Our LINKSHELL is only as good as the ppl that join and stay in our shell to help it grow and become close. That being said, you will only profit by being dedicated to helping and putting time in like everyone else.
We wanna have fun doing things as a group but also want to make a few GILz while we do it, as well as helping Mementomori LS members attain items and armor that can't be obtained by a solo player, so we hope ppl will like it and stay with only gets better with time.

**If these times fit your schedule please apply on our site at the top of this post OR contact Mileslong Im-Game. ty^^**

Here is a guide for new applicants as far as our events and times are concerned:

Monday: Sky Farming 8PM EST

Tuesday: Free Day/Salvage group/Dynamis (not mandatory event day)

Wednesday: Limbus 8-9PM EST

Thursday: Free Day/Salvage (not mandatory)

Friday: Gods/Farming 8PM EST

Saturday: Salvage group/Dynamis 8:30PM EST (not Mandatory events)

Sunday: Limbus (Protos if chips permit) 8-9PM EST

These rules are followed by all members and include the following:


1. We are a "one pearl Linkshell", our members have our pearl only with the exception of our Dynamis pearl and/or CoP static mission pearl.

2. Drama will NOT be tolerated!!! One warning will be givin then you will be asked to leave.

3. Treat all members with respect (Except on vent) lol

4. Treat other Linkshells with respect and usually it will be returned.

5. We are a skill/strategy based group, so listen to Leader/sack directions during events. (all input is welcome from any member and you are encuraged to do so)

6. Lotting items and Gear is factored by: Attendance, Job/lvl, Wishlist(fill one out).