When was the earthquake? I remember I was partying with JP players in Abyssea and they were talking in party chat in translate, Earthquake, Tsunami, Fear Etc.
When was the earthquake? I remember I was partying with JP players in Abyssea and they were talking in party chat in translate, Earthquake, Tsunami, Fear Etc.
Started out a week after NA release, never played an MMORPG but loved the FF series. Best friend talked me into getting it, he was on Sylph so that was where I created what would become a legendary, gun totting pirate (at least in my mind). Ran 2 separate Salvages groups (no ban stick touched any of us, all legit) to fund my hand held cannon. I had thought I was the first on Sylph to finish it and found out a JP taru beat me by 2 days lol
Made many friends through several linkshells, some that I still keep in touch with (R.I.P. Brytor). Only game I've invested over a decade of my life into, and wouldn't change it for anything.