scripture) (1000 Poesfor both jobs)
    Full Left Side Upgrade = 700 (1400)
    Full Right Side Upgrade = 400 (800) (Assuming no left hand, and only 1 shire ring upgradeable)

    Alternative: Do quest "Unidentified Flying Object" 4 times, or 8 times, to get free ilvl270 accessories: Starting this week now should just prepare you for the early access of expansion (in 8 weeks)

    Keep ilvl400 tank and NIN gear from current to swap into at level 70.

    If rumours are true and attribute materia is removed, there's a shit ton of them in game right now. I wonder if it's better to mass gather a bunch of them all and then turn them in for profit once the expansion hits. I forget which item it was but I do remember making a bit of money when they rendered a specific item obsolete and it NPCed for like 1000g, but I don't recall which item it was.

    Crafting: Nothing new here, assume everyone has capped their preferences or got all of the blue no materia slot gear

    Might be too early but 2 months to go I feel like this is a good time to think about it a bit. Feel free to contribute or suggest.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stig View Post
    Starting this thread to share/learn about preparation for Shadowbringers.

    So, to start:

    Assuming Dancer and Gunbreaker starts at Lvl60:
    Full Shire ilvl270 set, the NIN and Tank sets I presume (unless you have your Alex Savage sets)

    Full Left Set ilvl260 - 1735 Poes (3470 Poes for both jobs)
    4/5 Right Side ilvl260 - 720 poes (1440 Poes for both jobs)
    ilvl260 Weapon - 100 Poes + 400 Poes for Rowena's Token (Scripture) (1000 Poesfor both jobs)
    Full Left Side Upgrade = 700 (1400)
    Full Right Side Upgrade = 400 (800) (Assuming no left hand, and only 1 shire ring upgradeable)

    Alternative: Do quest "Unidentified Flying Object" 4 times, or 8 times, to get free ilvl270 accessories: Starting this week now should just prepare you for the early access of expansion (in 8 weeks)

    Keep ilvl400 tank and NIN gear from current to swap into at level 70.
    Since DNC exists with the Ranged Physical role you should be holding onto the Aiming sets (BRD/MCH). Since poetics drops a plenty you could probably fill it out easily but you don't need to. If you got extra poetics and you aren't dumping them into a relic you can buy both sets. You'll also want to do the UFO quest at least once to get the ring or just join an A9S light farming party since you can burn the boss easily enough to get two i270 accessories. HOPEFULLY we get a confirmation on what set they use because scouting seems more appropriate aesthetically but DRG is still a unique butterfly after 6 years.

    If rumours are true and attribute materia is removed, there's a shit ton of them in game right now. I wonder if it's better to mass gather a bunch of them all and then turn them in for profit once the expansion hits. I forget which item it was but I do remember making a bit of money when they rendered a specific item obsolete and it NPCed for like 1000g, but I don't recall which item it was.
    You're thinking of the Dark Matter that we had to use to affix materia onto slots. Also I would just stock up on VIs in general if you want to play the gambling game and try to get Crafting VIIs with rare results though honestly I probably wouldn't bother. SBing the new crafting gear will probably be insanely more profitable.

    Crafting: Nothing new here, assume everyone has capped their preferences or got all of the blue no materia slot gear
    Either have the i340 gear and meld it to whatever you want, or get the i350 yellow script gear.

    Stock up on Crystals and Clusters (More so crystals) and be capped with levequests when the expansion rolls.

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    Also for leveling. You cannot go into Heaven-on-High immediately at level60. You must hit level61.

    Also remember you have a +30% EXP earring if you pre order ShB. This makes SB Leveling Dungeons much more worthwhile. (Combined with the +10% or +15% Heat of Battle buff and your rested exp bar)

    Edit: For Gathering the i340 gear should carry you all the way. If you are doing collectables to level you need to have some Perception Materia ready to meld. Otherwise for straight up grinding or levequests focus on +Gathering.

  4. #4
    Hyperion Cross
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    Also remember you have a +30% EXP earring if you pre order ShB. This makes SB Leveling Dungeons much more worthwhile. (Combined with the +10% or +15% Heat of Battle buff and your rested exp bar)
    Ah yes! In that case, that's 1 less earring to worry about, since it would, I presume, give the best stats in comparison to any level equivalent ring. Though this is no time to care about min maxing right now as that'll just be silly.

    Popping to sleep now, will sort of update the opening post tomorrow, or if it doesn't grow much, leave it as is

  5. #5

    Sweaty Dick Punching Enthusiast

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    If the rumor of SCH/SMN being split up is true you’ll want to get to leveling ARC now so you only have to level one of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anoat View Post
    If the rumor of SCH/SMN being split up is true you’ll want to get to leveling ARC now so you only have to level one of them.
    If it happens I doubt it. They could still require you to level up ARC to receive the quest to unlock SCH and they won't add quests for SCH 1-30.

  7. #7
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    They're not gonna reset your level even if they do that. If you have Arcanist at 70 now you'll have SMN and SCH at 70 post ShB's release.
    If anything they'd treat SCH as a new Extra job and have it start at 60 like DNC and GUN but I'd assume they would've mentioned something about this when the whole "no healer" debate started. Which is why I call BS on this rumor.