a) As many images as you want to post (within reason)
b) eh, were ignoring this rule
c) And this one too
d) Nothing obscene
Main Entry: ob·scene
Pronunciation: äb-'sEn, &b-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin obscenus, obscaenus
1 : disgusting to the senses : REPULSIVE
2 a : abhorrent to morality or virtue; specifically : designed to incite to lust or depravity b : containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite usage <obscene lyrics> c : repulsive by reason of crass disregard of moral or ethical principles <an obscene misuse of power> d : so excessive as to be offensive <obscene wealth> <obscene waste>
e) Do not talk about fight club
f) Sonomaa is not wrong, you are.
g) you're banned.
Have at it!
Images that are offensive to the mind, something involving death, dead things, gross things, stuff that might make you puke or something like that. Link that shit, add a warning to it. DO NOT POST GROSS SHIT WITH IMAGE TAGS. You may use the Not Life Safe or Not Mind Safe tags. If someone bitches at you about linking a picture you warned them on, fuck them. But if you img tag it, your boned.
First Thread of Legend. --