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  1. #121
    Fake Numbers
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    Did 20 Steel Cyclones for Perdu and Lyft each. Swapped out earring so str would be same. With 3 in party the damage was pretty much the same: 906 (Lyft) to 913 (Perdu)
    Maybe the tp bonus triggers with full pty only or it scales with member numbers and wasnt noticable with 3?

    Edit: I know small sample but people had to go.

  2. #122
    Salvage Bans
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronin sparthos View Post
    How did you handle the slug NM?
    we've killed it twice, we're 1/2 on lance now

    first time our setup was rdm, sam, thf.
    it was kinda rough, it hits very hard, like 300- to DD.
    the only ws it has is fuscous ooze which is gravity and encumberment(no equip). the no equip lasts for 30-45sec. with this setup we basically had the sam and thf switch off hate whenever the other person got stripped. at one point killed both dds and i had to kite as rdm until they unweakened.

    RDM/NIN can solo, it seems to have 12% movement and hits like a truck so movement speed seems necessary. although it loses hate fairly easily. i kited him NW (around F-5) and theres no mobs that aggro there or anything there so its a good space, theres some fences and trees to get him caught up also.

    despite info on the wiki, he's not resistant to magic. as rdm, bliz3 landed for a full 541 about 75% of the time. the 2nd time killing i brought a blm and his nukes were fine as well. like all of the new nms above lv50, it's resistant to bind/grav/sleep.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    Did 20 Steel Cyclones for Perdu and Lyft each. Swapped out earring so str would be same. With 3 in party the damage was pretty much the same: 906 (Lyft) to 913 (Perdu)
    Maybe the tp bonus triggers with full pty only or it scales with member numbers and wasnt noticable with 3?

    Edit: I know small sample but people had to go.
    It's hard to conclude anything from this.
    1) Are those average or maximum values?
    2) What are you fighting?
    3) How much STR did you have?
    4) Were you going at 100TP every time?
    5) As you said, could be some effect like fTP+10 per person over 2 in your party, in which case it'd be fairly hard to detect with a party of 3.
    6) Either way, Lyft losing in damage on Steel Cyclone doesn't really make sense.

  4. #124
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    The TP bonus was reported by one person who provided no data whatsoever to prove it. At this point I'm very skeptical, it would be nice... but I think everyone wanted it to be true so they just ran with it.
    I like shiny math as much as the next guy, but the math comparing unshomaru to hagun was a little premature and has caused people to go zomgtpbonus even more.

  5. #125
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    Does anyone know what the hell the word "lyft" means or refers to? SE tends to be kinda clever about finding really obscure words that hint at the nature of what they're naming (e.g., calling the White Mage stances "afflatus," which roughly means "divine inspiration"). I know I'm sort of flailing wildly with this, but I cannot find an origin for the word "lyft" and it has me suspicious.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hadriel View Post
    The TP bonus was reported by one person who provided no data whatsoever to prove it. At this point I'm very skeptical, it would be nice... but I think everyone wanted it to be true so they just ran with it.
    I like shiny math as much as the next guy, but the math comparing unshomaru to hagun was a little premature and has caused people to go zomgtpbonus even more.
    The TP might simply scale by +10% per person in the party. The best way to figure it out is by taking a weaponskill that has a very large boost between 100 and 200% tp, something like Full Swing due to the fact that 100% is 1.0 and 200% is 3.0 ftp. Therefore in a party of 6, if it indeed is +50% TP, Full Swing would have an ftp of 2.0 at 100%. That damage can be easily seen vs another staff with the same base damage at 100%.

    Quote Originally Posted by Onorgul View Post
    Does anyone know what the hell the word "lyft" means or refers to? SE tends to be kinda clever about finding really obscure words that hint at the nature of what they're naming (e.g., calling the White Mage stances "afflatus," which roughly means "divine inspiration"). I know I'm sort of flailing wildly with this, but I cannot find an origin for the word "lyft" and it has me suspicious.

    Old English. Lyft means atmosphere, air, or sky. I can see a bunch of jokes coming about the name of the weapons and Tu'Lia.

  7. #127
    That SpellCast Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onorgul View Post
    Does anyone know what the hell the word "lyft" means or refers to? SE tends to be kinda clever about finding really obscure words that hint at the nature of what they're naming (e.g., calling the White Mage stances "afflatus," which roughly means "divine inspiration"). I know I'm sort of flailing wildly with this, but I cannot find an origin for the word "lyft" and it has me suspicious.
    Online Etymology Dictionary - "left"

    c.1200, from Kentish form of O.E. lyft- "weak, foolish"...

    also possibly meaning something like "air" or "sky": Online Etymology Dictionary - "loft"

  8. #128
    Fake Numbers
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    1) average values
    2) Worms in Ronfaure(Sneak attacked)
    3) Would have to check exact numbers again but str was +58
    4) Yes and was pretty hard to get it to exact 100 always

    6) is probably due to the small sample but peoples are too busy to spend time standing around it seems

  9. #129
    D. Ring
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    a Lift (Lyft) is a machine that takes people up and down on floors

    made that as simple as i could

    to lift is to move upwards (the term for Air and sky comes into mind)

    SE killing all Language's since 2002 '-')b

  10. #130
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    That's cute and all, Odin's Law, but I'm willing to bet that the "y" in "Lyft" is actually a yogh and that the name is a reference to something other than an bleeding elevator.

  11. #131
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    Definitely no TP bonus when solo. Idk who is going to be able to get 5 people to stand in pt with them in ronfaure for enough time to kill enough bunnies for tests though.

  12. #132
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    Shouldnt be that hard, they can just be put on follow (presuming its a distance and not just "in area") while theyre afk.

  13. #133
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    my dreams have been crushed...

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pergo View Post
    my dreams have been crushed...
    Hold on a sec. If lyft weapons cant be synergized then what was SE implying with the pic of the DRK wearing lyft Gsword. AF? It would be slightly entertaining if i could upgrade af+1 like that.

  15. #135

    Sweaty Dick Punching Enthusiast

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    Could be that nothing high level can be etched yet since the cap is 50 and is getting raised to 100 later on.

  16. #136
    the whitest knight u' know
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khajit View Post
    Hold on a sec. If lyft weapons cant be synergized then what was SE implying with the pic of the DRK wearing lyft Gsword. AF? It would be slightly entertaining if i could upgrade af+1 like that.
    Since when were the lyft weapons white/blue?

  17. #137
    D. Ring
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    Bah i coulda sworn they were said to be those ones before. That and the fomor weapons didn't look like aern ones.

  18. #138
    the whitest knight u' know
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    I think the fomor NMs wield the "aern-looking" weapons but only drop a shitty, bland, dull version of the same weapon... insinuating you can upgrade it into the sweet looking ones. How is still a mystery.

  19. #139
    D. Ring
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khajit View Post
    Bah i coulda sworn they were said to be those ones before. That and the fomor weapons didn't look like aern ones.
    Lyft aren't the one's the fomor's drop

    the one's the fomor's dro look like the "broken" version of the aern one's

  20. #140
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    those lyft weapons do upgrade there was a post on FFXIAH with SSs of upgraded versions. i dont remember where at this moment tho. was a group of 4. they had Great Sword Lance sword and another one.

    Edit: Found the SSs

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