View Poll Results: Do you think the media in the US is paying any attention to the Isreali side of the conflict?

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  • Yes, i think they're giving fair coverage.

    14 17.07%
  • No, i think they're ignoring what Isreali extremists do.

    68 82.93%
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  1. #1
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    Are Israeli attacks on Palestinians shown in the US news?

    Forgive me since i don't watch news from the US very often, but as of late have there been any reports of Israeli colonials attacking Palestinians? I'm surprised because from what i've read as of late, it seems to be rather vicious.

    Los colonos judíos se rebelan · ELPAÍ
    El Supremo israelí había dictado sentencia tres semanas antes: el inmueble de cuatro plantas tenía que ser desalojado a la espera de que otro tribunal decidiera sobre la titularidad en disputa entre un potentado norteamericano y su antiguo dueño, un palestino de la ciudad donde, según la tradición, reposan los restos de Abraham (Ibrahim para los musulmanes), Isaac, Jacob y sus esposas.

    Cientos de jóvenes habían acudido al edificio para impedir el cumplimiento de la resolución judicial. En la azotea, su arsenal: cascotes, botellas vacías y patatas rellenas de clavos. Pululan dos soldados que charlan con los rebeldes. Hace frío y bailan en corro mientras entonan melodías: "Simón y Levi matarán a los gentiles". "No creemos en el Gobierno de los herejes". Eretz Israel, dicen, es sagrado: la tierra que abarca desde el Jordán hasta el Mediterráneo les pertenece por designio divino.
    The Israeli Supreme had ruled three weeks before: the building of four floors had to be evicted while waiting for another court to decide on the ownership dispute between a powerful American and its former owner, a Palestinian from the town where, according to the tradition, lie the remains of Abraham (Ibrahim for Muslims), Isaac, Jacob and their wives.

    Hundreds of youths had gone into the building to prevent enforcement of the court decision. On the rooftop, their arsenals: rubble, empty bottles and potatoes filled with nails. Swarm two soldiers chatting with the rebels. It's cold and they dance while run around and sing melodies: "Simon and Levi killed the Gentiles." "We do not believe in the government of the heretics." Eretz Israel, they say, is sacred: the land that extends from the Jordan to the Mediterranean belongs to them by God's decree.
    Es la norma en los últimos tres meses. En los alrededores de Nablus, Kalkilia, Ramala, a lo largo de toda la Cisjordania ocupada (Judea y Samaria, en terminología bíblica, hoy oficial), los colonos han lanzado ataques contra civiles casi a diario. Los más radicales entre el medio millón que pueblan los asentamientos en este territorio y en Jerusalén Este se han desbocado obedientes a asertos como el del rabino Shalom Dov Wolpe: "El Estado de Israel es el enemigo del pueblo judío, y Tzipi Livni [ministra de Exteriores y aspirante a la jefatura del Gobierno] es la segunda Isabel". La primera es la reina católica que expulsó a los judíos de España. La sola mención de que Livni ha prometido negociaciones con los palestinos desata exabruptos. "Ningún tribunal, ni el Gobierno, tienen derecho a abandonar un pedazo de la tierra de Israel. El primer ministro Ehud Olmert merece ser ahorcado", brama un joven con barba incipiente. Justo encima, una pancarta: "Esta tierra es nuestra tierra".
    It is the norm in the past three months. In the outskirts of Nablus, Qalquiliya, Ramallah, throughout the occupied West Bank (Judea and Samaria, in biblical terminology, today officially), the settlers have launched attacks against civilians almost daily. The most radical among the half million who populate the settlements in this territory and in East Jerusalem have been runaway obedients to the assertions of Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe: "The State of Israel is the enemy of the Jewish people, and Tzipi Livni [minister Foreign and aspirant to the leadership of the government] is the second Elizabeth. " The first is the Catholic queen who expelled the Jews from Spain. The mere mention of that Livni has promised negotiations with the Palestinians unleashed rebuff. "No court, nor the government have the right to leave a piece of land of Israel.'s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert deserves to be hanged," a young bearded brama infancy uttered. Just above, a banner: "This land is our land."
    Después de la tardía evacuación del inmueble, decenas de colonos se dieron al vandalismo. Apedrearon a palestinos, quemaron casas y vehículos, incendiaron la colada e intentaron linchar a una familia de 20 personas recluida en su vivienda. Un grupo de periodistas israelíes impidió el crimen, no sin indignarse, porque la policía y el Ejército miraron a otro lado. Uno de los extremistas, de avanzada edad, disparó a bocajarro contra dos adultos árabes. El juzgado que ahora le imputa ha dictaminado que no hubo provocación, que él es el asaltante. La prueba es concluyente: la grabación de la ONG israelí Betselem. "Somos los hijos de un pueblo cuya ética está construida sobre la memoria de los pogromos. La imagen de judíos disparando a palestinos inocentes no tiene otro nombre que pogromo", lamentó Olmert.Son decenas de miles los israelíes que no toleran estas persecuciones. Muchos se dicen avergonzados. Y decenas de intelectuales se rebelan contra lo visto las semanas precedentes. Fania Oz-Salzberger -profesora de Historia en la Universidad de Haifa e hija del novelista Amos Oz- es de las que afirman: "Si el apoyo de Occidente a Israel se fundamenta en la islamofobia o la arabofobia, mejor que no nos apoyen". Saben de lo que hablan.
    After the belated evacuation of the building, dozens of settlers began vandalizing. They threw stones at Palestinians, burned houses and cars, set fire to the laundry and tried to lynch a family of 20 people imprisoned in their homes. A group of Israeli journalists prevented the crime, not without being indignant at the police and the army because looked the other way while the attacks took place. One of the extremists, an elderly, fired, point blank, against two adult Arabs. The court now has ruled against him that there was no provocation, he was the assailant. The evidence is conclusive: the burning of the Israeli NGO B'Tselem. "We are the sons of a people whose ethics are built on the memory of pogroms. The image of Jews shooting at innocent Palestinians has no other name than pogrom," lamented Olmert. Some tens of thousands of Israelis do not tolerate these persecutions. Many say they are embarrassed. And dozens of intellectuals rebel against what's been seen the preceding weeks. Fania Oz-Salzberg, a professor of history at Haifa University and daughter of novelist Amos Oz, is of the claim that: "If the West's support for Israel is rooted in Islamophobia or arabofobia, it's better that they don't support us."
    Muchos de los asaltos violentos de los colonos están motivados por conflictos entre el Gobierno y los fanáticos judíos. A mediados de agosto, un oficial del Shin Bet, el espionaje interno israelí, ilustraba a otros mandos policiales y militares: "La violencia de los colonos es intencionada, planeada y viene acompañada del pago de un precio". Lo pagan civiles palestinos de Cisjordania. Los colonos lo dicen sin tapujos: si el Ejército, como ha sucedido, desmantela casas prefabricadas o caravanas asentadas sin permiso del Gobierno, los palestinos sufrirán las consecuencias. Sólo en la primera mitad de este año se registraron 429 ataques contra árabes en territorio ocupado. En 2007 fueron 551. Y desde agosto se agravan las agresiones. La cosecha de la aceituna, como es habitual, está jalonada de asaltos contra los campesinos árabes de las cercanías de los asentamientos. Este año ha crecido la saña.
    Many of the violent assaults of the settlers are motivated by conflict between the government and Jewish zealots. In mid-August, an official of the Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic spying, illustrating to other police officers and military: "The settler violence is deliberate, planned and is accompanied by a price." The Palestinian civilians in the West Bank pay the price. The settlers say it unequivocally: If the Army, as has happened, is unmaking prefabricated houses or caravans settled without the permission of the government, the Palestinians will suffer the consequences. Only in the first half of this year there were 429 attacks against Arabs in occupied territory. In 2007 was 551. And since August the assaults have become more aggravated. The harvesting of olives, as usual, is marked by attacks against Arab farmers in the vicinity of the settlements. This year the attacks have grown viciously.
    Los fundamentalistas judíos han invadido pueblos palestinos, destrozado sus casas acompañados por soldados indolentes y calcinado decenas de coches. Cuando los soldados israelíes cumplen su misión, les pinchan las ruedas de sus vehículos; han lanzado perros contra ellos; han roto el brazo a algún militar; han puesto precio a la cabeza de líderes pacifistas israelíes; han quemado casas árabes en Acre, Tel Aviv y Jerusalén; han apuñalado a transeúntes palestinos, y han colocado una bomba en el portal de Zeev Sternhell, prestigioso intelectual. Resultó herido. Todo ello en las últimas semanas de rebelión contra un Estado tan pasivo a la hora de actuar como contundente en la amenaza.
    Jewish fundamentalists have invaded Palestinian towns, destroyed their houses accompanied by insensible soldiers and burned dozens of cars. When the Israeli soldiers fulfilled their mission, they prick the wheels of their vehicles, have dogs launched against them, broken the arm of some military personelle, have placed a price on the heads of pacifist Israeli leaders who are activists, have had Arab houses burned in Acre, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, have stabbed Palestinians passers, and have placed a bomb in the portal Zeev Sternhell, a prestigious intellectual. He was wounded. All of this in recent weeks of rebellion against a state so passive to act in the face of disorder.
    ¿Qué hacer al respecto? Desde que arrancó la empresa de la colonización, unos 120 asentamientos se han construido en Cisjordania. Otro centenar salpica las colinas del territorio palestino. Ya en 1979, el Tribunal Supremo falló que la apropiación de propiedades privadas palestinas era ilegal. Pero los Gobiernos hacen oídos sordos a sus veredictos. "El Gobierno no cumple las sentencias del Supremo, ni siquiera cumple sus propias decisiones", arremetió la semana pasada Dorit Beinish, presidenta de la más alta instancia judicial de Israel.
    What to do about it? Since the start the of the colonial period, some 120 settlements have been built in the West Bank. Another hundred splash the hills of the Palestinian territory. Already in 1979, the Supreme Court ruled that the seizure of private Palestinian property was illegal. But the government is deaf to their verdicts. "The government does not comply with the rulings of the Supreme, not even meet its own decisions," lashed out last week Dorit Beinish, chairwoman of the highest court of Israel.
    "En Hebrón se ha generado una situación que es una desgracia nacional, un pecado genuino y un crimen. El apartheid ya está aquí. Pero no sólo en Hebrón... El robo de las propiedades palestinas es testimonio de la quiebra del Estado cuando se enfrenta al atrevimiento de los colonos y a su determinación para no retroceder ante ninguna consideración ética o legal", ha opinado en el diario Haaretz Zeev Sternhell.
    "In Hebron a situation has been created which is a national disgrace, a real sin and a crime." Apartheid is already here. But not only in Hebron ... The theft of Palestinian property is a testament to the bankruptcy of the state when faced with the audacity of the settlers and their determination not to go back to any ethical or legal consideration, "he opined in the daily Haaretz Zeev Sternhell.
    Avi, estudiante de una yeshiva (escuela talmúdica en Jerusalén), explicaba una visión compartida por sus correligionarios. "Los musulmanes quieren conquistar todo el mundo y matar a quienes no lo son. Y te advierto que odian más a los cristianos. Los palestinos son pacíficos porque son pobres. Pero Hamás, la Yihad Islámica y Al Fatah les obligan a luchar contra los judíos. Nosotros somos un pueblo pacífico, pero cuando el Gobierno quiso hacer la paz durante el proceso de Oslo, estalló la guerra. Cada vez que les damos tierra, nos matan. Éste es nuestro país". Punto.
    Avi, a student at a yeshiva (Talmudic school in Jerusalem), said a shared vision for his coreligionists. "Muslims want to conquer the whole world and kill those who are not (Muslim). And I warn you they hate the Christians the most. The Palestinians are peaceful because they are poor. But Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al Fatah forced them to fight Jews . We are a peaceful people, but when the government wanted to make peace during the Oslo process, the war broke out. Every time we give them land, they kill us. This is our country. " Period.
    Sorry for the long post, i translated everything i found important and i quoted everything i translated just in case anybody wanted to know what i translated. Also adding a poll.

  2. #2

    I haven't heard anything of it on the news, and I watch more news programs than anyone else I know.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pohibaba View Post
    I haven't heard anything of it on the news, and I watch more news programs than anyone else I know.
    I personally dont watch international news THAT often, but I havent heard anything about....well....any of that

  4. #4
    Mr. Anna Kendrick
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    Nothing. Greek riots the only thing I remember seeing as of late.

    I'm not voting in the poll though, as neither answer you've provided me represents what I think is going on. American media don't really care to hear of shenannigans in other countries that much. We'd much rather hear stuff that pertains to us, and therefore the American media doesn't show it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sepukku View Post
    Nothing. Greek riots the only thing I remember seeing as of late.

    I'm not voting in the poll though, as neither answer you've provided me represents what I think is going on. American media don't really care to hear of shenannigans in other countries that much. We'd much rather hear stuff that pertains to us, and therefore the American media doesn't show it.
    You've heard about the Greek riots but nothing of what i posted in the news?

  6. #6
    Mr. Anna Kendrick
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    Did I stutter?

  7. #7
    I'm not safe on my island
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    You've heard about the Greek riots from a country that has less relations to the US than Brittan, but have not heard these going ons in Israel, a country that receives immense monetary and political support from the US?

  8. #8
    The Sig...
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    Correct, on a side note: some Palestinian girls are hot

  9. #9
    Yoshi P
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    Quote Originally Posted by pohibaba View Post
    I haven't heard anything of it on the news
    I don't watch television news that often, but this^

    They do cover the opposite sometimes thou, as in palestinian suicide bombers, car bombers, etc.

  10. #10
    Mr. Anna Kendrick
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    I think its cause Americans don't care about your religious scuffles. They're all nuts, both sides, and will always be nuts. Religious wars have been going on for centuries and always will be going on, we've gotten used to it, we're not concerned about it, we've accepted that their always will be religious conflict, especially in that region.

    Greek riots are based on something non-religious and way more relevant to us, the youth being tired of being pissed on, which is something a lot of Americans can see here as if you look at the voting demographics, the young people here really stepped up and voted a lot more than usual this past election, and a rather strong majority for Obama.

  11. #11
    St. Fiat

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    Israeli attacks are portrayed as "our allies fighting the good fight in the war on terrorism", and Palestinian attacks are "bad brown people terrorists islam beep borp zam clam".

    One story I have heard practically nothing about in US media is the Israeli blockade of Gaza keeping fuel, food, and medicine from the UN from entering the strip. Collective punishment for the rocket attacks on Israel. Essentially starving the entire population and letting them die of easily curable ailments. Not a peep from the media here. But you can bet your ass if something like that happened in north korea it would be all over the place, because we're supposed to be mad at them. But Israel is our fwiend!

  12. #12
    Relic Weapons
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    I live in sweden, haven't heard anything about israeli attacks lately. I did read today about an Iraqi reporter throwing shoes at Bush though.

  13. #13
    Relic Horn
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    I heard about the blockade a few times, but not lately. I assume we would have heard about it if the blockade had stopped.

    The thing is, riots in relatively 'civilized' Greece are unusual, and besides that they can be cast as a case of police brutality (regardless of the actual underlying issues), which makes it look almost exactly like the Rodney King riots, except the Greek kid got killed and not just beaten. Suicide bombers, mortars, rockets, etc. in the Middle East? Business as usual. And why would you run a story about business as usual? That's like a headline that says "North Korea still won't talk to us".

    In short, American news doesn't care about violence, only new violence.

  14. #14
    Ive sucked 27 dicks, in a row.
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    I haven't heard anything about the blockade or Israeli aggression on US news, but I've heard about the blockade several times on the BBC World Service. They occasionally talk about Israeli attacks as well, but it's always presented as retaliation, not aggression.

  15. #15
    I'm not safe on my island
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    The blockade isn't being mentioned either? I thought for sure that would get some attention.
    In short, American news doesn't care about violence, only new violence.
    well, this is kind of new violence in the sense that it's not mortars or suicide bombers or beheading videos but Israeli zealots attacking Palestinian villagers.

  16. #16

    Can it just be summed up by saying crazy religious people do something crazy again?

  17. #17
    Mr. Anna Kendrick
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuya View Post
    well, this is kind of new violence in the sense that it's not mortars or suicide bombers or beheading videos but Israeli zealots attacking Palestinian villagers.
    Its still the same Israeli-Palestinian BS thats been going on for way too long. Just make freaking peace or wipe each other out already. Only time this stuff makes the news heavily, more than like a sidenote, is when you guys come to the table for ceasefires and peace talks like you did a couple of years ago.

  18. #18
    I'm not safe on my island
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    Puerto Rico is not in the Middle East lol.

  19. #19
    Relic Horn
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuya View Post
    The blockade isn't being mentioned either? I thought for sure that would get some attention.

    well, this is kind of new violence in the sense that it's not mortars or suicide bombers or beheading videos but Israeli zealots attacking Palestinian villagers.
    Are you saying zealots haven't been attacking Palestinian villagers for years? Because one of the articles you quoted seemed to indicate otherwise.

    And yes, we did hear about the blockade when it started, but I thought that was months ago.

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    Mr. Anna Kendrick
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuya View Post
    Puerto Rico is not in the Middle East lol.
    Sorry, you just seem like you're in bed with them, you seem very pro-Palestine/Islam's claim to Jeruselam. Your articles just seemed to have a very anti-Israeli spin to them, and I think I remember you posting some Middle-East/Islam related stuff before on this forum? I can't remember what it was, maybe it had something to do with the Obsession DVD? Maybe it was something else...

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