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  1. #1
    Formerly BGTemp // TERA Fan
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    Feb 2009
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    FFXI Server


    Deep beneath the Veritas District, a series of aqueducts supply water to the western deserts of the world of TERA. Ordinarily maintained by automatons, the Channelworks has been invaded by a violent cyclops, and the automatons are powerless to stop it.

    This instance is made for a party of three. The makeup of the group can be anything, but the fastest runs will be with 3 DD. The entrance is located in Bastion but frankly this is probably the best dungeon to instance match for because it's so simple and easy that only a complete moron could mess this up. In fact, I am sure this can be duoed and possibly soloed- though the last boss would take forever.

    Anyway, the first boss is a large Sentry and does very minimal AOE damage as its only attack. The main thing to look out for here is its trap mode. At 75%, 50% and 25% it will raise up walls and summon a creature that will do massage damage to anyone stuck within the confines of the walls. I think this blast can be dodged with a warrior or slayer roll, and I've tried to block it with my berserker but I can't remember if that worked. This is really the only way anyone can die during this boss fight. The tricky part about the trap (if you want to call it that) is that the walls raise up from one direction for the first two traps and then a different direction for the final one. It probably took me half a dozen runs of always getting stuck in that last trap before I finally voiced my frustration and someone mentioned this to me >.>; Also, as with all stages in this dungeon, an automaton will spawn in and assist you in some way (heal you, buff you, fight with you etc) after each trap mode.

    The next battle is a pretty straight forward BAM fight with a familiar BAM model. Kill the large eggs when they spawn so they will pop out blue/red orbs to help during the battle. If you don't destroy it in time a baby will hatch and you have to kill or kite it. The BAM will also "spread parasites" an attack which gives an on screen warning. I am not 100% sure of the mechanics on this, but if anyone gets hit by it (aka status effect) then little minions spawn in and attack. These things are annoying as hell and have a high knock over rate it seems. Other than that, this is also really easy. An automaton will pop in now and then to assist you.

    The real doozy of this dungeon is the boss- a huge giant/cyclops. To start off the fight you need to free the lancer automaton who will attack the boss and help you through the fight. Do not consider this a free tank, as this thing has like zero hate generation and is more annoying than anything imo. At least it's something else for the boss to attack. After a few minutes 2 more automaton statues will appear- one a slayer and one a priest. Depending on your group setup, you can pick which you think will be more beneficial (you can only free one). This way, if you have a mystic or priest in your party, you can choose the slayer, or if you have no healers, you can pick the priest. You can also be hardcore as a party of DDs and choose the slayer- which I've done a few times, but it can get messy near the end. Having the priest automaton allows you to just go to down on damage.

    This boss is all over the place so it's difficult to stay directly behind him. His normal moves aren't that bad, but he has a breath attack that causes a lot of damage (esp when he is in enraged- which he will be once he reaches 30%) and an AOE stun, but this is easy to dodge or block. The main obstacle is he has a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of HP. O.M.G. Most of the video is just us wailing away at this guy. Hence why I think 3 DDers are the better setup for this, but I've done many other combos. I don't think instance matching will set you up with more than 1 healer or tank though. After the boss dies, it's henchman will come out and group stun everyone, then taunt them. After the stun wears off you can attack and kill him, which causes him to drop the loot. I 'think' he actually tries to walk out of the room, but I've never seen anyone let him get more than a few steps. To be safe, kill him asap.

    Rewards from this are a zenith chest, T14 fodder and a low % change of zenith jewelry (which I haven't seen drop in forever now, but that's neither here nor there)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    BG Level
    FFXI Server

    First boss I stand on one of the diagonal medallions to dps. Only need to take a step back to avoid any of walls. If you do get caught, it shoots three lasers like queen. Can stand in between them though, only takes half my health on sorc if you totally eat it.

    Last boss and npcs suck. Cyclops does this four point dash move all the time that's just big fuck you as it's not worth it to do anything else besides wait. Picking the dps choice doesn't seem to speed up the fight as it spends half the time pointing with it's sword on it's shoulder, but you have to dodge moves and use pots. Takes 15 to 20 mins to solo everything on my sorc.