Speaking of bums
Speaking of bums
Good they didn't do this sooner, otherwise Flacco might have injured his back carrying this damn team. Can't believe they blew their season.
Thanks to the Browns for taking Zappe off of our hands!
Why are the ravens playing their starters?
And now Lamar throws a hospital pass that got Bateman killed.
Jesus now Flowers is down. Bench your fucking starters Harbaugh.
Can't remember exactly, but I think Bmore has to win or Pitt can steal division? I know I heard Ravens needed to win.
He didn’t even bother to try and run it lmaooo
Dropping a 355 lbs man into coverage and then him getting an INT is hilarious.
CLE clinches a top 4 pick
Actually, CLE clinched a top 3 pick. Giants cant pick higher than 2
This is it. The moment the Bengals lose the season in a spectacular game of Dangerussness
Titans have a legit shot at beating the Texans. I believe in them.
Cincy just marched right down the field.
God I love watching Burrow just mow down their defense.