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  1. #1
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    Pandemonium, Morgan Webb Causes Vomiting. Media Blitz Ensues

    Destructoid, it seems, has picked up on the 18 hour pandemonium attempt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Destructoid: Joseph -Orcist- Leray
    A few months ago, 1up ran a story detailing a Square Enix-produced strategy for Final Fantasy XI's toughest boss, the ridiculously-titled Absolute Virtue. More recently, at the Premier Site Summit event in late July, Sage Sundi, the Global Online Producer and Lead Game Master for Final Fantasy XI, claimed that the Absolute Virtue battle takes about 18 hours.

    Yeah, you read that right. There's a boss in Final Fantasy XI that takes 18 hours. This raises a few questions, the least of which is WTF. Secondly, why would anyone spend 18 hours on one boss? There's a reason I will never understand MMOs, and this is it. Nevertheless, the linkshell (like a guild or clan) Beyond the Limitation has since beaten Absolute Virtue.

    A recent update to the game, however, has brought an entirely new set of megabosses along with it. The toughest of these has an equally grandiose moniker: Pandemonium Warden. Never ones to back down from a challenge, Beyond the Limitation took it on, but had to quit after a grueling 18 hours.

    Says player Sylphet of BtL:

    People were passing out and getting physically ill. We decided to end it before we risked turning into a horrible new story about how video games ruin people’s lives.

    Sylphet also mentions that several members of the linkshell actually vomited over the course of the battle.

    With this in mind, Square-Enix' reminder that players shouldn't let Final Fantasy XI interfere with their school, work, families, or physical health -- shown at the beginning of every play session -- seems ironic at best and hypocritical at worst. Square Enix' critics are quick to accuse that these types of time-consuming challenges are simply an attempt to keep players interested and to stem the loss of players that Final Fantasy XI servers have been experiencing recently.

    [Via PetFoodAlpha]
    I'll take credit/scorn for forwarding to them
    but not their general misunderstanding of AV >.>

  2. #2
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    Really, being as this was posted in the PW thread, didn't need this one.

  3. #3

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    I think this thread is worth merit on it's own.

    The more bad publicity about this made easier, the more likely our voices will be heard in the sense that 18 hours = not acceptable.

  4. #4
    the whitest knight u' know
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    Spread the story around, after of course fixing the mistakes this journalist made about AV and such.

  5. #5
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    i'm sorry, but people actually barfed?! what were they doing, riding a roller coaster? i can see maybe wet themselves or something, but how did several members of their shell get physically ill?

    i think the author is trying to be a little dramatic, but this should be an interesting discussion

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pergo View Post
    i'm sorry, but people actually barfed?! what were they doing, riding a roller coaster? i can see maybe wet themselves or something, but how did several members of their shell get physically ill?

    i think the author is trying to be a little dramatic, but this should be an interesting discussion
    It wasn't the author who wrote that though, it was people who experienced the fight who said people were ill...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pergo View Post
    i'm sorry, but people actually barfed?! what were they doing, riding a roller coaster? i can see maybe wet themselves or something, but how did several members of their shell get physically ill?

    i think the author is trying to be a little dramatic, but this should be an interesting discussion
    it's possible they did i know if i'm sleep deprived after a couple hours of playing a video game i feel pretty sick.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furoris View Post
    I'll take credit/scorn for forwarding to them
    but not their general misunderstanding of AV >.>
    Scorn? ouch lol i would hope people didnt hate us that much

    yeah i was surprised when i saw i was getting some incoming links from destructoid. Im glad to see this is finding its way around the net i think this is really something that SE needs to know is an issue to its players.
    If you haven't already please make a comment on the pfa article hopefully the FFXI team will take note of the large response its getting

  9. #9

    Ruke teach me how to kill AV please

  10. #10
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    Spending 18hours on killing a boss is too much, I get bored of having sex after 45minutes-1hour.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pergo View Post
    i'm sorry, but people actually barfed?! what were they doing, riding a roller coaster? i can see maybe wet themselves or something, but how did several members of their shell get physically ill?
    If you go without eating for long enough, sometimes you will actually throw up. No, I realize that doesn't make sense, but it can happen. It's happened to me. Also sleep deprivation can screw with your digestive process in all sorts of ways; although I can't honestly say that it's made me throw up, I'm not surprised that it's happened to others.

  12. #12
    Yoshi P
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    I think the people from BtL said some people were sick beforehand, but the 18hr fight just added to it and made it much worse.

  13. #13
    Yoshi P
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    I have absolutely no doubt that sitting in the same place for nearly 18 hours with few breaks and very poor nutrition (because you can't eat a decent meal mid-fight) could make you throw up.

  14. #14
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    well.. good job on forwarding it from PFA to another site.. i guess the more attention the better. SE needs to know 18hours for a HNM, secret gimmick or no, is total BS..

    I'm also glad that Apathy has started on PW too altho they encountered the glitch...
    seems like PW is getting the attention that SE wanted it to.. its up there with AV, after all lol.

  15. #15

    Quote Originally Posted by Pergo View Post
    i'm sorry, but people actually barfed?! what were they doing, riding a roller coaster? i can see maybe wet themselves or something, but how did several members of their shell get physically ill?

    i think the author is trying to be a little dramatic, but this should be an interesting discussion

    Staring at most old TV's (re: non-HD) will get you quite ill if you sat down in front of them for 18 hours straight. Hell, on my HDTV I'll start to get a dull headache after abour 2.5-3 hours. Your eyes can only take so much before they start getting strained, and the pain slowly leads to nausea after a while.

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    Even in the old 25-26 hour AV fight LB did back in the day, they really took like 12ish hours off and rotated 2 players to hynmus sac it for holding. Still crazy, but at least people had breaks. 18 hours straight up fighting by an entire LS is beyond crazy.

  17. #17

    This reminds me of playing telephone in like kindergarten. <.<

    Before the truth gets stretched anymore, and CNN starts publishing articles on BtL's 48 hour-long fight where 15 people died and 11 were in critical condition after attempting to down an NM that took to 5,278 different forms before summoning God himself to fight beside it a split second before death... Here is the straight fact:

    The fight did in fact last 18 hours, but people were not sick beforehand. No one mentioned feeling any kind of sickness until after we realized we'd have to give up, although many were reaching breaking points and starting to get exhausted. I think it goes without saying that the adrenaline of getting to the end of the fight was covering up what people's bodies were trying to tell them.

    In the final boss fight we find out we in fact were no where near the end of the fight, when we thought we were (this is when PW astrals, wipes everyone, and resummons lamps at 75%). As a result of finding that out, for the first time in the fight the morale starts to fall and our adrenaline/motivation disappears. Suddenly we're hit in the face with a brick, and everyone starts to feel the effects of what the last 18 hours of this fight has done to their mental and physical health. But no one really says anything or gives up, or even recommends it.

    People react differently to the disappointment. Some fall asleep/pass-out, some get angry, some get sick, some puke, some express extreme disgust in FF and log shortly after.

    A very brief time line would look like this:
    - Fight starts.
    - ~10 hours in we've killed 16 forms and think that the final form is next, but Hydra pops. Morale sinks, but we push further.
    - Morale starts to recover as we succeed, and people get anxious.
    - Some people start to get tired/frustrated with the duration of the fight, but nothing major.
    - Final form is reached, people are ecstatic and ready to end this BS fight.
    - Lamps are killed after about an hour or so, and we start damage on PW.
    - People are now getting really tired, but still anxious and excited enough to go further.
    - About 30 minutes later, PW is 75%, and wipes everyone + resummons lamps.
    - People are speechless, adrenaline wears off, people are hit in the face with a brick, many get sick feelings, morale is rock bottom, but no one expresses wanting to give up yet (although most do).
    - Some members later spoke of vomiting shortly after this time.
    - We recover over the next 10-15m, try to start over, but only able to kill 1 lamp before PW wipes us all again.
    - We all agree it's best to give up, and call it a night.
    - Post on BG.
    - The huge amounts of physical and mental stress catches up with many members in the minutes/hours that follow, resulting in illness, vomiting, sick, etc.

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    I've always been a big fan of long fights. Wish kings and other HNMs were revamped to be longer but most of all an actual challenge, readjusted in comparison to today's equipment and merit improvements.

    However, 18 hours is just ridiculous. No reason why any HNM should take even half as long to down. SE's just giving the playerbase the runaround with both AV and PW.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mega View Post
    SE's just giving the playerbase the runaround with both AV and PW.
    This QFT SE needs to quit fucking us around.

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    I strongly doubt at this point they ever intend for either of them to be defeated.

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