For those who followed happenings at E3 you would know this is the new Bioware RPG in the works for PC, 360 and PS3. Supposed to be released first quater of 09.
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For those who followed happenings at E3 you would know this is the new Bioware RPG in the works for PC, 360 and PS3. Supposed to be released first quater of 09.
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More info on the game from gamespot in a hands on.
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So I am very excited for this game now. Especially because they have said it is the spiritual successor of the Baldur's Gate series.
Though i'm now starting to hear rumors of a Baldur's Gate 3, a ways down the road.
Still excited though.
the GameInformer article I read a while back said this should have a nifty in-game codex like Mass Effect did, which was one of my favorite features of that game. <3 Bioware.
I wonder how good the console versions will really be compared to the PC, I don't really play PC games besides FFXI (although I've been considering it to play the Witcher, even though that's gonna be ported to consoles soon too)