Anyone else get this? I noticed it had maps of all the lower lvl areas and some random info that might be useful once or twice, but no maps to areas that I'd want like Ro'Maeve and Ru'Aun Gardens. What are everynoe else's opinion?
Anyone else get this? I noticed it had maps of all the lower lvl areas and some random info that might be useful once or twice, but no maps to areas that I'd want like Ro'Maeve and Ru'Aun Gardens. What are everynoe else's opinion?
Great site; I use it all the time since its one of few with good CoP maps.
Rinku ->
Why spend money on a book when you have teh intarwebz?
me like this web site. better than the book <_<;
You need a map for Ru'Aun Gardens. I just memerized everything by the color of elemental. Even for the gods it was pretty simple. I had larger issues of door to go to water, sometimes I ended up in Kirin room by accident
Has almost every map in the game. Great palce to look for a map if no one else has it, because they most likely will.
omg xaoc that sig reminds me of a pic i saw of ciechi =3
If that reminds you of him, then you have a horrible sense of memory. (Either that or you need some pretty strong glasses)
cie knows hes sexy :wink:
Yay GJ SE... release a map book for an ever-changing game. /clap
Can't that be said about any type of guide for any online game that is updated?Originally Posted by Epical
I still dont uderstand puting out a strategy guide for an MMORPG. That will continue to confuse the hell out of me why someone would buy a game that promotes self exploration, learning, and teamplay; but yet buy the book that tells you what to do and when. I don't know, call me crazy, but thats just stupid.
Doesn't every game that has a guide promote self exploration and learning?Originally Posted by XaocRamuh
True, but I understand buying a guide for a non-evolving game that does eventually end. MMOs, on the otherhand, genenerally tend to never end. I don't get the need to purchase something that is going to become obsolite in 1 months time.
Well there are infinite resources on the internet for almost every game, online or not. Many times they are much more comprehensive and helpful than guides you buy, not to mention they can be easily updated. So why do companies still make the guides? People buy them. They don't make them to help you, they make them because people are willing to pay for them. Look closely on your game CDs and cartridges and in game manuals, they have 900-numbers for hints and tips... they care about us beating their games so much that they let us pay them 2 bucks a minute to help us, how sweet. It's about the money.
So yeah I don't understand buying the guide either, it's pretty worthless, the only reason I can see behind buying a guide is being able to sit on a comfy couch while playing your games and having a magazine to flip through instead of sitting at a computer and browsing the guides in boring text files.
And anyone who calls a 900-number for hints and tips needs to be slapped.
Well, with this game, for some reason, we always have an influx of new people every day. So, this Atlas, imo, is for them. Not a great tool for us who've been around the block a few times, but a bible for those just getting on, and for those not as adept in remembering maps and locations all that well. My wife has been playing XI for awhile now, but 90% of the time, she's following me. As of late, she's just started using her map to get around on her own. I'll be getting her this Atlas so she doesn't constantly ask me how to get to certain areas.
Again, not a tool for those of us who've been around the block.