Sweet ass sweet—diabetic, we have a new section for private servers now on the forums. Let me help get this section rolling with a chat on the magical world of tomorrow,
The Wiki and You.
For some background, as of the moment of this post. I play on the CatseyeXI (custom level 75) server. It is the only one I have so far, and I have no plans of trying others out. That being said I enjoy it, and the community/team there has been very welcoming.
How welcoming? Well after they saw me loitering in their Discord. A couple members of the team said hello in PMs, and we had a chat. I saw their preferred usage of wiki was BG, and suggested the creation of a BG section in their Discord. Which was created and has been directly dealing with one of our biggest holes on the site: old, generally irrelevant to retail, content.
Now, here is the important part though,
BG Wiki is a retail wiki, and should not have private server specific edits or proprietary info being added to it.
However, while there are many differences. Private servers are at their core based on retail. Barring any bugs, for the most part quests, missions, NMs, content, and so on play the same as retail. In fact that is generally the goal.
With all that said I wanted to emphasize that while it must absolutely be kept accurate to retail. BG Wiki can be a valuable and improving resource for private servers. Specifically those capping at level 75.
For example, there are a great number of errors and to put it mildly, worthless fluff littering the only other wiki. As players from private servers come across pages on BG and either point them out or update them, the site becomes the best resource.
Pages that were previously blank or lacking in info such as the chest keys for The Goblin Tailor are now populated after direct input from a PS player. Item page posts from the Catseye Discord have lead to the
Uggalepih Pendant NM being modernized. Previously empty, it now has a walkthrough complete with maps. Limit Breaks and Bastok Missions have also been improved, sometimes significantly.
All in all, I wanted to point out that private servers have a place on BG Wiki. Feel free to post here about issues, requests, ideas, etc based on your experiences on Private Servers.
For anything else Wiki related, please use the actual subsection for it on the FFXI: Everything board.