This game is going to launch early so it's not competing with SF6 and FF16, isn't it? lol
This game is going to launch early so it's not competing with SF6 and FF16, isn't it? lol
Doubt it very much until I see it but we'll see.
There's technically nothing stopping them from doing it but... how many high profile AAAs have ever moved their dates up? I can't think of any but I'm sure there have been some...?
I don't remember any moving up, but that said especially on Nintendo's end, how many times now have they announced a game and were like, oh yeah, it's also out now?
Not getting my hopes up, but I wouldn't be shocked if a game comes out early, especially if it's a digital only release. They don't have to manufacture boxes or disks. So if the game is stable and ready, why not shove it out early and start making all the money early.
Dunno if you would place Xenoblade 3 in that category, but it's the only one I ever remember happening - was supposed to come out September at first and then they changed it to July
Not sure if you meant in general or this game, but D4 has a physical release on consoles
i am a loser so i will have no problem playing both d4 and ff16 at the same time
FF16 is def getting played. SF requires a deep time commitment to actually get great at. Diablo 4 is going to kill that for me.
I doubt they'll move it up officially and just have a week long head start for pre-orders, which may technically be the same thing, but yeah...
Despite their claims of going Gold, though, feel like there was a fair bit of feedback feeling the game wasn't ready and a couple weeks post-beta wasn't going to change that even if they did make some vague announcement changes. That said, I'm still expecting bland itemization, trade reliance, respec costs, and the paragon system to be contentious issues post-launch.
May 12-14 server stress test beta, so open to everyone.
Reminder: Stress test in 2 hrs.
i have mixed feelings on this game and i'm gonna play it right away
Stress test has been smooth as butter for me. Not a single issue.
I will also add, given the amount of dark/black area in the game, playing on a OLED makes this game simply gorgeous.
ive had a glitch a couple times where i could only move within a tight circle, like i was trapped
but dodging/rolling would get me out of it
Ya, almost nobody getting that Ashava trophy. I'll try one more time at 3PM, but even on world T1, it didn't go down past 25%. I don't see any chats for parties either.
I just got it an hour ago on T1. Died a few times, but we got it down with 5min to spare.
i have encountered the butcher
no bueno
Actually destroyed it this time with 9 minutes left on T1. Server Slam complete.