It's slow, it's tedious. There's little to nothing interesting happening. They've taken two years to get us into the void, and the stuff happening there is nothing short of meh. Zero is not a strong enough character to crutch up the entire narrative on. Golbez was a shit tier Saturday morning cartoon villain until the last patch. 6.5 has to be incredible to redeem this shit.
Going into 7.0, all of the 6.1-6.45 story can likely be safely skipped and ignored with little to no consequence. We'll see how they tie in 6.5 to 7.0, but my suspicion is that they'll be completely separate.
That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that. We don't need another 10 year odyssey that ends in us killing a godlike being or three. But at least make each contained story interesting.
Don't even get me started on Pandemonium and the alliance raid stories. Pandemonium was utter drivel and dogshit until the last couple of cutscenes. We literally went back to the height of Ancient civilization, into the depths of their top secret life form creation testing facility, and all we got was some half baked bullshit story about a guard with daddy issues. Lahabrea's back story doesn't become a factor until toward the end, and quite frankly the resolution to that was annoying and largely unsatisfying.
As for the twelve, it's treated with even less reverence. I once again expect the final cut scenes to drop some lore bombs, but up until now it has been a pointless waste of time to try to include any story at all. All of the twelves' personalities have been portrayed via battle rather than storytelling. The overarching plot itself doesn't even need to exist as it has been on the same cliffhanger since 6.1. We don't get any of the supplemental post-main-quest storytelling like we did for the Ivalice or Nier lines that had us going back into the zones to discover lore with a bunch of NPCs and little miniquests. It's a farce.
I can only hope that the setbacks presented by splitting the dev resources between xiv and xvi as well as committing to the graphics overhaul will be resolved some time in the 7.0 patch cycle and we will return to stories worth reading.