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  1. #1

    Installing ff14 in 2 computers

    Hello Bg,

    I was wondering if it's possible to install ff14 in 2 computers using one disk. The reason I asked is I saw from amazon that it says that if the registration code was already used you cant install it in the another computer anymore. The reason is I want to install one at home and at work.

    Thank you in advance ^.^

  2. #2

    The reason I'm asking is because I haven't gotten the copy and I would like to know if i should just dl the client while i wait patiently for the box.

  3. #3
    CoP Dynamis
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    BG Level

    I am not certain about the legalities, but essentially, yes, the client can be installed on as many computers as you want. I actually just copied the files manually rather than re-install and re-update. To me, you're paying for the account.

  4. #4

    The registration code is tied to your account, not your computer. For all intents and purposes you're paying for the code when you buy the game, it doesn't matter how many PCs you install the actual game on or if the install was even from your disk (ie. you can play on your account on someone else's PC that has their own copy of XIV).

    edit: and as an aside it just goes to show how pointless it is to release MMOs as boxed games, so much money could be saved on manufacturing and distribution if you just bought the reg. code(s) online and downloaded the client/game.

  5. #5
    Smells like Onions
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    May 2014
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    Any ideas of how to get around the registration code screen. If my old pc is unavailable to move the files over, how do I set up my client if it wants the registration code. When I input it in, it says it is in use. Which it is, on the old machine. any thoughts?

  6. #6
    Relic Shield
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    I had recently installed xiv on a new laptop and I want to say there should be an option to say you have a square enix ID, login through that and it'll download the game for you. Didn't get any prompt to put in codes. Unless you have a new set then I'm not sure, seems like it would ask on the download client