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  1. #1

    Sweaty Dick Punching Enthusiast

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    Starting out

    never touched the game before but like a mess of nerds hopped on with the Twitch Prime / Square Enix giveaway of base game + Heavensward, feel like sticking around till Shadowbringers to get to the NieR content (and unlock the Ivalice content without having to buy Stormblood). just wondering any starter tips and tricks (how not to fuck up and waste time ideally) and/or resources one ought be savy to for the true-blue FF XIV beginner. not the biggest MMO bro but have maxed a WoW toon or two over the years so am already well-versed in getting my healer killed. tysm in advance dear forum mates.

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    Uh fuck where to start.

    Settings I guess.

    Legacy Type controls and skipping playback of cutscenes already viewed is a good start
    Limiting Battle Effects to own is very good
    Invetory settings i recommend.
    Display Target's remaining HP percentage enable that shit
    You can customize the fuck out of hotbars

    HUD layout is your friend. Mess around with it to your liking. You can also do special stuff with certain HUD elements like seperate Status Effects or swap the job gauge (When you get it) to a simple version. You can also resize everything wholesale from 60% to 200%.

    My shit

    And if you want to go w/ third party apps ACT is a good place to start to get stuff like a DPS meter going. Cactbot is my favorite add on though. https://github.com/quisquous/cactbot


    I know some other apps that might end up getting you your very own thread on reddit if you post videos to blue gartr so PM me if something like the camera not zooming out enough bugs you.

  3. #3
    Relic Horn
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    my starter tip is to come to primal so we can start a family

    I have a mansion and I'm regular rich

  4. #4
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    Also combat macros are extremely bad don't be like me.

    Like don't do this. ever

    Spoiler: show
    Yes I do it and I raid shut up

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    The game is verrry pretty with reshade, so dont forget to stop and look around

    If you end up on Gilgamesh you are always welcome to join the BG FC, we have buffs and frens, otherwise, have fun. All jobs are viable, crafts are good to have, you can make money with all gathering classes pretty easily too.

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    I think the biggest thing I can stress is go at your own pace and just enjoy the ride and the story. There's a LOT of shit to do from start -> endgame. And endgame just gets repetitive as fuck, so don't be in a rush to get there.

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    Yeah seriously Nier raid ain't coming out for 4 months after expansion launch.

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    Oh yeah more starter stuff. Get someone to do the Recruit-A-Friend. Once you pay your first month sub (Or just apply a 60 day sub card) you'll get a exp head piece that lasts until level25, an emote (/fistbump), and 10 silver feather for gear. I recommend using them for the i130 body and leg piece and the i260 body and leg piece. Don't get the weapon, you get 600 poetics from the MSQ that you can purchase a fully decked out i130 weapon.

    Besides that there's the Smiths. At level15 you can do them for your first decent looking set of gear with good stats that'll carry you until level30 if you really want to push it. (Also a +exp ring that I just wear until I get the level50 item level stuff)

    Also the FFXV event is going on right now. If you want the FFXV car mount I recommend doing the weekly for Lords of Verminion (Shitty RTS w/ minions) and Fashion Report ( https://www.Twitter.com/kaiyokostar compiles everything bless her). Two weeks of that should get you the 200k funpoints to buy the car mount when you finish the 2.0 MSQ.

    Also really basic thing about quests.

    This icon means its the main storyline
    This icon means the quest is kinda important and unlocks something
    This icon means its a normal quest and you're either in it for the exp or shits and giggles/vague ass side story

    Once you hit Level30 I can info dump a little more. Kinda just wanna lay out stuff that'll help you now and isn't so fucking basic like press buttons and win.

  9. #9
    Relic Horn
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    this could be us but you playin

  10. #10
    Sandworm Swallows
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    Just don't skip any story. It's the entire reason to play the game since the battles aren't really that hard and the gear system is simple as it can be. Most classes/jobs have pretty good quest storylines and there's like a fuckton of lore to be had. Talking to NPCs between quests for flavor text is usually amusing, especially among the Scions. Try to get in a good FC where people actually play together because pugging trials is roughly akin to consenting to waste 2+ hours of your life. Aether is the best DC to be on, followed by Primal. Probably avoid Crystal. There's a lot of little tips and tricks you can pick up while playing but none of it is gamebreaking since the game is pretty much dumbed down as much as possible. It's still enjoyable though, just don't expect anything fantastic in the way of class customization or mindblowingly unique mechanics.

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    Agree the story's probably the main draw, though the 2.0 story line is generally pretty generic, though it does get more interesting before Heavensward and the expansions have been pretty engaging.

    But if you don't skip the cutscenes, you might want to put it on mute at the start - the voice acting could also charitably be described as... not good in the early 2.x versions though it improved markedly by 2.5. It's was actually a little jarring by then when we ended up with a new voice cast for 3.0 and onwards anyway. Not that the new cast is bad by any means, but the accents take some getting used to.

  12. #12

    Sweaty Dick Punching Enthusiast

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    Limsa Lominsa -> Arcanist's Guild -> Walk to ferry boat 20 steps away is the fastest way to get Vesper Bay/The Waking Sands. You're going to be going back and forth there a LOT during ARR.

  13. #13
    Sandworm Swallows
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athas View Post
    Agree the story's probably the main draw, though the 2.0 story line is generally pretty generic, though it does get more interesting before Heavensward and the expansions have been pretty engaging.

    But if you don't skip the cutscenes, you might want to put it on mute at the start - the voice acting could also charitably be described as... not good in the early 2.x versions though it improved markedly by 2.5. It's was actually a little jarring by then when we ended up with a new voice cast for 3.0 and onwards anyway. Not that the new cast is bad by any means, but the accents take some getting used to.
    Wut, Japanese all the way. Not fucking around with that chop job of a dub.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Silenka View Post
    Wut, Japanese all the way. Not fucking around with that chop job of a dub.
    English voices are fine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Silenka View Post
    Wut, Japanese all the way. Not fucking around with that chop job of a dub.

    Sometimes you just wanna hear Susano shout in french.

    omlette du fromage.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anoat View Post
    Limsa Lominsa -> Arcanist's Guild -> Walk to ferry boat 20 steps away is the fastest way to get Vesper Bay/The Waking Sands. You're going to be going back and forth there a LOT during ARR.
    That's a top tier tip right here. I always wished I knew this back when I was doing the ARR story, lol.

  17. #17
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    The combat is easy enough; just read/think about the tooltips on your skills and you'll already be a better player than most. They lock some skills behind class/job quests so be sure to do those when you hit the appropriate level.

    I want to say the main scenario quests and dungeons will be the bulk of experience on your first class/job and I hear some people kind of skip side quests for secondary classes/jobs but some side quests give stuff like the ability to fly in a certain area or the ability to use the like the hair stylist NPC. I think these quests are denoted with like a blue background with an addition symbol off to the side.

    The ARR 50 quests before Heavensward are hella long and a slog or at least that's the complaint I hear from most people. I honestly don't remember as I did them when they came out so many years ago. The main scenario 8-player dungeons are also long and they disabled skipping cutscenes so they might also be a bottleneck because fuck that. Just letting you know as it does get better after these points.

    Queue times are generally (shortest -> longest):
    Tanks - Healers - Melee DPS - (Caster/Physical) Ranged DPS
    But Shadowbringers will add a new tank and Physical Ranged DPS and everyone will want to be trying out the new hot shit so I'm not sure how that'll be.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gokulo View Post
    That's a top tier tip right here. I always wished I knew this back when I was doing the ARR story, lol.

  19. #19
    D. Ring
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anoat View Post
    Limsa Lominsa -> Arcanist's Guild -> Walk to ferry boat 20 steps away is the fastest way to get Vesper Bay/The Waking Sands. You're going to be going back and forth there a LOT during ARR.
    The thing that amuses me most about this advice is that everyone had to do it to either get to, or leave from, Limsa at least the first time. I guess it's easy to forget that it exists. If your computer is slow at zoning, keep in mind that the ferry route takes ~3 zones (port to Limsa, aethernet port to Arcanist guild, ferry), whereas porting to Horizon takes only one. The ferry may not actually save you any time.

    Did you also know that there's a ferry right next to it that'll take you to the Kugane / Ruby Sea zone line for 300g? Sometimes helpful. You also had to take that at least once too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raldo View Post
    The thing that amuses me most about this advice is that everyone had to do it to either get to, or leave from, Limsa at least the first time.
    Not really (Or at the very least anymore). The MSQ in Limsa is self contained and it doesn't require you to venture outside until you finish the Ascian fight and then have to go on a city to city tour with Alphinaud via the airship.

    The only time you go to that counter is in 4.0 after you're forced to head to Hingashi.

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