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  1. #1

    Annoying computer "lag" when running FFXIV and certain other programs

    Hey all. I've been having this constant issue with FFXIV that i can't seem to solve. I normally can play FFXIV on high settings without any issues to the game, no lag or stuttering except maybe several seconds when first entering uldah and a bazillion models are loading, or when the servers themselves are freaking out for everyone.

    But when i have firefox open, sometimes i seem to have weird stuttering issues with my mouse while browsing the web, and there's momentary hitches sometimes. It seems worst when firefox is in fullscreen mode, especially if i'm near an aetherite, but it happens to some extent regardless. It also gets dramatically worse sometimes when i open other programs, such as paint or minecraft. sometimes kindle seems to set it off too. the lag stays until i set my active window back to FFXIV, then comes back instantly when i change it out, making it nigh impossible to do much other than browse the web, and even that's pretty annoying.

    I'm wondering if its something to do with java, since i hear firefox uses it, and i know minecraft does. It just seems odd for me to be stuttering so much when my computer is easily able to handle multiple programs otherwise. Is there something i can do to stop the madness? >.<

    some computer information:

    Windows 7 home edition 64 bit
    Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU 950 @3.07GHz
    Memory: 6.00 GB
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (3835 MB total available graphics memory)
    Hard drive: Standard boring hard drive, 600 GB, no money for a good SSD yet. ;;

  2. #2
    D. Ring
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    Oh shit, son! Final Fantasy 16! You might have lag because you're in the fuuuuuture.

    In all seriousness though, the problem is likely the processor priority for FFXIV. When FFXIV is not the active window, it is given low processor priority, and lord knows it needs all the friggin' processor it can get. I can't tell you how to fix that (though I'm sure someone probably can), but that's likely the reason why.

    Edit: Oh wait, you're talking about lag in Firefox (or anything else) while FFXIV is in the background. Dang, I dunno what the deal is with that. It doesn't happen to me. Disregard me!

  3. #3
    D. Ring
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    Dang it, this is why I shouldn't read BG before I go to work. This made me forget my lunch, and now I'm back because my lunch had fish in it and there's no way in hell I'm leaving that on the counter at home all day.

    Anyway. I might have come up with a solution. This is just a guess, but you might need to turn on (off? Whatever it's not on right now) the Hardware Mouse Cursor.

    Offline Config Tool > General > Graphics tab > Enable hardware mouse cursor

    Just change that to whatever it isn't right now. I'm not going to make any guarantees, but it's possible that FFXIV has its hands all over the mouse hook and its slowing the mouse down with all of its diabolical plans.

    That may not work at all. Just an idea /shrug

  4. #4
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    Are you using any sort of flash based sites in firefox when this happens?

  5. #5

    Only one that might be flash based atm is rgonots-sylph.net, but as far as i know the flash objects are blocked by noscript due to them being ads i think. It's not just firefox though, i've closed it before and it didn't solve the issue until i closed literally everything but FFXIV, including kindle, paint, minecraft, windows media player,etc.

    I'll try the mouse hardware thing and see if that works though. It's just frustrating not being able to multitask on my computer well when it should easily be able to handle, say, FFXIV and minecraft at the same time. Instead minecraft becomes a stuttering hell that normally i never see in that game unless i have about 3000 item entities up on screen or something. (or a chicken pool with 200+ chickens or something.)

    And whoops at thread title, i tend to type too fast for my own good sometimes. lol

    ::Edit:: tried disabling enable mouse hardware thingie, no improvement. I've noticed that fullscreen firefox tends to fuck it up and lag like crazy, or pretty much fullscreen anything. but if i window them so that at least part of the FFXIV screen is showing... the lag goes away, or at least drastically goes down. I'm not sure why that is.

    ::edit 2:: ok yeah, i just tried playing minecraft in windowed mode instead of making take up the entire screen... and the lag it's showing is quite bearable, only a minor hiccup once in a while. So it seems to be something about FFXIV not playing nice with any other screens covering it up completely?

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